I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 263 Bloody Battle on Buzhou Mountain!

Chapter 263 Bloody Battle on Buzhou Mountain!

The boundary, Longevity Hill.

The flames burned the sky, and howls were everywhere.

Strips of golden light turned into a cage, besieging the entire magnificent Wuzhuang temple, and countless immortals and demons howling in it.

Two towering trees rose from the ground and were supported by Yang Gang and Shi Huang on their shoulders.

The two brothers walked out of Wuzhuang Temple slowly, letting the flames of flames rage behind them, burning the bodies of immortals and monsters.

The tragic scene is like Senluo Hell.

"Let us out, let us go!"


"Yang Jian, I know I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Please, let us go!"

A group of immortals and demons begged bitterly.


Yang Gang and Shi Huang didn't even look back as if they didn't hear it.

These immortals and monsters all have a way of death!


"Hate! Hate! I hate it so much!"

"Yang Jian, what's the difference between you killing me like this, and the ginseng fruit tree absorbing the blood and bones of all spirits to grow? You should die, and you should die too!"

"Yang Jian, you must die!"

"I curse you! I curse you to never be reincarnated! Fall into reincarnation forever, fall into reincarnation forever!"

The curses of resentment, like the Nine Nether Demonic Thoughts, permeated the Wuzhuang Temple.

Immortals and monsters who could have lived for thousands or thousands of years were burned to death by groups of inextinguishable fires, and fell into reincarnation in the most miserable way.

They regret. They hate.

When they get the ginseng fruit, they can enjoy immortal blessings forever, and live as long as the sky.


The Erlang God Yang Jian not only wanted to kill them, but also trapped them in the Wuzhuang Temple and burned them to death slowly little by little.


What makes him qualified to punish us?Why!
Unfortunately, no matter how unwilling, no matter how resentful.

The only thing waiting for them is death.

This time a catastrophe.

All the participants in the Ten Thousand Immortals Festival were about to perish, and only a few innocent people involved escaped.

The Wuzhuang Temple gradually faded away.

Yang Gang and Shi Huang carried the ginseng fruit tree and started refining at the same time.

The ginseng fruit dolls on the towering tree were shaken off the ground one after another and merged into the soil.

The ginseng fruit tree exuded bursts of illusory halos, and its torso gradually shrank, being sucked into the mouth by the two of them.

Finally, it landed on the dantian.

Transform strands of spiritual energy into the limbs and bones of the whole body, nourishing the meridians of flesh and blood.

It is different from Zhenyuanzi refining ginseng fruit trees, which is a matter of life and death.

There is an ancient barbarism everywhere in Stone Emperor's refining method. All the things in the world are for my use, taking away the good fortune of the world and absorbing the spirit of all things.

But Yang Gang feels good.

The ginseng fruit tree that has absorbed the flesh and blood of all spirits has gradually embarked on an evil path.

Ruined is better.

When the ginseng fruit tree entered his body, he only felt a steady flow of green wood energy, and the power in his body instantly increased by [-]%.

When this innate spiritual plant is completely refined, the Nine Tribulations Sanctification Body will definitely be improved to a higher level.

"Brother, your body and mine are originally made of earth and stone. The origin of life is also grown from the earth. Now refining the spiritual plants of heaven and earth, and obtaining the energy of green wood, your and my physical bodies will have more changes and infinite heritage!"

Stone Emperor said on the side:
"If you can realize the transformation of water and fire again in the future, the power will flow endlessly, and the four images will produce gold, then you can take the last step of enlightenment in the physical body!"

"Thank you, brother, for your advice!"

Yang Gang turned around and saluted solemnly.

"You and my brother, why are you being polite? If I don't have your power today, I can't do anything to lose the ancestor of the Earth Immortal!" Shihuang laughed.Then the voice changed, and he asked: "Brother Wu Guan looks worried from time to time, do you have something on your mind?"


Yang Gang sighed and looked into the distance.

According to Mingjie Changhe's reminder, the catastrophe has been completely opened.

The Yaozu rebelled and killed Buzhou Mountain.

The fire and water dispute between Zhu Qinglong and the Red Lotus underlord caused boundless disasters.

Haotian took the opportunity to fall from the list of gods, walking from behind the scenes to the front of the stage for the rare first time.

The original dispute between the three religions has become Haotian leading the heavenly court to unite the three religions and confront Ren Huang Zhengtong head-on.

There are too many, too many things ahead, waiting for him to do.

"The Haotian God, who planned for eternity, is finally forced to come to the fore. This is a good thing. But... since he is putting all his eggs in one basket, I really don't have the confidence to win this eternal catastrophe."

Yang Gang sighed quietly.

"What are you afraid of?"

Although Shi Huang didn't quite understand what he heard, he still didn't care and said: "If the sky collapses, there will be a tall man to support it. This world belongs to the Human Emperor. If Haotian wants to make a move, the Human Emperor will support it..."

"Human Emperor..."

Yang Gang smiled wryly.

I really want to say, Brother Hou, how would you know that the Human Sovereign has already broken the boat and entrusted me with the burden of this world?
Lost the emperor as a support.

Haotian's lineup is simply desperate!
It's a pity to say this.

He is destined to be unable to speak out to anyone, and can only suffer silently by himself.

Carrying the burden of the Three Realms alone, one can imagine the pressure on Yang Gang at this time.

In the dark.

A thought came from the void.

That is the summons belonging to Zai Chaoge'Di Xin'Human Emperor's doppelganger.

'The earth is in chaos, and the end of the catastrophe begins.Haotian is desperate, return quickly! '

"Brother Stone Emperor."

Yang Gang turned around suddenly and looked at Emperor Shi solemnly.

"What's the matter?"

Shi Huang's expression turned serious, and he had a premonition that something big was going to happen.

"I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Yang Gang said seriously.

"Okay, you say."

Stone Emperor agreed without any hesitation.

"Human Emperor sent a message. The three religions of Immortal Dao disturbed all living beings. The monster clan rebelled. The army has already attacked Buzhou Mountain. The army of the Heavenly Court suppressed the situation, and the emperors of the four directions lost contact one after another. The danger is imminent, and I am alone. I have no skills."

"So, I want you to help me find someone."

Yang Gang's expression was very solemn, and he said slowly: "Look for the only lifeline in this catastrophe."

"it is good."

Shi Huang looked at Yang Gang's expression and felt the seriousness of the matter.

He had always trusted the wisdom of his brother, and he agreed directly.

"Who do you want me to find?"

"Looking for..." Yang Gang waved his hand, beckoning Emperor Shi to come over, and whispered a name.

"Looking for him?"

Shi Huang blinked his eyes, looking surprised and puzzled.

"Yes, it's him."

Yang Gang nodded, "At this time, he is the only one who will help us!"

He looked at the cloudy and cloudy sky in the distance, showing a complicated expression.

Shortly after.

Yang Gang parted ways with Emperor Shi.

Speeding up to Buzhou Mountain alone.

boom boom boom

Ping pong pong
The sound of shouting and killing all over the sky shook Buzhou Mountain.

This ancient sacred mountain suffered another war, and it felt like it was crumbling in the wind and rain.

At a glance.

Thousands of demons crazily besieged Buzhou Mountain, as if all demons from the entire demon realm were coming.

The army brought by Yang Gang is retreating steadily, with heavy casualties.

There was even an army that broke out from within the army, tearing apart the camp of the Emperor's army.

The Emperor's army was about to collapse in an instant.

"Huang Tianhua, you rebellious son! Rebellious son!! You... how dare you rebel!" A mournful roar spread throughout Buzhou Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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