I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 264 9 Youmo God, 2 Ancestor Wu

Chapter 264 Nine Nether Demon Gods, Twelve Ancestral Witches

The general who led the rebel army to tear apart the Emperor's army was Huang Tianhua, the eldest son of Wucheng King Huang Feihu.

"Nizi! The Emperor's kindness to my Huang family is as great as a mountain. How dare you treat me as a relative, how can you do this!" Huang Feihu looked at his son, his eyes were about to crack, and he almost gritted his teeth.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Father, it's not my fault!"

Huang Tianhua turned around to look at his father, and said with a sneer, "Man dies for money, and birds die for food. Da Zhou has shown his sharpness, won the support of the heavens and the three religions, and the decline of humanity has been revealed. We need to choose a master early on! Blame, blame you for sending me to Yuxu to seek Taoism!"

"I'm Huang Tianhua. I'm originally a disciple of Chanjiao!"

He only mentions his disciples who explain education, but he doesn't mention that he is the son of Huang Feihu and a subject of the Emperor Ren.

Yang Gang's successor, Emperor Xin Rende, changed the fate of many people in Shanhai.

But in the end, Huang Tianhua didn't change his mind of defecting.

It can't change Ji Chang and Ji Fa's father and son's idea of ​​changing the world, can't change the general trend of the world, and the ups and downs of luck.


Huang Feihu raised his head to the sky and screamed angrily, two lines of blood and tears rolled down his face, "Chanjiao. Damn it! Huang Tianhua... You deserve to die too! I am sorry for His Majesty the Emperor, I am sorry for humanity!"

Huang Tianhu suddenly held his long spear, one person and one rider broke through the siege, received thirteen knives and was covered in blood, he vowed to kill the rebellious son himself.

A pair of bright silver hammers received Huang Feihu's sure-kill shot.


Huang Tianhua tried to persuade him with good intentions: "Humanity is over, you might as well rebel against Chaoge with me! As long as you promise, you and my father and son will have the immortality of the gods and generals in the heavens at your fingertips! When the time comes, our father and son will join hands and climb up together!" My God, I will surely live for thousands of years!"

"Nie Zi, go to hell!"

Huang Feihu clenched his spear tightly, feeling unbearably angry.

However, after all, he was seriously injured and fell into siege, gradually invincible.

"Father, your power is over today, why do you force my father and son to fight each other..."

"Who said we're done for?"

Just then.

A ray of golden light flew from the sky, and the clear voice spread throughout Buzhou Mountain.

Countless people's hearts were shaken, and they raised their heads subconsciously.

I saw a god of war with silver armor around him, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, wearing the brilliance of stars, coming.

this moment.

All the creatures on Buzhou Mountain were shocked.

"It's Erlang God Yang Jian!"

"Boss! The coach is back!"

a time.

The momentum of the Human Emperor's army surged, and they put up a fierce resistance.

But the besieging monsters and the rebels who followed Huang Tianhua's rebellion lost their positions and panicked.

Yang Gang today.

With fierce battles, an invincible majesty has been established in the hearts of all beings.

Just one name alone is enough to make people shudder.

Under this situation.

The Human Emperor's army, which was originally huddled in defense, sounded the horn of counterattack.

The tragic trumpet sounded.

It expresses the determination to fight to the death.

The Emperor's army split into five in an instant, one army suppressed the center, and the fourth army flanked the four wings, launching a frenzied counterattack.

Everyone's eyes were red, their expressions were agitated, and they exuded an aura of death.Even if they die together, even if they are severely injured and exhausted, they must use their last ounce of strength to bite off a piece of flesh from the enemy in front of them.

Everyone seems to have found a backbone.

This is the charm of the commander in chief.

This is why Yang Gang has represented the emperor in all directions for many years, and his illustrious military exploits have instilled the invincible belief in the hearts of the soldiers.

"All the soldiers under the Emperor's command obey orders."

Seeing this, Yang Gang's eyes were slightly moist.

Suddenly, he shouted an order.


Countless shouts full of passion resounded across the battlefield.

"Today... I'll take you home!" Yang Gang didn't give any orders.

It means that this army without Yang Gang's command has done its best!
This is an invincible army who has followed him for many years and established the belief in victory.

It also means that he knows that today's battle must be extremely difficult.Yaozu has made all preparations, intending to keep the [-] elite army and keep him Yang Gang.

Ginseng fruit, one hundred thousand troops.
Longevity Mountain was a cage of robbery set up for him, and it was the same for Buzhou Mountain.It's all about the things he cares about.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

A passionate roar resounded through Buzhou Shenshan.

For the first time, the army of monsters knew how much difference there was between the army of the emperor with Erlang God Yang Jian and the army of the emperor without Yang Jian!

He just stood there and did nothing.

The strength of the 10 imperial army has undergone earth-shaking changes.

They are not afraid of injury, not afraid of death, fighting endlessly with blood all over their bodies, and the unyielding will in their hearts is completely stimulated!
Boom boom boom! ! !
Yang Gang rushed into the battle formation, turning his sword into a mountain and sea, presenting a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.The sun burned the sky with a single blow, turning the earth into scorched earth, and countless corpses scattered in it, like a sea of ​​fire and purgatory.

The tables turned.

The human emperor's army fought back bravely, but when the demon army lost its fighting spirit, it appeared as a mob.

After all, these creatures of the land are not trained elite like the Human Emperor's army, they rely on the tactics of the monster sea to suppress each other.

Now that the situation is reversed, a trace of defeat is directly revealed.

But for a moment.

The Buzhou Divine Mountain, which was left over from ancient times and experienced countless catastrophes, was filled with blood, and the terrifying resentment seemed to rush straight into the sky, rushing into the Nantian Gate of Tiantian Realm.

Three days ago.

Here was once a myriad of celestial lights and layers of auspicious auspiciousness. Thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals from the heavenly courts passed over the heads of the emperor's army and entered the hinterland of the human race.

And now.

But it's like a sea of ​​blood purgatory...

Streams of blood gathered to form rivers, and corpses were covered with rocks.

Yet fighting so far.

The supreme being of the land—Eastern Emperor Taiyi, never appeared.

a moment.

Yang Gang suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

Looked up.

Discovering the boundless bloody atmosphere, it seems to have formed a large blood formation, forming a ring around the city for hundreds of millions of miles.

"Is this your purpose? Sacrifice life and flesh... Old friends from the Nine Nether Survivors are here today!" Yang Gang looked at the sky and smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of evil and tyrannical laughter came from the distant sky.

There was a burst of drumming.

Thousands of Jiuyou demons stepped on the black clouds, with ferocious head horns, coming from Jiuyou.

"Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, it's been a long time!" The voice approached from far away, and it reached Buzhou Mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Xianshengzhenjun... It's been a name for a long time. It really is an old friend!" Yang Gang raised his head, his forehead flickered, and looked directly at a huge gray-skinned demon god in the sky.

A gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Compared with the Jiuyou clan back then, the Jiuyou clan who opened up the Jiuyou realm and escaped into the land of reincarnation to survive their last days has simply changed their appearance.

"who are you?"

Yang Gang asked curiously.

"You don't recognize me?"

The demon god bent down, looked at Yang Gang on the ground, and said proudly: "I am Xuanming, and now I am the leader of the Nine Nether Twelve Witch Ancestors."

"Xuan Ming?"

Yang Gang came to a sudden: "So you are one of the 81 unknown brothers of the demon lord Chiman back then? No wonder I don't recognize you..."


Xuan Ming was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and instantly flew into a rage.

"I have practiced in Jiuyou for many years, and now I am no longer what I used to be. I have become the ancestor of Wu! Yang Jian, I must behead you today to avenge Brother Xingtian!"

"Only by... you?"

Yang Gang looked at the sky with a look of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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