I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 267 The No. 3 God of War in the Three Worlds——Yang Jian!

Chapter 267 The Number One God of War in the Three Realms——Yang Jian!

A more magnificent battle than the Buzhou Mountain War is in full swing.Here gathered mountains and seas for tens of thousands of years, ancient gods, immortal Buddhas, demons, gods and true kings cultivated by generations of emperors.

Countless new generations of the three religions have attained Taoism and immortality, heavenly soldiers and generals gathered in the heavens, and immortal families from all walks of life.

And the ones taking the lead at the moment are naturally the monks of the Three Religions who were coerced by Haotian and had to be involved in this catastrophe.

At this moment.

The immortal light in the sky turned into a huge formation, forming a formation of ten thousand immortals.

Different from the other world, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation in this world is set up together by the three religions.

Taoist Tongtian descended to Zhuxian Sword Formation and gathered all the immortals in the sect to form the foundation of the formation.

Taiqing Daode Tianzun laid Taiji, Liangyi, Sixiang, and Bagua in it to form a large array of Vientiane.

The twelve disciples of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, known as the "Twelve Golden Immortals", are distributed in twelve important directions.

This is a real grand formation of ten thousand immortals, a formation that makes people feel hopeless.

There are countless great gods with famous names and surnames under the emperor's command, and there are groups of auspicious beasts in ancient times. They are helpless with this formation. Grand Master Wen Zhong even almost falls into the formation and dies in Huangquan.

Everyone in Chaoge showed despair.

For some reason, Renhuang has been sitting in the palace since the beginning of the war, and has not spoken for ten days.

I don't know if it is a secret battle with the Haotian God, or what is the plan.

And what is even more desperate.

Behind the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals, there is also an army of famous soldiers who call themselves 'Da Zhou'. Over the years, Haotian has recruited many immortals to join the Heavenly Court. The Yaozu also dispatched an army of 30 elite demons to help.


The monster clan in the realm put all their strength into it, not only besieged the [-] troops under Yang Gang's command in Buzhou Mountain, but also sent some elites to Chaoge to help Haotian.


The isolated and helpless Yang Gang's army, this time there is really no one left except himself.

This is an unprecedented catastrophe.

In ancient and modern times, only Haotian, who has painstakingly arranged for tens of thousands of years, can move out such a lineup.

Even though the emperor's mighty virtues are great and the world is united, so that the princes and gods of one side come to help, and barely gather an army of one million, it is still somewhat unsustainable.

And all of this is because the dragons have no leader.

Everyone began to look forward to it.

Looking forward to the emperor coming out of the mountain.

Looking forward to the return of the God of War who has led the Emperor's army in all these years invincible and invincible.

Opposite the patriarch of the Three Religions.

Facing such a luxurious lineup with Haotian sitting behind him.

Everyone lost their confidence.

We can only look forward to the appearance of the Emperor, and hope that the "Erlang God" will return early.

Lead them to organize a counterattack!

But now, under the order of Grand Master Wen Zhong, they can only stay in Chaoge City to preserve their strength, but they are also completely humiliated.

War No. 13 days.

The entire city of Chaoge was filled with smoke, and it was a scene of dire straits.

No one buried the loyal bones of the soldiers, and they piled up layers of bones in front of the city gate.

The demons were extremely excited and frantically devoured their flesh and blood.

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty looked excited, as if victory was just around the corner.It seems that the opportunity to make contributions, achieve supreme immortality, and be included in the immortal class to enjoy immortal blessings is at hand!

The horn of the general offensive has yet to sound.

It seems that the top executives of both sides are waiting, waiting for a person who will decide the outcome.

Erlang God - Yang Jian.

If he falls in Buzhou Mountain.

There is no hindrance to the progress of the heavenly court.

If he appeared in Chaoge, there would be countless changes.

And Emperor Xin...

His strange attitude was also an important reason why the heavenly army stopped.

All the troops came to bully him, and Haotian just had to stand on his head and shit.

With Emperor Xin's brilliance and martial arts surpassing the enterprising spirit of previous emperors, why did he keep silent for so long?

Not even a face was ever shown.

Are you confident?
Or are you planning an unprecedented event?
After all, this is a human emperor.

Not only many gods and gods are suspicious, but even Haotian who hides behind is very afraid.

He is waiting.

Wait for the news of the death of 'Erlang God Yang Jian' to come.

At that time, when the army is launched, it is bound to be like a broken bamboo, and it will drive straight into the palace to dispel the luck of humanity.

And the fate of humanity is gone.

The authority of heaven is not in the control of the emperor.

With Haotian's hundreds of millions of years of Taoism, it is easy to kill a Di Xin who has only practiced for a thousand years.

Three more days passed.

Wanxian still besieged Chaoge, looking for a breakthrough from all directions.

Countless soldiers fought hard to resist the enemy and defend their homeland.

A famous general in the Great Zhou Dynasty took turns inviting battles in front of Chaoge City, scolding the emperor's officers and soldiers to shame and demoralize the army.

It is finally on this day.

Haotian thought about it.

From the void, I received a message from the land that Donghuang Taiyi was "intentionally" late for a few days.

[Yang Jian got out of trouble and turned back to Chaoge.Quick attack! 】

"Eastern Emperor... hmph, unexpected, but reasonable."

Haotian sat high on the clouds, looking down at Chaoge City below, without making a sound.

Suddenly there was a light scold.


With one word from the Supreme Being, the Three Realms trembled.

A beating drum sounded like thunder, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths.

The final battle finally started.

In Chaoge City, countless people subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the Human Emperor's Hall expectantly.


The Human Sovereign they had been waiting for for a long time never appeared.

"how so……"

"Why is that so!"

"Grand Master Wen, where is His Majesty the Emperor? You go ask him, you go and ask him to help!"

All the soldiers asked for information one after another.


Wen Zhong let out a long sigh, his face showing embarrassment.

at this point.

With his wisdom, he has already anticipated the reasons for some Human Sovereign's abnormal behavior.


He dared not speak.

Once you say it, the way of heaven will collapse!
Everyone was shocked.

Looking back.

A rhinoceros covered in golden armor slammed through Chaoge's city gate.

Heaven and earth.

A famous immortal god wielded his mana and tore open gaps in Chaoge's protective formation.

"It's over!"

Wen Zhong's heart sank, and his eyes showed a trace of despair.

The Human Sovereign has stepped into reincarnation, and there is no successor.

Lose the power of the authority of heaven, this time.Who can save them.

Who can save the fate of humanity that is about to collapse?

"Boom boom boom~~!"

The passionate sound of war drums came from afar.

Eastern sky.

Pieces of auspicious clouds floated over, above which the banner of the Emperor of Humanity fluttered, and sharp spears pierced the sky. Tens of thousands of troops spread out, with stern expressions and bloody eyes looking at the besieged city surrounded by countless immortals, demons, demons, and Buddhas. Chaoge City.

This is...their home!
At this most critical moment.

Yang Gang finally arrived!
With the remaining 3 imperial elite troops.

An army of [-], facing an army of one million, is like a moth to a flame, seeing death as home.

These tiny 3 people are not really important.

The important thing is.

In the Battle of Chaoge, the million-dollar army belonging to the Emperor finally has a backbone!

Yang Gang did not appear at the most dangerous time, but at the most critical moment, the moment when Chaoge's strength was preserved most intact!
And all this.

It is also due to the wise move of Grand Master Wen Zhong, who left the last hope of victory for Yang Gang to preside over the overall situation.

"he came?"

above the cloud.

God Haotian was shocked.

"He got back... how come so fast?"

"Eastern Emperor..."

There seemed to be a gnashing of teeth in the mouth of this supreme supreme, "I still underestimated you, you really... are ruthless!"

this moment.

In the camps of both sides of the battle, countless gods raised their heads one after another.

Facing the rising sun, he looked at the God of War wearing silver armor and bathed in golden light.

Can't help but shake my heart.

Just a name, a figure.

It put a lot of pressure on them.

Let the momentum of both parties present be reversed in an instant.

He is... the number one God of War in the Three Realms, Yang Jian!
(End of this chapter)

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