I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 268 Breaking into the Immortal Formation Alone 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 268 Breaking into the Immortal Formation Alone 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Finally back!"

With just one glance, Yang Gang had a panoramic view of Chaoge's situation.

There was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

The foundation of the emperor's army is not damaged, and there is still salvation!
"Donghuang, you exhausted the strength of my elite army and let me go, just to let me fight them to the death? It's really a good plan..."

"Then—as you wish!"

"I will definitely win for you!"

Haotian is scheming, Donghuang is scheming, and Yang Gang is also scheming.

Among the mountains and seas, the three represent the three worlds of heaven, earth and man, and they are destined to be the protagonists of this catastrophe.

The patriarchs of the three religions and the venerables of Buddhism all have to stand aside.

"Stop them!"

Before waiting for Zhou Wang Jichang in the Great Zhou camp to give an order, Haotian let out a deep drink.

all of a sudden.

The wind and thunder bursts, and the fairy light and colorful clouds appear together.

About 20 heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court were divided into eight camps, besieging the [-] army led by Yang Gang from all sides.

Fighting, thunder, fire...flags of various colors fluttered.

"Is it the prototype of the eight gods?"

Yang Gang smiled coldly, with some contempt on his face.

If it is the eight parts of the later generations, he may still be a little bit afraid.

What qualifications do the current eight start-ups have to compete with the orthodox Human Emperor trained by him?

"Give you three quarters of an hour, can you do it?"

Yang Gang tilted his head slightly, with a serious expression.

"Back to the coach, 20 shrimp soldiers and crab generals, a quarter of an hour is enough!"

A god general clasped his fists in response.

Seeing that Chaoge was just ahead, the soldiers who were eager to return could no longer hold back.

After the battle of Buzhou Mountain, they have a lot of depression in their hearts, and they urgently need to vent!

"it is good!"

Yang Gang nodded solemnly.


Thirty thousand voices shouted in unison, resounding through the sky.

Got everyone's attention.


The 20 army was mobilized, and the momentum was like mountains and seas, even more violent than the [-] army of Heavenly Court!

at the same time.

Grand Master Wen Zhong in Chaoge City was also very decisive.

Immediately ordered to take the initiative to send troops out of the city to face the army of heaven.

Welcome back their coach, Yang Jian!
Humanity has lost the emperor, but if there is Yang Jian, the invincible god of war, maybe he can still be saved!
Yang Gang's impressive record in the past convinced Wen Zhong.

This number one God of War in the Three Realms has the ability to turn the tide!

Boom boom boom! ! !
The passionate drums and the desolate horns added a tragic background sound to this ancient battle.

on earth.

Millions of immortals and gods melee.

The sky is falling.
The ground is cracked.
A series of powerful celestial powers broke the sky into countless deep holes.

One by one, the strange beasts of the mountains and seas, the fierce generals of the human race, drove the earth into countless abysses and rifts, and turned the most prosperous city in the mountains and seas into ruins.

This is a real catastrophe, a catastrophe for all beings in the world.

Even if this battle is over.

The impact on the mountains, seas and land will take at least millions of years to disappear.

It will even change the environment in which Dao and aura exist, and change the practice of later generations.

In the imperial palace.

The virtuous and virtuous Empress Jiang raised her head and silently looked at the broken sky.

She is the mother of humanity.

He should have stepped forward to stop this devastating battle.

But Haotian's conspiracy made her destroy the Great Wall herself, and she was no longer able to fight anymore.

"My lady."

The little fox Daji was anxious and wanted to help Yang Gang.

But she has been restrained by Queen Jiang all the time, not daring to violate the majesty of this empress.

Do not know why.

With luck and supernatural powers in her body, she felt awe from the depths of her soul in this Jiang queen.

"You can't go."

Empress Jiang kept her eyes on the sky quietly.

It seems to have seen through her thoughts and known her real body.

"I'm not afraid of death!"

The little fox didn't find anything wrong, and said anxiously.

"It will be worse than death."

Empress Jiang said a shocking sentence very plainly.

Her cultivation has already reached an incredible level.

As soon as the little fox spoke, she saw a strong sense of disaster in him.

"My lady."

The little fox snorted a few times, wanting to explain that she was actually a little fox from Qingqiu, not the concubine of the Emperor at all.

But the fear from the depths of her soul made her dare not speak at all.

A huge gap opened in the sky.

A bright three-pronged blade, as big as a mountain, swept across.Slashed a heavenly general into the void, and sent thousands of heavenly soldiers behind him into reincarnation.

Yang Gang incarnated ten thousand feet, using the body of the law, the sky and the earth, to fight against the Quartet.

He plunged headlong into the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals.

The immortals of the Heavenly Court camp were stunned. No one thought that this 'Yang Jian' would throw himself into a trap, separate from the army, and enter the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation gathering the mighty monks of the three religions alone.

They didn't know what Yang Gang was thinking,
It is the only way to fight with Chaoge generals and break through this Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!
is the hardest.

But also the fastest shortcut!

He wants to fight a bloody way ahead of time for the [-] soldiers.

A road paved with countless bones of immortals from the Three Religions!

Go to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation to meet someone.

A person who can bring him victory, a person who still has compassion in his heart and can give a glimmer of hope to all beings in the world.

An instant.

The surroundings have changed, and Yang Gang seems to have entered a small world, filled with fairy energy and bursts of light, and a fairy weapon hides a murderous intent and kills him.

It seems that he is going to hit him off guard!

Yang Gang unleashed the strongest combat power directly, cutting all the immortal weapons into nothingness with a single blow, and burning through the void with a big sun burning sky, directly breaking through the formation in front of him.

Then fell into another formation.

Here is the gossip formation laid down by Taiqing Daode Tianzun.

There are eight Immortal Sovereign Palms in total.

Yang Gang didn't care about the fairy king or the formation, he broke through all the formations with all his strength, arbitrarily tore a hole, and fell into the next four-element formation.


The eight immortals vomited blood together, looking ashen and defeated.

Before they could react, there was another roar.

The four-element formation...is also broken!

The Eight Immortals immediately looked at each other in shock.

This Erlang God, Yang Jian, really wants to break the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation by himself with brute force?

in a blink.

Yang Gang showed his supernatural power, and the power of the first God of War in the Three Realms exploded completely, breaking through the Bagua, Sixiang, Liangyi, Taiji and other formations in succession.

Finally entered a chaotic world.


A huge furnace fell from the sky and hit Yang Gang's head.

at the same time.

A tiny metal bracelet fell silently to the back of his head.

"No time to spend with you!"

Yang Gang didn't turn his head back, he sliced ​​through the void with a single blow, cut the gossip furnace in half, and at the same time broke a hole in the chaotic formation he was in.

Since then.

Straight into it.

The metal bracelet immediately lost its target and spun in the air.

for a long time.

An old man with white beard and hair appeared in the void.

Looking at the hole in the void that has not dissipated for a long time, he showed a look of palpitations.

"It's a good thing he didn't get entangled with me! Otherwise, this thin body of the old Taoist will suffer a big crime today!"

Bang bang bang.
Yang Gang is invincible in the formation of ten thousand immortals.

Surviving ten thousand calamities with a strong physical body, any attack that falls on him is easily resolved like drizzle.

No matter what kind of moral gods you are, or the twelve golden immortals, you can break them with all your strength.

When a person's strength reaches its peak, any attack can be ignored, and the huge formation is full of weaknesses.


Yang Gang entered the core of the formation.

A large formation composed of four fairy swords exuding fierce aura.

Here is guarded by Taoist Tongtian, who has the strongest attacking power of the three religions, and he dropped the Four Swords of Immortals, and at the same time, all the immortals of the Jiejiao are among them.

It can be said.

All the power of interception is here today.

It can be described as desperate.

Regarding Tongtian Taoist's decision, many disciples of Jiejiao did not understand it, and neither did Daode and Yuanshi.

(End of this chapter)

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