I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 277 Nuwa recovers, blasphemy

Chapter 277 Nuwa recovers, blasphemy


Millions of fairy gods stagnated in place.

Looking at the two figures flying down from the nine heavens, each landed in their own camp.

"The whole army is attacking! Kill—without amnesty!" Haotian's throat surged, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But still gave the order to attack.

It was the first time in billions of years of enlightenment, and this was the first time he was injured.An uncontrollable anger ignited from his heart, which has already affected his reason.

"Yang Jian, you have lost the power of heaven, I see what you can do to fight me..."


Yang Gang, who landed on Chaoge City, couldn't restrain himself from spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The silver armor was stained with blood, and his breath surged.

This battle can be described as a lose-lose!
Now that the authority of the Heavenly Dao has collapsed, both of them have temporarily lost their ability to do anything, and can only rely on the army of immortal gods under them.

Fight, back to the beginning.

"Army formation!"

Yang Gang's voice spread everywhere.


Millions of roars responded in unison at this moment.

The gods belonging to the Human Sovereign camp looked at each other, and suddenly saw a flame of hope burning in the eyes of their companions.

Yang Gang and Haotian drew a tie.

Let them see a glimmer of hope for victory.

It seems...they won't necessarily lose if they lose the Human Sovereign!
The momentum of the Emperor's camp army suddenly rose.

Following Yang Gang's instructions one by one, the [-] elite army he brought back from Buzhou Mountain was suddenly broken into pieces and divided into millions of troops.

They originally came from all over the mountains and seas.

And the army of the Emperor's camp is also composed of princes and forces from all walks of life.

These people were drawn from all over the country and followed Yang Gang for a long time in the battlefield. They are already the elite of the battle.

In order to balance the power, Donghuang left him an army of [-].

And these [-] troops are the spark of hope!

"Today, I'll let you see what the real commanding army is!" Yang Gang stood on the city wall, leaning on the ground with a three-pointed two-edged knife, and looked coldly at the heavenly army in the distance.

this moment.

Waves of passionate momentum rose from the Emperor's camp.

The Heavenly Court army suddenly discovered that the Human Emperor's army, which was originally at a disadvantage and had been suppressed by them, suddenly 'lived'.The various fronts are interspersed and mobilized, and the front and rear flanks help each other.

The large formations are surrounded by middle formations, and the middle formations contain countless small formations.

There is a world of difference between the Emperor's army commanded by Yang Gang and the Emperor's army without Yang Gang!

And the most critical connection point between the two is the [-] elites he brought back from Buzhou Mountain.

All the immortals in the heaven were horrified.

They don't understand at all, why is this happening?

Can the existence of one person really affect the strength of millions of troops?
After all, this is a battle of immortals and gods!
"God of War...is this the God of War?"

"Yang Jian, who has been named the God of Fighting since the time of Xuanyuan Renhuang, really deserves the title of the number one God of War in the Three Realms!"

"This battle... is difficult!"

boom boom boom

The supernatural powers and celestial arts shone in the sky, smashing holes in the sky and the earth one after another.

The power composed of countless battle formations, with a single blow at will, can reverse the immortal monarch and smash a thousand-foot-high mountain into powder.

An hour later.

Under the full-strength battle that broke out on both sides, Wanli Chaoge City was almost reduced to ruins.

More than 13 fairy gods fell from the heavenly court.

The loss of Renhuang's side also reached nearly [-] people.


It was too tragic!

In the sky and on the ground, there are corpses of immortals, gods, demons, and ancient beasts floating everywhere, as well as countless fragments of magic weapons.

Such a battle can be said to be unprecedented since the existence of mountains and seas.

The determination of Yang Gang and Haotian to destroy each other is stronger than that of Tongtian Shentie!

Hit later.

The hearts of many immortals have begun to feel cold.

In the past, they used to be Daofeng Xiangu, but now everyone is covered in blood.

I don't know if I will be the next one to die, I can't see the flame of victory, and I can't see the end of this battle...

The entire Chaoge City.

It has become a huge fairy tomb, filled with countless fairy bones and blood...

Not only the lower level fairy gods who suffered heavy casualties felt chills in their hearts.

Even the high-ranking generals of both sides have their own hairy minds.

They have never seen such a tragic battle after thousands or tens of thousands of years of practice!

Go on like this.

It is almost doomed that all immortals will perish, and mountains and seas will enter an unprecedented era of doom.

Are those two noble beings trying to wipe out all the high-level people in the Three Realms?
It's a pity at this moment.

No one can shake Yang Gang and Haotian's resolve.

Many gods and gods just stood beside Yang Gang, obeyed his orders one by one, and passed them on to the battle formation of the army.Then he felt a terrible pressure, as if there were countless ghosts of gods and gods howling.

It seems that there are hundreds of millions of creatures in the mountains and seas, sending out endless resentment and curses in them.

A series of terrifying tribulation forces entangled their bodies, making Yang Gang and Haotian seem like demons stepping out of Jiuyou at this moment.

No one has the courage to propose a truce to Haotian.

And as the deputy emperor, no one dared to disobey Yang Gang's will.

An hour passed.

Three hours passed.

Soon, one day passed...

The scene of mountains and rivers withering and everything collapsing is like a hopeless picture of annihilation, deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

imprinted deep in their souls.

Until some day hereafter.

The world repeats the ancient times, the memory of the awakening of all spirits in the era of mountains and seas...

Only then did I know the words of the "mountain and sea collapse" and how tragic the process was!
A crystal tear.

It slipped quietly from a beautiful face.

In front of the Emperor's Palace.

A cold and lonely beautiful woman silently watched the scene of the land collapsing.

The aura of forgetting the world of mortals on her body quickly diminished, and her demeanor gradually became gentle and kind.

The power of forgetting dust is close to Dacheng.

At this moment, it gradually transformed into a 'divine power' that encompasses all things.

A power that can only be possessed by ancient innate gods.

'Da da da~~'

The crisp footsteps sounded behind Yang Gang.

He didn't look back.

But already know who is coming.

"When... are you going to end this catastrophe?" Wang Chen asked softly, and there was a hint of soft hoarseness in the cold voice of Yu Jie.

It is already somewhat similar to Jiang Jiang in later generations.

Yang Gang's body shook slightly.

Then fell silent.


What will be the consequences of the truce?

How could Haotian, who had already put all his eggs in one basket, agree to a truce?

"Continue to fight... The mountains and seas collapsed, and the road was wiped out. Even with my recovery power, I can't make up for it." Wangchen's soft voice actually carried a hint of prayer.

"do not talk."

Yang Gang said suddenly.

"But..." Wang Chen frowned slightly.

"I told you to stop talking."

The figure in front suddenly turned around, grabbed Wang Chen, and pulled her into his arms.

Hold tight.

"I am the agent emperor, and you are my Queen Jiang, not Wangchen. Now...you should listen to me!"

Yang Gang looked down at Wangchen's eyes.

The voice is full of domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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