I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 278 The emperor Yang Gang pays homage to the sky three times

Chapter 278 The emperor Yang Gang pays homage to the sky three times


Wangchen narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a dangerous look.


A thick palm pinched her white chin.

"I said, let you listen to me!"

Yang Gang raised Wangchen's face, and looked at her, not giving way.

What is blasphemy?

This is true blasphemy.

What did Emperor Xin, who lived in another world, do?
"You... let go!"

Wangchen looked angry, and his chest heaved for a while.

But Yang Gang held him tightly in his arms, which fit tightly against his chest.


This Nuwa descendant of the Butian Clan blushed.

Yang Gang looked domineering, still looking at her expressionlessly.

"You...can you..."

Wangchen's tone gradually softened, "Can you... let me go first?"

"You promise me first."

Yang Gang spoke bluntly.


Wangchen hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

She already felt that many eyes in the world were looking at her.

Seeing himself being hugged domineeringly by the person in front of him.

As a descendant of Nuwa, the mother of humanity, Wang Chen couldn't help feeling ashamed.

"it is good."

Yang Gang finally let go of the arm on her waist.


Wang Chen raised his hand and looked at Yang Gang's face.

in the spotlight.

The last palm fell limply on his... arm.

"You're rude!"

Wang Chen looked at Yang Gang with a trace of hatred, but looked helpless.

If it weren't for her current physical ability, she wouldn't even be able to defeat the injured Yang Gang.

she really wants to...

I really want to kill him!
"If rudeness can save all living beings and bring back this mountain and sea that is about to be broken, then what if I am rude once?" Yang Gang turned around, watching the mountains and seas gods and monsters fight to the death in the sky.

In order to win this battle.

They have taken out all the cards, all methods, and all means.

"What do you mean?"

Wangchen could hear the truth in his words.

Looking at Yang Gang's resolute and upright back, she couldn't help asking.

"You have the ability to mend the sky, I know it. You want to save all beings and mend the loopholes in this broken world, and I know it too."

Yang Gang paused slightly.

Continued: "However, now is not the time."


Wangchen unconsciously walked to Yang Gang's side, looked at his side face with confused eyes.

"There is only one chance..."

Yang Gang still looked at the sky and said slowly.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Wangchen's heart was inexplicably shocked.

Did he already know that if he used Nuwa's divine power, he would definitely pay the price with his life?
Is he... is he lying to himself?
Unwilling to sacrifice yourself?

Wangchen lowered his head in thought.

she does not know.

Yang Gang didn't answer her either.

A series of instructions continued to be issued from his mouth, and the formation of the Human Emperor's army changed wildly, almost ten breaths was an adjustment.

Thousands of golden lights radiated from the vertical eyes on his forehead, covering everyone in the sky above Chaoge in sight.

a time.

There seem to be thousands of shadows, in which countless changes are derived.

Haotian can deduce through the ages and plot against the Three Realms.

Wangchen Yishi can transform into a mortal in a dream, deriving a world between reality and illusion.

Yang Gang's Celestial Eye is not that magical.


However, based on his years of experience in leading troops in battle, he combined the power of Tianmu supernatural power with the power of the three-pointed two-edged sword, and forcibly evolved it into a supernatural power that can deduce the situation of the battle.

No one in the Three Realms can do this.

For a long time.

The war is still going on.

Stretching for hundreds of millions of miles, the magnificent mountains and rivers will overturn the sky and overturn the earth...

The corpses of immortal gods and demons rained down, every moment...

And the more the world collapsed.

The divine power in Wangchen's body beside Yang Gang became stronger.


She felt as if she had controlled a force that could defy Yang Gang.


Wangchen didn't move.

This is just a clone of her.

In Nuwa Temple.

That deity who was sleeping deeply had already regained such a powerful divine power.

Wait for her real body to wake up.

At that moment, even Wangchen himself...couldn't control that kind of blood instinct, that benevolent will emanating from the divine power itself.

The supreme power of the innate gods cannot be controlled by any creature in the world at this time.

this moment.

She looked at Yang Gang's profile.

The memories of Huafan's life were played back in front of his eyes one after another.

"At that time, Zhao Ling'er seemed to have sacrificed herself for the sake of all beings in the world..."

"I don't know when I get to that step, will you... be... nostalgic for me?"

A soft color flashed in Wang Chen's eyes.

Three days.

Since both Yang Gang and Haotian suffered losses, this battle lasted for another three full days.

The Emperor's army gradually gained the upper hand, and under Yang Gang's ingenious command, they began to turn from defense to offense.

The Heavenly Court's army was retreating steadily, and it was about to collapse.

Look around.

There are hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers around Chaoge at this moment, and there is no complete trace of it.

Even the man's palace completely collapsed under a peerless celestial light.

At this very moment.

A powerful aura suddenly rose from the Heavenly Court camp.

"Yang Jian, your time of death has arrived!"

The majestic voice spread throughout the nine heavens, and the coercion was extremely high.

It's Emperor Haotian!
After three days of cultivation, his injury has initially stabilized, and he has the power to fight again.

And Yang Gang...

He is still standing on the only undamaged city wall of Chaoge, and it seems that he has not recovered.

a time.

The momentum of the Heavenly Court army was prosperous, and it turned into a decline.


The number of armies on both sides has already dropped below one million.

Countless eyes turned to Yang Gang.

Haotian once again personally conquered, the extremely powerful might shake the morale of the army, how will he deal with it?
Take a breath.

Two breaths.

three breaths...

Haotian's breath was getting closer and closer, as if it was coming directly towards him.

Yang Gang finally turned around.

His expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

He raised his hands, bent his straight back, and faced the sky in the northwest direction, paying homage from afar.

"The emperors of all ages are invited to come out of the mountain."


Earth shakes.

In the far underground, there seems to be a terrifying aura that is about to break out of the ground.

Thousands of rays of light invaded the sky, sweeping away the haze between heaven and earth.

An ancient temple slowly rises from the earth.

It looks like a bag of earth, and also like a palace that has existed for an unknown number of years. There are pieces of tablets enshrined on it, exuding a noble aura of the emperor.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately seemed to be the center of this world.

attracted everyone's attention.

"Invite the emperor to come out of the mountain."

Yang Gang bowed slowly and bowed again.


A gust of wind filled the sky and the earth, and the ancient palaces on the earth were ready to move, as if they were about to rise from the ground at any moment.

at last.

Yang Gang bowed down for the third time.

A clear voice spread to heaven and earth: "Contemporary emperor, Yang Jian. Please come out of the mountain as the former emperor!"

The Emperor Yang Gang bowed to the sky three times.

Respectfully invite the eternal dormant body of the emperors of all dynasties to be born-to save humanity from the fire and water.

(End of this chapter)

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