I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 280 The Heaven and Earth Collapse, Nuwa Appears

Chapter 280 The Heaven and Earth Collapse, Nuwa Appears


A majestic emperor stepped out of the long river of human luck.

Xin Ruo, the last emperor, still has spiritual wisdom.

Slowly kowtowed to the emperors of all dynasties in front of him, and made a salute.

Then he raised his head and said in a trembling voice: "The last human emperor, Di Xin...is ashamed of his ancestors!"

"I have waited hundreds of millions of years for this moment. Why should future generations of human emperors feel ashamed?" Xuanyuan Human Emperor, who once stood on the top of mountains and seas, in the wild of Zhuolu, and defeated the Nine Nether Demon Lord, smiled slightly.

The emperors around him also showed peaceful smiles at the same time.


They have been preparing since the opening of the mountains and seas.

The so-called foundation of humanity is preparing for this day!
Xuanyuan Hill, the Emperor's Tomb.

This is the last hole card that Di Xin handed over to Yang Gang.

It is the final foundation of human nature accumulated over hundreds of millions of years.

It was prepared to fight against Haotian.

But activating Xuanyuan Qiu required a huge price.

They only have one chance!
Unless the world is shattered, humanity will be destroyed.Otherwise... never use it!

When the heavenly authority exists, it cannot be used.

At this moment.

Yang Gang finally understood.

The virtuous emperors of all dynasties lived there.

And why is he, destined not to be able to become the real emperor.

The way of heaven is fair.

This is the way that the emperors of all ages have sought.

Their way is to seek death, not life!
The Emperor Xin couldn't pass on to him, and he also knew that he couldn't bear the burden of the Emperor.

Because he lacks a heart, a selfless heart!
In his heart, as long as there is still a trace of personal affection, he can only be Yang Jian, the number one God of War in the Three Realms.

He can die for the people he cherishes.

But he would definitely not take the initiative to sacrifice himself and walk into Xuanyuan Hill for the sake of all beings in the world.

bang bang bang~~~
Haotian's aura has reached its peak.

And the human emperors in the human emperor's tomb, the long river of luck in the mountains and seas, finally fully demonstrated their power.

Dozens of human emperors all unleashed the power of the heyday, and their luck was overwhelming.


Yang Gang shouted suddenly.

In this battle where mountains and seas collapsed, he, the proxy emperor, issued the final command to attack!
Haotian has hundreds of millions of incarnations, all seeking the way.

Ending the catastrophe of billions of incarnations ahead of schedule now will require huge sacrifices, but will also gain endless power.

Hundreds of millions of incarnations... how powerful this must be!

But the accumulation of their humanity for hundreds of millions of years... is not bad at all!

The corpses of the Sifang Great Emperors and dozens of human emperors headed by Di Xin assembled an army of human emperors whose number exceeded one million again, and launched a final general attack on the army of heaven.

Dozens of human emperors have returned to their peak.

Qiqi rushed towards Haotian whose aura was becoming more and more terrifying and unbelievable!

Just one hit.

The sky above Chaoge City completely turned into chaos and nothingness.

All vitality, dead energy, magical powers and magic weapons are all melted away without leaving a trace.Even the ubiquitous heaven and earth inspirations completely dissipated under this blow, forming a huge vacuum.

Even the Dao...has been wiped out!
The eternal and immortal avenue of heaven and earth seemed to be annihilated by the power of this blow, and it did not exist in the world.

a time.

Many fairy gods were unable to use magical powers within the range of the chaotic void.

Haotian, who had completely recovered his power, fought against dozens of human emperors who had recovered to the peak.

It directly smashed the barrier of chaos.

Combat enters a state of being invisible, unheard, unobservable.

Only the terrifying aftermath blasted the surrounding world into pieces, witnessing this unprecedented battle.

compared to previous battles.

This is the real collapse of mountains and seas!

If the battle does not stop and the aftermath continues to spread, not to mention the millions of creatures in the mountains and seas, even this world will cease to exist!

How is it possible to let them stop at this time?

The human emperors of all dynasties have planned for hundreds of millions of years, and when they made this plan back then, they had already made up their minds to do nothing.

As Dixin said.

Just win!

Even if mountains and seas collapse and all living beings enter reincarnation, it is not hesitating!

The land far away.

A temple that existed in ancient times broke through the earth, exuding a powerful divine power.

inside the temple.

In front of the statue of Nuwa.

A peerless and peerless woman, wearing a soft moonlight robe, her head full of black hair without a single embellishment, draped behind her buttocks.

She quietly sat cross-legged in front of Nuwa's figure.

A powerful aura surged around him, as if a force from ancient times was gradually recovering from the depths of his body.


Her eyelashes trembled, as if she was about to open her eyes.

at the same time.

Go to Chaoge City.

Empress Jiang, who was beside Yang Gang, became illusory and dim little by little, and was about to melt into the world.

"I gotta go……"

Queen Jiang said softly.

Yang Gang was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.


He knew that Wangchen could not be stopped at this time.

That powerful force came from ancient times, and even he in his heyday felt palpitations.

at last.

When Chaoge's Empress Jiang disappeared completely, leaving only one sentence, "During this period of time in Chaoge, I am very happy...it is the happiest time in this life..."

When her figure completely dissipated.

In the depressed Nuwa Temple.

Wangchen's figure finally opened his eyes.

There is still a trace of nostalgia in a pair of clear eyes.

"Me too……"

The fluttering voice fell.

Wangchen's figure suddenly disappeared in the Nuwa Temple.

next moment.

A phantom of a god as majestic as a sacred mountain, manifested in the eyes of hundreds of millions of creatures in the mountains and seas.Its brilliant divine power seems to be stronger than any existence in the world.


This force is not used for conquest... but for salvation.

It is the willingness of all beings to awaken this force.The source of its power is the belief of all living beings!
"This is……"

"It's Empress Nuwa!"

"Nuwa Empress finally appeared and saved us!"

"Nuwa Empress! Greetings to Nuwa Empress!! Please, please save us, please...save this mountain and sea myriad spirits!"

Countless voices resounded from all directions.

One after another passed into the ears of the huge god phantom, making her more powerful.


A soft sigh.

Like the warm spring breeze in March, it instantly soothes the panic in the hearts of all beings.

The god raised his head and looked at the endless chaos in the void of the nine heavens.

His eyes showed compassion.

"This is...fate..."

"No, it's not fate."

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Yang Gang's tiny figure stood in front of Wang Chen, looking into her soft and kind eyes.

"You are Wangchen, not Nuwa. Mending the sky is not your destiny. The power of blood should not dominate the soul. And..." He paused, then continued:
"This catastrophe has not yet reached the time when you need to exhaust your divine power and sacrifice yourself for the sake of the world."

"Trust me, Wang Chen."

"Believe... you?"

Wangchen raised his hand towards Tianqiong, but he couldn't help but pause in mid-air.

"Yes, please trust me."

Yang Gang said earnestly: "Emperor Xin, who was a man back then, could entrust the world to me. With the relationship between you and me, what reason do I have to lie to you?"

"You...shut up."

The incomparably noble descendants of Nuwa couldn't help but blushed slightly.

To be said so in front of hundreds of millions of souls in the mountains and seas, with Wangchen's face, he couldn't bear it at all.

"I, what do I have to do with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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