I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 281 Into the Sea of ​​Suffering, Against Fate

Chapter 281 Into the Sea of ​​Suffering, Against Fate

"what relationship?"

Yang Gang was taken aback for a moment, his thoughts seemed to be stretched far, far away...

He can't say 'you will be my woman in the future', can he?

This sounds a bit ambiguous.

after all.

Everything in the life of forgetting dust and turning into mortals is like a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror.False world, real experience... The relationship between him and her now is really complicated.

"Anyway, you just listen to me."

Yang Gang could only say in a low voice.


Looking at the man in front of him, Wang Chen hesitated for a moment.

On the one hand, there are hundreds of millions of creatures crying and pleading, and on the other hand, the most special person in her life. What should she do?

Yang Gang's voice suddenly softened, he stretched out his palm, and gently stroked Wangchen's cheek.

It's just that his tiny body looks a bit weird when facing Wang Chen who is hundreds of thousands of feet away.


A bright red color suddenly appeared on Shenren's face.

"go away."

Divine light flashed.

The body of the god-man like a celestial pillar gradually shrunk, and returned to the Nuwa Temple amidst thousands of rays of light.

Shanhaiwanling was stunned for a moment.

He looked dumbfounded at the only figure of Yang Gang left in the sky.

And the endless disasters around them, such as water, fire, wind, and thunder, have not disappeared.The huge hole above the Nine Heavens has not been filled.

Yang Gang stood still in the void, staring at the sky.


A terrifying tribulation force swept from all directions of the mountains, seas, heaven and earth.It seems that he prevented Wangchen from saving the world, which caused the dissatisfaction of many creatures in the mountains and seas.

The catastrophe was imminent, and in the face of death, endless resentment grew in their hearts.

They hate Yang Gang.

Hate why he didn't end this fight sooner.

Hate him for resisting Haotian.

If both sides could suppress the other side early, this world would not be like this at all.

If he can surrender early... Who will rule this world, and what does it matter to these tiny existences?

I hate why he wanted to stop Nuwa from saving the world.

He hated why he caused the relatives and friends around him to die one by one, and fell into boundless disaster.

Hate, hate, hate!

With the help of some "minded people", when these resentful hearts died in the disaster, the boundless resentment suddenly turned into eternal hatred, into hundreds of millions of calamity forces, and crazily shrouded Yang Gang.

Just like the human emperor Zhuanxu of the past, he was incomprehensible by many living beings, and he was entangled in countless tribulations.

A part of the tribulation force even rushed towards the Nuwa Temple on the ground along the void.Immediately, Wangchen's pure heart was covered with a layer of haze.She began to question herself repeatedly whether it was the right decision to make such a decision.

The divine power around her began to fluctuate, as if she was weakening.

Being entangled in such calamity, ordinary people will surely collapse their luck, and being entangled in calamity is extremely unlucky.

In the future, let alone practice, whether he can survive is still a question.


Who are Yang Gang and Zhuan Xu?
Firm goals, lofty will, never care about other people's opinions.

Because Wang Chen's power comes from all living beings, he will be affected by the wishes of all living beings.

But they won't.

Zhuanxu can see hundreds of millions of kalpas transforming into his body and become the Xuandi Emperor of the North, Yang Gang can do the same!
"It's just in time!"

He shouted with anger and laughter.

He suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath.


Hundreds of millions of kalpa power poured into the mouth and was swallowed by Yang Gang.

a time.

His body suddenly swelled countless times exaggeratedly, turning into a ball the size of a mountain, with long hair fluttering three thousand feet, and an incomparably black robbery light radiating from his whole body.

His aura also skyrocketed, as if he had returned to his peak moment in an instant.


With a burst of shouting, it penetrated the Three Realms.

next moment.

Under everyone's shocking eyes, Yang Gang's figure suddenly turned into a three-thousand-foot god, standing upright and majestic.

An incomparably huge platinum blade suddenly pierced through the sky and plunged into the depths of the chaotic void.

The sky... another huge hole burst open.


It seems that above the chaos, the supreme beings standing proudly on the top of the immortals are fighting in a strange ocean.

"People can only rely on themselves. They must also rely on themselves." Yang Gang turned his head slowly, as if he was talking to himself, and he seemed to be telling all living beings in the mountains and seas: "Weakness is not the reason for you to coerce the will of others."

"The descendants of Nuwa, why do you have to sacrifice your own life to save the common people? Because of the benevolence represented by the word 'Nuwa'?"

"Just because the descendants of Nuwa didn't save you, do you feel resentment in your heart?"


A wave of disdainful sneers spread throughout the Three Realms along with his supernatural powers.

For a time, the world was silent.

All sentient beings froze in place in a daze, at a loss for what to do.

"Then you guys, why don't you hate Haotian who caused this catastrophe? Don't you hate the millions of immortals and gods in that court?"

"Do they care about the feelings of all beings in the mountains and seas?"


"But...you don't dare."

"Because Nuwa is kind, you dare to hate. Because I represent the orthodoxy of the Emperor, you dare to hate. But what about Haotian? You know, he will really kill people in anger..."

"So, you dare not!"


"A bunch of trash who bully the good and fear the evil! Just like you, no dog will save you!"

Standing tall in the sky, Yang Gang faced all the beings and spirits of the Three Realms alone, yelling curses.

The entire mountain and sea world fell into silence.

Everyone was stunned by Yang Gang's words.

In Nuwa Temple.

Wang Chen raised his head and quietly looked at Tian Qiong's figure.


The figure seemed to grow bigger and bigger, filling her eyeballs.

Apart from Yang Gang's figure, she seemed to be unable to tolerate anything anymore.

In this life, Wangchen is not only a descendant of Nuwa, but also a woman.

When there is a person who recklessly scolds all living beings in the Three Realms for his own sake, he seems to be an enemy of the whole world.

Coupled with the many fetters in the past, the memory of Huafan's first life suddenly swept over like a huge wave at this moment.

Her firm 'Tao Heart' suddenly collapsed.

The infinite power of sitting and forgetting fell apart, and the power of the world of mortals surged in.

Just like "returning" from the north, Jiang Jiang chose to "dissolve sitting and forgetting, and enter the world of mortals".

The descendants of Nuwa have been affectionate since ancient times.

Wangchen, with his amazing talent and stunning talent, practiced the unique power of sitting and forgetting in the Three Realms, in order to fight against the extremely emotional Taoist heart.Prepare for the doomed Eternal Love Tribulation.

Her original plan was to get closer and then forget about it.

but now.

She felt it was unnecessary.

It seems to be a very comfortable thing to follow your heart.

In fact, in essence, Wang Chen, who has practiced for thousands of years, is just a simple-minded woman. She has never experienced the ups and downs in the world, and naturally has no resistance to love.

Faced with Yang Gang's attitude of not hesitate to fight against the dominance of the Three Realms, but also to justify her name, which woman does not feel soft-hearted?

and so.

The simple Wangchen experienced feelings for the first time, and faced with such a big move, he sank directly...

boom boom boom

But in reality, there is not so much time to allow the two to be tender and affectionate.

This catastrophe is still going on, and the collapse of mountains and seas is still expanding.

The hole in the sky is getting bigger and bigger.

Gradually, countless terrifying forces can be seen in the chaotic void.

There seems to be an endless ocean of mystery, which makes people yearn for it once they see it.

"Is this... the boundless sea of ​​suffering?"

"The battle between Haotian and the emperors actually caused the mysterious sea of ​​bitterness to manifest itself... It's really terrifying!"

"The ancient ruins have the last words of a god and man: 'The sea of ​​suffering appears, and the world collapses' Is it true that our world is also doomed to be hopeless?"

One after another, the gods, gods, and people of insight exchanged their opinions.


A blood-stained figure in silver armor, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, unexpectedly plunged into the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

"People, you must rely on yourself!"

Before entering the sea of ​​bitterness, Yang Gang suddenly turned around and smiled at the Nuwa Temple on the ground.

He said silently in his heart: "Wang Chen, no matter what, I won't let you mend the sky. In the Northland, I can't fight fate, and I can't stop that battle of fate."

"But in this mountain and sea, I can definitely do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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