I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 284 Ji Chang bows his head, the emperor passes on the throne

Chapter 284 Ji Chang bows his head, the emperor passes on the throne

"This Yang Jian is simply too deceitful!"

"It's so hard to push, let's fight him!"

"Such cruelty and cruelty are simply devoid of conscience!"

"Ah—Master, hold on, Master! Yang Jian... Hate, hate, hate! I hate it!"

With an army of millions, even if they are gods, it is not easy to escape to Mount Buzhou in a short time.

The faster they escaped and the more scattered their formation was, the easier it would be for Yang Gang's army to defeat them one by one.

With his leading ability, as long as time permits, he is enough to eat this piece of 'fat' bit by bit!
The Emperor's army took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the heavenly gods had no choice but to flee to Buzhou Mountain in a relatively loose formation under Haotian's orders like bereaved dogs.

Don't the poor come after them?

Yang Gang knew that it would be dangerous to pursue him like this.

In addition to the Human Emperor's army and Haotian in these three realms, there is also the Eastern Emperor Taiyi beside Buzhou Mountain, who is eyeing him covetously.


If Heaven is given a chance to breathe this time, Haotian will surely make a comeback in the future. With his strength... the human emperors of all generations have truly stepped into reincarnation and lost the power of heaven and power in the Three Realms, and no one will be able to compete with him.

this battle.

They are bound to destroy Haotian's heaven!
Want to imitate ancient times and create an eternal heaven?
Go dream!

one day……

two days...

The Heavenly Court army was gradually eroded by Yang Gang, and the number dropped sharply.

However, there were captives and traitors, and they all ordered to kill them all.

Since today, in order to survive, you can choose to surrender.When Haotian recovers in the future, he may defect and go away naturally.

Among the defeated army in the Heavenly Court, dark clouds surged, revealing a strong resentment.

As immortal gods, why have they ever been so embarrassed?

But now because of Yang Jian's determination, he fell into a desperate situation waiting to die like a bereaved dog.


"Eternal hatred! Yang Jian, if you kill like this, you will die!"

A general of the Great Zhou Dynasty was escorted to Yang Gang, and his head was beheaded.

In front.

A steady stream of generals and officials from the Great Zhou Dynasty were sent, and they were all beheaded.

Heaven is defeated.

The weakest Zhou Dynasty side naturally became the first to be abandoned, and was placed in the rear of the war.


The founder of the Zhou Dynasty, the Xibohou "Jichang" under the command of the Emperor, was also captured by the army, and escorted to Yang Gang with disheveled hair.

"God Erlang..."

The blue beard at the corner of Ji Chang's mouth trembled, and he finally closed his eyes.

With a long sigh, "I'm defeated, come and kill!"

"You really deserve to die."

Yang Gang turned his head, without even looking at Ji Chang.

Coldly ordered: "Cut!"


The executioner raised the bloody sword high, and suddenly dropped it.


A voice sounded beside Yang Gang.

The executioner stopped in place after a pause.

At this time, Yang Gang's coercion had already overwhelmed humanity, and no one in the Emperor's camp dared to disobey his orders.

Whose voice made the executioner instinctively stop?

An emperor whose body was entwined with life and death came from behind.

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

"I have seen His Majesty the Emperor..."

All the civil and military personnel saluted one after another, with tears in their eyes.

Watching the last human emperor, Di Xin, who took the initiative to sacrifice his life for this humanity.

Even Ji Chang, who was waiting to die with his eyes closed, couldn't help but open his eyes.

He stared blankly at the emperor walking towards him.


Di Xin sighed quietly.

Stopping Yang Gang from paying homage, he said slowly: "You are the emperor now, and I am just a remnant soul on the edge of reincarnation, so I should not worship here."

"Ji Chang."

"Sinner. Kowtow to Your Majesty."

The corners of Ji Chang's lips trembled, and two lines of hot tears fell from his eyes. He knelt down in front of Di Xin, and put his head deeply on the ground.

"Ji Chang, do you know your mistake?"

Di Xin looked at his former courtier with a very complicated expression.


Ji Chang buried his head deeply and remained motionless.The guilt in his heart made him ashamed to face Di Xin.

Different from another world.

The Emperor Xin of this world worked hard to govern, loved the people like his sons, and was in the same line as the emperors of all generations, and he never committed any act of immorality.

Waiting for Yang Gang to represent the emperor and fight in all directions.

He had a long-term foresight in his heart, although he had once wanted to kill Ji Chang, but he did not make a move after all.


The Human Sovereign treated him like this, and this scourge ended up on this path.


Di Xin looked at Ji Chang's trembling body with puzzlement on his face.

This one of his most trusted courtiers would actually betray him, betray the humanity that they had thrown their heads together and shed their blood together.

To know.

When Emperor Xin was not yet emperor, he and Ji Chang were best friends.

It was he who assisted him on his way to the throne of benevolence and virtue, and became the emperor of the three realms.

But now he...

"Your Majesty, stop talking."

"The old minister is wrong, everything...is my fault!"

Ji Chang kowtowed continuously, tears pouring down his face, and his face was full of remorse.

"The guilty minister's request... I just ask His Majesty to let go of my child... to leave a way out for my bloodline."

"Please Your Majesty!"

bang bang bang


Ji Chang didn't use any mana, and bluntly knocked blood out of his forehead.

Yang Gang stood aside coldly, his expression as deep as the sea.

Emperor Xin seemed to be softening his heart.

But the current humanity is in his hands, he will never allow any accidents, when necessary...

"Get up."

Di Xin turned around, as if he couldn't bear to look any further.

"Ji Chang, let me ask you a question."

"At the beginning...how did you teach me?"

Everyone was startled when they heard this.

Why did Di Xin speak these words to Ji Chang at this time?

"Go back to Your Majesty."

Ji Chang raised his head slowly, his expression seemed to have aged 20 years instantly, his eyes were full of shame.

He said sadly: "Back then, the minister once said: If your majesty wants to be the emperor, he must be selfless and uphold the principles of justice. If this is the case, there is no need to compete with anyone, and the position of emperor will come naturally."

"how about you?"

Di Xin turned his head suddenly, his face full of disappointment.

"I thought that when I walked into Xuanyuan Hill, you were one of the people who were qualified to inherit the throne. But look at yourself..."

"His Majesty."

Ji Chang lowered his head in shame, and bit his lips tightly.

"You clearly know that the Human Sovereign can control the power of heaven, and the human destiny can become the master of the Three Realms because the Human Sovereign has no selfish intentions."

The anger hidden in Di Xin's heart completely exploded.

Shouting at Ji Chang: "Ji Chang, so what if you succeed in this catastrophe? When you try to seek power for the position of emperor, the moment you try to make the public world your home..."

"There will be no emperor in this world."

"It's just success, Human Sovereign... from now on, you can only be the Son of Heaven!"

"Forever in the heaven!"

"Without the authority of heaven, the freedom of humanity is completely lost, and you are allowed to be fished by mermaids. What's the point of you becoming such a human emperor?"

"Ji Chang!"

"Since you know everything, why are you still doing this?"

"You are a sinner! You are my eternal sinner!"

The turbulent sound resounded through the heaven and earth.

It spread to the people of the Human Emperor's army, and gradually drifted into the panicked and fleeing Heavenly Court army.

Compared to Emperor Xin, compared to human emperors of all dynasties, compared to Erlang God Yang Jian who fought desperately for humanity...how great are they!
It's just that people still don't understand.

At this critical juncture, why did Di Xin speak up like this.

(End of this chapter)

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