I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 285 Candle Qinglong's mouth is ordered to light, and the heaven is in a desperate situa

Chapter 285 Candle Qinglong's mouth is ordered to light, and the heaven is in a desperate situation
"Your Majesty, I made a mistake. I deserve death!"

Ji Chang bowed his head deeply to the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, please grant the guilty minister a death."

The surroundings fell silent in an instant.

All eyes were on Emperor Xin, waiting for his decision.

Ji Chang took the initiative to ask for death, hoping to leave a glimmer of hope for his own bloodline with the past affection.


Yang Gang found that Di Xin was in the dark, and gave himself a wink.

"Huh?" Yang Gang couldn't help being taken aback, a little confused.

"Oh, I'm no longer the emperor."

Di Xin sighed, and said slowly: "Now Yang Jian is acting as the Emperor of Humanity, and he is in charge of humanity. All life and death are up to him. If you ask, just ask him..."

"I see."

Yang Gang suddenly realized.

The people around were taken aback, and Ji Chang raised his head in astonishment, staring at Di Xin in a daze.

With Yang Jian's cruelty and bloodthirsty, how could he leave a way out for his Ji family?
At this moment.

Only Yang Gang understood the painstaking efforts of Di Xin, the last emperor.

Di Xin is establishing prestige for Yang Gang!

Establish the prestige of the way of benevolence.

To become a real Emperor, not only need to suppress the coercion of the Three Realms, but also need convincing benevolence.

Yang Gang's majesty is already there, but his reputation for benevolence is far, far away.

Since Emperor Xin, there has been no co-lord in humanity.

And Yang Gang is now the only person who has the hope of becoming the Emperor of Human Beings and regaining the power of heaven in the future.

He wants to try it!
Let yourself forgive the descendants of the Ji family, and get the name of benevolence.

Even if there is only one ten-thousandth possibility, Di Xin wants to give it a try, to fight for the last breath of luck for humanity.

for a long time.

Yang Gang's expression kept changing.

Finally, it gradually calmed down and became as deep as a sea.

"Please 'Your Majesty', grant the guilty minister Ji Chang the death." Ji Chang knelt down towards Yang Gang slowly, this time, it seemed that kneeling was very difficult.

Just like Yang Gang at that time.

Everyone obeys humanity, and everyone is afraid in their hearts.

Overbearing can conquer their bodies, but they cannot conquer their hearts.


When Yang Gang gave the order, his expression was fierce.

Everyone couldn't help but feel relieved, including Ji Chang who was waiting to die with his eyes closed.

The proxy emperor seemed to agree.


The executioner agreed loudly, and the butcher knife in his hand fell in response.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ji Chang closed his eyes tightly, but at the last moment of his life, he suddenly heard Yang Gang's voice full of murderous aura, "Hunt for Ji Fa. Ji's family—kill without mercy!"


Ji Chang suddenly opened his eyes and roared unwillingly.

'Puff Chi~~'

A head with wide-eyed eyes flew high into the air.

Hot blood splashed all over the ground.

Ji Chang's head rolled to the ground, covered with dust, only a pair of eyes stared at Yang Gang's direction.It seems to be asking: Why, why is he still unwilling to let his family go?


A black combat boot stepped Ji Chang's head into the soil and crushed it bit by bit.

Yang Gang raised his head and looked around.

"Continue to hunt the army of heaven, and focus on the 'Zhou' army. I want the blood of the Ji family to be completely cut off in this world."


No one expected that Yang Gang would react like this.

They all froze in place.

Then under Yang Gang's gloomy gaze, the surrounding generals came to their senses and quickly led away.

The emperor Xin gave Yang Gang a lesson on how to become an emperor with his last legacy in Shanhai.


Some things are destined to be unchangeable.

It is impossible for Yang Gang to become the real emperor, his heart is not in this mountain and sea.

And the Ji family.

Especially Ji Fa, the son of Ji Chang, who may become the Lord of the Great Zhou in the future, can't stay.

Di Xin did this for the sake of humanity.

Yang Gang did this for the sake of humanity.

It's a pity that some things are destined to be incomprehensible.

Di Xin looked at Yang Gang with deep disappointment.

Yang Gang is more ruthless and ruthless than he imagined.

What he understood was Yang Gang's determination to cut grass and roots, and this style really helped the situation at this time.

But the more he appreciates Yang Gang's temperament, the more disappointed he becomes.

"Why is such a person destined not to become the Emperor...benevolence and benevolence have become the shackles that bind the hands and feet of the Emperor."

for a long time.

All Di Xin's words turned into a sigh, and he turned and left lonely.

The battle between the mountains and the sea is in full swing.

The battle line went all the way from Chaoge to Buzhou Mountain, leaving scars everywhere, pieces of broken mountains, seas and land.

Squads of Heavenly Court troops fell to their knees and died on the way to escape.The army of the Zhou Dynasty became the focus of the emperor's army. From time to time, generals and important officials were taken down and beheaded for public display.

Just like this, Yang Gang led the Emperor's army, chasing and killing all the way.

Even if he bears thousands of murders, he must make a bright future for future generations.

Even if he knows that everything in the future is a foregone conclusion.But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, leaving a trace of insignificant foreshadowing for the future, he will do everything he can to do it.

For half a month.

The Tianting army lost 30 people and finally fled to the front of Buzhou Mountain.


What awaited them ahead was a desperate iron wall.

Since it was expected that the Heavenly Court's army would flee to Buzhou Mountain, Yang Gang's command naturally wouldn't just chase but not block.

He had already dispatched 20 troops to set off ahead of schedule, and set up a large formation in front of Buzhou Mountain three days ago, waiting for the heavenly army to throw themselves into the trap.

a time.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of heavenly gods fell into the predicament of double-teaming, and their hearts were filled with deep despair.

"Yang Jian!"

"Hate it! Millions of gods, you want to kill them all!"

"Killing God! What kind of fighting god are you? You are simply a killing god! The Nine Nether Demons are not as murderous as you!"

"Yang Jian, you will die badly, I curse you for thousands of years, you will die badly!!!"

A sound of cursing resounded through the territory of thousands of miles in front of Buzhou Mountain.

"Not a single one."

Yang Gang ordered coldly: "Kill me!"


The Human Emperor's army immediately aroused the strongest evil spirit, and frantically surrounded the remaining Heavenly Court army.

The tragic sound of killing and felling shook the ancient Buzhou Mountain.

The Heavenly Court army launched a desperate counterattack, resisting waves of intense offensives.


After all, everything is stubborn resistance.

Facing the majestic army of the Emperor, their defeat is already set.

"East Emperor!"

Haotian's angry shout resounded through Buzhou Mountain.

"If you don't make a move at this time, do you really want to watch my heavenly army fall down the mountain?"

The voice kept echoing between heaven and earth.

However, no response was received.

Donghuang Taiyi, one of the three emperors of the mountains, seas, heaven, earth, and people, the ancient lord of the heavenly court, seemed to have completely disappeared.

"East Emperor!"

Haotian's angry shout kept echoing.

Donghuang Taiyi, the honorable land lord, still didn't respond.


It took untold hardships to finally escape to the front of Buzhou Mountain, and the heavenly army, who thought they saw hope, fell into despair.The army of 30 monsters who accompanied the Heavenly Court to the Chaoge also wailed in despair.

And so they were dropped!
"Haotian, what other tricks do you have?" Yang Gang boarded the void, looked down at the hundreds of thousands of besieged heavenly troops on the ground, and looked at the once invincible Emperor Haotian sitting in the center of the army.

"Okay! Good good good, ha ha ha"

Haotian's voice almost gritted his teeth, and popped out of his mouth, "Yang Jian, you are fine!"


He screamed violently.

"Candle Green Dragon!"

"Ang—" The resonant dragon chant shook the world.

over nine days.

A huge green dragon with a command lamp unfolds its body thousands of miles away, covering the sky and the sun.

Boundless shadows enveloped the entire Buzhou Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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