I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 293 The world is safe and secure with 2 complete laws, worthy of the three realms and worthy

Chapter 293 The world is safe and secure with the law of both ends
The ruins of Buzhou Mountain.

Everyone was intimidated by Yang Gang's aura and did not dare to act rashly.

With the ability and wisdom of Erlang God Yang Jian, would he really take risks alone and come to Buzhou Mountain alone?You know, even the mighty Haotian would not dare to make such a big deal.

Some people even looked around subconsciously, as if worried that there were hidden enemies in the dark.

a time.

The gods and gods of the three realms were shocked and began to become suspicious.

There was only one person present.

Staring firmly into Yang Gang's eyes, his expression was very confused.

"Not right."

"There is something wrong with Yang Jian now!" Shi Huang stood in the crowd with his head down, frowning tightly.

Based on his understanding of Yang Gang.

It is absolutely impossible for the other party to do such a thing as abandoning the Three Realms in order to forget the dust.

"He is a person who would rather bear everything by himself than give up anything. In his life, the word 'give up' will never appear..."

"So, why did he do it?"

Shi Huang fell into deep thought and remained silent for a long time.

And the other side.

The Red Lotus Underlord shouted angrily: "Yang Jian! How can you be so selfish?"

"If you do this, you are completely disregarding the safety of the Three Realms, and you are breaking your promise!"

The world is quiet.

Everyone looked at the two quietly.

At this time, only the Red Lotus Underlord, the ancient god, is qualified to talk to Yang Gang like this.


Yang Gang looked at each of his former colleagues and couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling: "So what? I have done enough for the Three Realms. Why do you ask me to continue to give?"

"The burden of beings in the three realms cannot hold me down."

"Yang Jian, have you really decided?"

The Red Lotus Underlord fixedly looked into Yang Gang's eyes, as if he wanted to give him one last chance.

Give all beings in this world the last chance to choose.

He really didn't want to be an enemy of someone like Yang Gang.

"The world is safe with the law of two things, and it will live up to the Three Realms. Live up to Qing?"

A long sigh seemed to contain countless complex emotions.

Yang Gang shook his head and said: "It's still the same sentence, I am here today, it is impossible to watch Wangchen die. Since you are already prepared, why bother talking so much nonsense."

"Come—let's fight!" He raised the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

"it is good!"

The Red Lotus Underlord let out a deep drink, and was finally enraged by Yang Gang's attitude.

"Set up the formation and capture Yang Jian!"

One command.

The sky over the ruins of Buzhou Mountain is full of storms and clouds, and the weather is myriad.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of immortals, gods, auspicious beasts, and monsters all gave off an aura that shook the world.

The scene is on fire.

Under the circumstances that everyone was unexpected and unwilling to face, the battle finally broke out.

Yang Gang was alone, with a dog and a woman in his arms.

Fight against the gods of the Three Realms alone!

All over the sky, magical powers and immortal methods are released.

The all-conquering divine soldiers swept across the void, knocking immortals and gods into the air, and forced a celebrity emperor general to retreat.

But at this time, the Human Emperor's army has been tempered in the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, and it has become several times stronger than before.

Coupled with the monsters from the earth, the disciples of the three sects of immortality...


Yang Gang's martial arts have already evolved to the acme of the Three Realms.

In this world, except Shi Huang, almost no one can confront him head-on.

Plus not daring to kill...

a time.

He was like a nail falling into the sea, and he was invincible on the ruins of Buzhou Mountain, as if he wanted to fight a bloody path with his own ability.

In the Emperor's camp.

The only stone emperor who had the ability to stop Yang Gang's footsteps still did not move.

His gaze fixed on Yang Gang's back.

Muttering: "Impossible!"

"It is impossible for him to abandon all beings in the Three Realms for this reason. However, it is impossible for him to abandon Wangchen... the world is safe with the law of two things, and it is worthy of the Three Realms and worthy of Qing?"

"The world is safe with the law of two things, and it will not fail the Three Realms and not disappoint the Qing..."

"What exactly does he want to do?"

A terrifying shock awakened the Stone Emperor.

He looked up.

It was discovered that the Immortals of the Three Religions, headed by Tongtian, once again set up a grand array of ten thousand immortals in front of Buzhou Mountain, besieging Yang Gang's figure in it.

This time.

There is no one in the Ten Thousand Immortals formation.

In addition, with the emperor's army and the demons of the land in charge of the banner, the power is several times stronger than that outside Chaoge City.

Although they have no intention of killing.

But with such power, I am afraid that Haotian will be suppressed forcefully even if he comes.If Yang Jian is a little careless, he will be lost forever!


Yang Gang shouted angrily, as if the appearance of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation aroused the anger in his heart.

A knife swept across the void.

"Ah—" More than a dozen heads flew high, splashing blood into the sky.

Everyone froze in place for an instant.

For the first time since the war began, people were killed.

He actually really killed his former subordinates...!
All the gods and gods in the sky looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were meeting Yang Gang for the first time.

and this.

It's just the beginning.

Yang Gang wiped the blood spattered on his face, sneered, and went on a killing spree.

"Since you want to keep me, take your life for it!"

Boom boom boom!
The three-pointed and two-edged knife smashed through the void, cut dozens of disciples of the Three Religions into two pieces, cut hundreds of monsters into pieces, and killed thousands of soldiers from the emperor's army one by one...

For the first time, this ancient divine weapon showed its cruelest side in front of its own people.

this moment.

Many, many people who had originally expected Yang Gang to repay... their hearts were cold.


"I can't hold back!"

"If you keep your hand, we don't know how much blood we have to spare today! Hurry up and do your best!"

Countless shouts and killings shook the sky.

Compared to the silent battle just now, this looks like a real bloody battle!
But Yang Gang, who had a loud voice, suddenly fell silent.

'It's come to this level, you...don't come yet? '

His eyes scanned all directions.

It fell on Daode Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun, the patriarchs of the Three Teachings, on the golden-winged roc who led the monsters in the realm, and finally on Wen Zhong, Hong Lian and others who were full of grief and indignation...

I couldn't help but sighed in my heart.


His eyes suddenly turned cold.

"How brave!"

A metal bracelet soundlessly flew from the void to the back of his head.

Yang Gang seemed to have eyes on his back, and suddenly turned around and stabbed him.


The Qiankun bracelet twirled and flew out of the sky.

next moment.

He suddenly shouted loudly.

"Burning the sky!"

Suddenly, a great sun rose from the void, illuminating the world in all directions.

The world is pale, and everything is silent.

Countless screams sounded one after another.

Only one knife.

Thousands of gods besieged Yang Gang, their bodies were burned to ashes and died on the spot.

"Yang Jian, you are going too far!"

Wen Zhong stared blankly at the corpses of thousands of soldiers of the Emperor, turning into ashes all over the sky, a raging anger finally burned completely from the bottom of his heart.

He restrained his distressed expression.

He said viciously: "Do you really think that I can't command this army of the Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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