Chapter 294

Millions of shouts rang out in unison, shaking the mountains.

this moment.

The army of millions of people looked at Yang Gang, with a strong murderous intent in their sorrowful eyes.

I don't want to kill you.

You are going to kill me.

Then, all I have to do is... kill you!

This knife.

It was as if the past relationship between Yang Gang and Renhuang's army had been completely severed.


What responded to them was a sharp and peerless blade with a stronger killing intent.

"I said it. Anyone who wants to stop me today will do it with his life..."

"Yang Jian."

A trembling voice suddenly sounded from his arms.

Hearing this, Yang Gang lowered his head slowly.

Finding that Wangchen in his arms had already burst into tears, his eyes were full of disappointment, "If you do this, it will only make me...hate you."

"What did you say?"

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

"I said, I hate the way you are now." Wang Chen's eyes flashed, and his expression suddenly became cold.


She struggled to break free from Yang Gang's hand, looked at him with disgust in his eyes, and said, "What's the difference between you and Haotian back then? It's all for your own selfish desires, for the ridiculousness in your heart. persistence?"

"I didn't..." Yang Gang's words were interrupted by Wangchen.

"No. You have."

"You said you were for the Three Realms, you said you were for me... But have you ever thought about how I feel? No. You have always been only for the ridiculous satisfaction in your heart."

Wang Chen's words were like a knife, stabbing Yang Gang's heart with a knife.

At this moment, the goddess who is far away from the world is like an ordinary woman who has fallen into the mortal world. What she says is no longer the lofty words, but a sentence of bitter and hurtful words.

Yang Gang's body shook continuously.

Slowly let go of the palm, as if suffering a huge blow, step back step by step.

At first.

Wang Chen fell in love with Yang Gang because he did not hesitate to make enemies of the Three Realms in order to protect him.


It is also because he is an enemy of the Three Realms for himself, and he completely dislikes him.

There is a dispute between right and wrong, how can a few words make sense?

Yang Gang repeated this sentence over and over again, his expression gradually became dull, and he looked lost.

"Yang Jian."

Wangchen looked at him, a trace of unbearableness flashed in his eyes.

But she knows.

Now the Three Realms can stop him, only himself.

"give up."

"I have my way. When reincarnated as a descendant of Nuwa, I have to assume the innate responsibilities. Mending the sky is my destiny, just like I locked myself in the Nuwa temple, but I still met you."

"Eternal Love Tribulation..."

Yang Gang couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard this.

He whispered: "Is it destined? But why do I not believe in this evil..."

"Yang Jian, give up."

Wen Zhong's sigh sounded from the side.

"This is the unstoppable fate of Nuwa's descendants. Why do you go against the sky? You have killed so many people, now stop us... We still recognize you as our coach."

"You are still the only... proxy emperor in the Three Realms."


Endless silence.

Yang Gang lowered his head, staring blankly at the devastated land and the broken bones of his former subordinates, his eyes were full of pain.

He didn't want to.

He really didn't want this.

But... what can he do?
"Flying Tiger."

Chengwu King Huang Feihu winked at Wen Zhongchao's side.

"it is good."

He immediately understood, turned and left.

After a while.

They came from afar again, bringing with them four figures whose faces were already full of tears.

"Yang Jian."


"Second brother."

"Second brother..."

A familiar call came.

Yang Gang was shocked in his heart and raised his head suddenly.

Looking at the four familiar figures beside Huang Feihu, he lost his voice and said, "Father, mother, brother, Lian'er, you guys"

"Jian'er, stop."

Yao Ji's face was full of tears, her eyes were red and swollen, it was obvious that she had been crying for a long time before arriving at Buzhou Mountain.

"For Wangchen, you can sacrifice all living beings in the three realms. Do you also want to watch our family... die in the catastrophe of heaven and earth? Heaven and earth are destroyed, mountains and seas collapse, you and Wangchen may survive with infinite divine power..."

"But have you ever thought about your parents, your elder brother, or Lian'er?"

"Yang Jian, you can't be so selfish..."


Yang Gang was shocked all over and took a step back.

The first time Yaoji called him 'Yang Jian' was on such an occasion.

If you say Wangchen is like a knife, it cuts open the line of defense in his heart.

Yao Ji's words were like a heavy hammer.

The hammer hit Yang Gang's chest heavily.

Smash all his aspirations and all his arrogance with one blow.

He turned his head slowly.

He looked at the eager eyes around him.

But there is no trace of trust in a person's eyes.

Not even a trace of it!
The people betrayed their relatives.

Although all of this was his own choice, he had already expected such a situation.

But when the reality is in front of you.

Only then did Yang Gang truly realize how painful it is to feel "betrayed".


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"


A burst of inexplicable and crazy laughter suddenly spread throughout Buzhou Mountain.

Yang Gang laughed with tears streaming down his face, and laughed with grief and indignation.

The people on the mountain didn't know why they were smiling, and they all looked at him warily as if they were facing a big enemy.

"Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, I, Yang Jian, fought in the Three Realms all my life and never gave up. ended like this in the end..."

The laughter stopped suddenly.

Yang Gang looked at the people around him coldly, and finally said: "Okay, then I will do what you wish. I... give up."

The voice fell.

His straight body seemed to have been broken, bending a little bit.

As if being emptied of energy for an instant, he gradually hunched down.

This sentence fell.

It also represents the number one God of War in the Three Realms who is invincible in all battles across mountains and seas, giving up for the first time, and admitting defeat for the first time.

He didn't lose to anyone.

But he lost to Wangchen, his relatives, and...'himself'.

He has something to do.

Doomed to be incomprehensible.

If it is said that Nuwa repairs the sky, it is Wangchen's destiny.

It was Zhu Qinglong's fate to knock down Buzhou Mountain.

In his life as Yang Jian, there was also a fate, a fate that was destined to be incomprehensible.

It was fate that pushed him to this point.


There are some things he is destined to never tell others.

Just like at the beginning of the Shan Hai Ji, the catastrophe called "Man grows, hates water and grows east".

Just because in this life, his name is Yang Jian.

At this time, the people around all showed joyful expressions.

He agreed.

He finally agreed to give up.

This catastrophe was finally eliminated.

Finally, there is no need for someone to sacrifice blood.

"Yang Jian."

Looking at Yang Gang's figure, Wang Chen couldn't help showing a smile.

It's just that at this moment, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be a large space in her heart.


"You make up for your days."

"I... will never stop you again."

After all, Yang Gang closed his eyes directly.

It seems that he doesn't want people to see the frustration in his eyes, and he seems to be... completely disappointed with everyone in the three realms.

"...Then, goodbye."

Wangchen spit out two words lightly.

Taking a deep look at Yang Gang, he turned around and raised the ancient magic staff in his hand again, and engraved words on the Heavenly God Pillar.

She wants to input the last trace of her divine power, the origin belonging to the descendants of Nuwa, into the Heavenly God Pillar.

Give it the property of being immortal and eternal.

"it is finally over!"

Many breathed a sigh of relief to see things back on track.

Everything... finally settled.

"and many more."

Yang Gang suddenly remembered.

"Yang Jian!" Red Lotus Underlord shouted loudly.


Wangchen also turned his head, looking at him with disappointment in his eyes.

It's all this time.

Is he going to go back on his word?
However, Yang Gang did not exude any momentum.

With a disheartened look, he smiled bitterly and said, "I just want to know, what name do you plan to give this divine pillar? Is this all right?"

"Tianhe Dingdi Divine Precious Iron."

Wangchen looked cold, turned back and continued writing indifferently.


Because Yang Gang disturbed her, she had to start writing again.

One stroke at a time.

As if she had exhausted all of Wangchen's strength, she wrote very slowly, very slowly.

this moment.

Time also seems to pass very slowly, very slowly.

Everyone is waiting.

All beings in the Three Realms are waiting, and Yang Gang is waiting.

Some people hiding in dark corners may also be waiting.


No one has ever stopped Wangchen's act of saving the world.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Yang Gang's eyes.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and said, "Wang Chen."


Wangchen stopped his movements, but didn't turn around.

"Can I write with you?"


Wangchen looked indifferently ahead, but still didn't speak.

"I just want to walk the last part of the journey with you, count me in. Please." Yang Gang's voice was pleading.

"beg me?"

Hearing the words, Wangchen's indifferent eyes could not help but loosen.

The hearts of the people around were shaken suddenly, and there was a bit of unbearable color in their eyes.

People like Yang Jian... would even ask for help.

It is conceivable how much this incident hit him!

Nuwa mends the sky.

It is saving all beings in the Three Realms.

But for Yang Gang, watching someone he cares about go to the end of his the cruelest thing in the world.


Finally, Wangchen nodded slightly, which was a response to Yang Gang's request.

A little joy flashed in his eyes, but it seemed to be filled with deep sadness.He took a few steps forward as before, hugged Wang Chen's body again, and held her wrist.

The two worked together.

Started to write the name of 'it' for the treasure that will be the pillar of heaven.

A sad atmosphere gradually spread.

Everyone watched this scene silently, with unbearable expressions on their faces.

The great hero who once saved the Three Realms has finally come to this point, it is really...

Everyone felt sorry for Yang Gang.

There was only one person with a perplexed expression.

Shi Huang looked at Yang Gang's back.

As the person who knows Yang Gang best.

For some reason, at this moment, he felt a faint unease in his heart.

"Why, why he has already agreed to give up. I still feel uneasy..."


[Where were the little blacks who said yesterday that I forcibly smashed the three-pointed two-edged knife for the sake of the plot?Come out and chat... To be honest, this paragraph is really difficult to write, very difficult to write.I want to describe a Yang Jian who is exhausted by the organization and gives everything for others, but is not caught by everyone.Wanting to have the best of both worlds, so Yang Gang only has...]

[Forget it, life grows and hates water and grows east, you can taste the rest yourself.If I don't write well, I am not capable enough. 】

(End of this chapter)

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