I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 295 The Real Yang Jian

Chapter 295 The Real Yang Jian

"What's wrong?"

"The world is safe with the law of two things, and it will not fail the Three Realms and not disappoint the Qing..."

Shi Huang frowned, lost in thought.

"Wait! The world is safe with the law of the two worlds, and it is worthy of the Three Realms and worthy of Qing?" Shi Huang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he took a long breath.

"Could it be that he... wants to bear all this alone?"

"Tianhe. Ding. Di. Shen. Zhen. Tie." Yang Gang and Wangchen's hands joined together.

Together, they wrote the name of the new Buzhou Mountain belonging to the Tongtian Shenzhu and the future.

It's just that Wangchen found that after he finished writing the word 'Tianhe' and Yang Gang joined in, the way he exerted force with his wrist was completely different from what he was about to write later.

But when the two work together, they are very harmonious.

It makes people feel that the two are working together and aiming at the same goal.

Wangchen couldn't help but feel a little weird.


There was a loud shout at this moment.

However, it was too late.

Yang Gang turned his head and smiled at Emperor Shi with a hint of relief in his smile.

After writing the seven characters of "Tianhe Dingdi Shenzhen Iron", the Tongtian Divine Pillar suddenly burst into a myriad of divine lights.

bang bang bang ~~
The sky pillar rises inch by inch and lifts up the dome of the sky.

this moment.

The mountains, seas and land suddenly burst with endless vitality.

The cloudy sky dissipated.

A great sun rises from the east, shining its light on the Three Realms.

The bright moon looms in the west, and the bright moonlight nourishes everything.

The stars all over the sky also showed their tracks, competing with the sun and the moon, vying to throw the light of the stars on the earth, and then gathered on the pillar of the sky, as if injected with boundless power.

This force exists.

From now on, forever and ever, as long as the Zhoutian stars are immortal, the Heavenly Pillar will be immortal.

The two come from the same source and support this world.

All the beings in the three realms showed joyful faces, and many of them even wept with joy, hugging each other tightly with their relatives and friends.No one paid attention to the strange color of the Stone Emperor anymore.

The entire mountain and sea world fell into a carnival.

Since then.

Mountains and seas no longer have to worry about the future.

All people can live and work in peace and contentment.

And the descendants of Nuwa who mend the sky have finally stepped into the end of their lives.

Her divine power has been completely exhausted, and her breath is like a candle.The solid figure even gradually took on an illusory state.

Shi Huang froze in place, watching all this stupidly.

The expression on his face changed wildly, as if the spiritual world had suffered some kind of huge shock.

"Yang Jian."

But Wangchen didn't hear Shihuang's shout, nor did he hear any voice from the outside world.

At this time, she was extremely weak.

Turning around to look at Yang Gang, he found that his face was as pale as his own.

Wang Chen forced a smile, and had no time to think about it.

He just said softly, "I'm leaving."

"Let's go."

Yang Gang seemed to have seen everything, and said with a smile, "I'll take you to the Nuwa Temple."


Wang Chen's eyes opened and closed, drowsy.The descendant of Nuwa, who used to be supernaturally powerful, seems to be unable to resist even the sleepiness of his body.

As he spoke, his body shook.

He fell into Yang Gang's arms.

Yang Gang hugged Wang Chen and looked down at her pale face.

Can't help but sigh with pity.

Then he hugged her and turned around to fly to the Nuwa Temple at the end of the earth.

The people around dispersed one after another, looking at the backs of the two with complicated eyes.

Guilt, anger, regret, hatred... all kinds of emotions flow.

There is only Shihuang alone.

Standing there blankly, looking at the Tongtian Divine Pillar in front of him, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the pillar.

Muttering to himself: "Why... everything will develop like this? Yang Jian, what exactly did you see in the future..."

"You're so selfish..."

"You are so selfish!"

"Why do I never tell my elder brother what's in my heart! I don't have your wisdom, but..."


A painful roar resounded through Buzhou Mountain and the sky.

Everyone looked at Emperor Shi, who was holding his head in his hands and roaring in pain, but they didn't understand why.

"Yang Jian. Yang Jian"

"Happy Brother"

Wangchen's sanity has fallen into a daze, and he keeps calling Yang Gang's name in his mouth.

"I'm here."

Yang Gang hugged her tightly, flying faster.


'Cough cough cough' he couldn't help coughing.

Then his throat was sweet, and he swallowed the blood abruptly.

After a while.

The ancient and desolate Nuwa Temple has finally arrived
Holding Wang Chen in his arms, Yang Gang walked inward step by step.

When he stepped on the steps of the temple threshold.

Finally, he couldn't help but turn his head and look up at the sky.

watched for a long time.

Finally let out an inexplicable sigh.

"It's all like this, don't you still make a move?"

No one responded to his words.

Yang Gang couldn't bear a burst of disappointment, turned around and stepped into the Nuwa Temple.

for a long time.

A gust of wind blew over the steps in front of Nuwa Temple.

Except for a few fallen leaves, there can no longer be any storms.

Haotian did not appear.

The Eastern Emperor did not appear either.

The Venerable Kutuo, who hid so deeply to escape from samsara, did not appear either.

They didn't take any action when Yang Gang was weakest.

It seems that he has really completely given up the fight for the authority of heaven, and continues to lie dormant, waiting for the opportunity to reappear after eternity.

this play.

Yang Gang calculated for thousands of years and deceived the people of the world, but in the end he only achieved half of his goal.


What happened on Buzhou Mountain was actually a scene directed by Yang Gang.

A one-man show that didn't tell anyone and belonged to him alone.

Perhaps the only one in the Three Realms who understands his actions now is Emperor Shi.


He also only understood half of it.

Because only Yang Gang knows.

In later generations, mountains and seas collapsed, and the three-pointed and two-edged sword shattered.

Haotian, Donghuang and others have also transformed into Dao, forgetting most of the key memories in the mountains and seas.

All is said and done.

He seemed to have no point in struggling.


He had to struggle again to get rid of those 'troubles' before he left.

Fight for a ray of life for my future self and for the many people who have been reincarnated.


When the world returns to the ancient times, and all living beings awaken the ancient memories, how many people will change their positions, and how many people... will regard him as "Yang Jian" as an enemy?
the most important is.

The attitude of the Holy Monarch and the Demon Emperor.

The Yang Gang of the later generations does not have the power of heavenly authority, and does not have the slightest chance to take the lead.It would be best if they were not hostile and let go of the past.

But if...

The reincarnations of these two powerful beings are different from other people's reincarnations, both of which have the subjective consciousness and emotions of the previous life.

Therefore, Yang Gang cannot pin his hopes on the 'kindness' of others.

And want to deceive Haotian and Donghuang.

Only by deceiving everyone in the Three Realms.

Only this is naturally not enough.


Not only did Yang Gang turn against the Three Realms in the ruins of Buzhou Mountain, but he also planned to shatter the three-pointed and two-edged sword in a big battle, eliminating all hidden dangers within his own control.

In the end, without telling everyone, and Wang Chen, who was mentally weakened, he carved five characters on the Tongtian Divine Pillar.

That's the real Yang Jian!
(End of this chapter)

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