I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 305 Humanity Is Immortal, Military Soul Will Live Forever

Chapter 305 Humanity Is Immortal, Military Soul Will Live Forever

"Wen Zhong, give up."

On the cart, Huang Feihu smiled wryly and said: "There is no hope, we have no hope at all! The road to Chaoge is a dead end. Once we reach Chaoge, our death... the death of the emperor's army. .”


Wen Zhong suddenly turned his head and stared at Huang Feihu viciously: "King Chengwu, do you have the idea of ​​surrender? Let me tell you, if you dare to disturb the morale of the army, I, Wen Zhong, will be the first to behead your head and sacrifice to the flag!"

"To comfort the souls of countless soldiers who died!"

"Surrender? Wen Zhong, don't you know me yet?"

Huang Feihu smiled wryly and closed his eyes: "Back then, Huang Tianhua's rebellious son defected, I beheaded him with my own hands. I, Huang Feihu, have a heart that the world can learn from! But now my son is dead, my daughter is dead, all of them are dead."

"Dead on the way to escape from Chaoge, no bones left."

Lying on the cart, he said angrily, "I just thought, if I could have a place to bury my body after my death, and die with dignity, that would be great..."


Wen Zhong scolded angrily: "Huang Feihu, you are showing weakness! You want to die with dignity, but have you ever thought about the countless soldiers who died fighting for humanity, did they die with dignity?"


Countless voices shouted in unison, making Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu jump in fright.

Huang Feihu stood up from the cart in a jerk, only to realize how many old, weak and disabled soldiers had gathered around him.They looked at the two with burning eyes, their eyes full of burning fighting spirit.


"stand up."

"As long as humanity is not destroyed, as long as we have the last person standing, we are not defeated!"

"Yes! As long as we haven't reached Chaoge, we haven't lost yet!"

A veteran who had half of his shoulder cut off and was covered in white cloth stained with blood laughed loudly.

He shouted loudly with an old voice: "To die on the battlefield is the highest honor and the greatest dignity for us as soldiers of the emperor! I have lived for 300 years and fought for humanity all my life. Thousand 730 games."

"I have followed you as King Chengwu, I have followed General Kong Xuan, I have followed His Majesty Di Xin, and my Erlang God who has never given up...Yang Jian."

"Bastard, stand up for me."

"Although I am not as talented as you, I also know that as a soldier, I would rather die standing than lying down. The God of Red Lotus is still persisting, the soldiers are still persisting, and General Kong Xuan is still leading the army Fight hard and die for those of us who are old, weak, sick and disabled."

"Get up and fight!"

The old voice was unusually loud, echoing between heaven and earth.

Huang Feihu's ears kept vibrating.

"I'd rather... die standing up!"

Huang Feihu muttered to himself, a crazy smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, I was confused, I was confused! The pressure on Haotian is really great, it is so heavy that people can't breathe! Now I understand Yang Jian a little bit, and understand what he was carrying... ..."

"Brothers, I was wrong."

"Come on, help me up. I can fight again! Fight him for three hundred rounds! Fight him to the death!"




A roar echoed in the mountains and forests, echoing in the vast world.


The remnants of the Human Emperor, who were being besieged by the Heavenly Court's army, heard the sound and turned their heads one after another, thinking that their rear had been attacked.

After hearing the loud slogan clearly, he couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.



A group of blood-soaked disabled soldiers with missing arms and legs, holding a bunch of broken weapons, unexpectedly rushed out from the rear and joined the battlefield.

"you you"

The remnant soldiers of the Renhuang who were resisting couldn't help being stunned.

The Heavenly Court Allied Forces who were besieging were also dumbfounded.

Is this group of old, weak, sick and disabled here to die?

"Humanity is immortal, and the soul of the army will last forever!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Brothers, here we come, hahahahaha"

Watching the disabled figures go forward one after another, watching Chengwu King Huang Feihu, watching the veteran soldier full of vigor, watching the countless disabled robes still fighting bloody battles... the soldiers who are responsible for the death of the emperor on the frontal battlefield are crying Eyes.

It turns out...they weren't abandoned.

It turns out...they still have comrades in arms!
It turns out... there are still people who are willing to die with them.

This feeling is so good!
a time.

The remnants of the Human Sovereign counterattacked vigorously, their momentum soaring, and they forcibly blocked back several waves of troops that were far larger than their own.

Let the Emperor's army in the rear continue to move forward.

The two sides retreated and chased.

Gradually entered the area near Chaoge.

"Your Majesty, do you really need to cut off their path?" Above the sky, the Wu Zu from Jiuyou asked again.

"No need."

Haotian's face was as sinking as water, and he seemed very dissatisfied looking at the majestic remnants of the Emperor's army.

Then he smiled coldly.

Said: "I just want them to go to Chaoge. I want to crush their last hope and the soul of the humanitarian army. I want them to enjoy the feeling of being completely hopeless when they are most hopeful!"

"Your Majesty...you are wise." Jiuyou Wu Zu couldn't help feeling chills when he heard this, and took a step back silently.

Time passed.

The number of the emperor's remnant army continued to drop sharply.

Fifty miles away from the old place of Chaoge, there were only 15 left.

At thirty miles, there are still one hundred thousand left.

In the last ten miles, only [-] were left.


"Chengwu King Huang Feihu died in battle. Before he died, he killed 120 three angels and three hundred demons without retreating a single step."


"Meishan Yuan Hong was killed in battle. Before he died, he personally blew himself up with the commander of the [-] Caotou gods under his command, and was buried with [-] heavenly soldiers. No one flinched!"



The battle report fell into Zhong's ears like rain.

He closed his eyes in pain, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Continue to break through! Regardless of everything, we must go to Chaoge! Kill!"




"Kill kill kill!"

The roars, screams, and the sound of swords cutting through flesh and blood all came to Wen Zhong's ears clearly.

He gradually laughed.

He smiled miserably: "It's only one step away. Chaoge, it's only one step away!"

"Humanity... can never be destroyed by my hands!"

For a long, long time, one by one, the figures fell on the charging road... Finally, the vision ahead was empty.

Everyone instinctively looked up.

Under the hazy sky in front of him, there stood a lonely black hut.

"This is……"

"The house where the coach lives in seclusion!"

"We have arrived!"

"We... finally arrived!"

One by one, the pupils lit up one after another, staring at the room that represented hope.

There was a gleam of hope in his eyes.

They... finally arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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