I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 306 You Have Waited For One Year, Why Can't You Wait Another Day

Chapter 306 You Have Waited For 100 Years, Why Can't You Wait Another Day
Wen Taishi once told them.

As long as they can reach the house where Yang Jian lives in seclusion, they will be saved!There is still a ray of hope for humanity!
just now.

After untold hardships and countless lives of Paoze, they finally did it!

"Go! Brothers!"

"There's only one last stretch left!"


Countless passionate shouts sounded.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on that lonely hut, and they rushed forward, running crazily...

Yet at this moment.

Under everyone's gaze, the hut suddenly exploded into countless pieces with a 'bang'.

A fragmented corpse fell powerlessly from the sky.

With a 'plop' it hit the face of the remnant of the Emperor.

Everyone froze in shock, staring blankly at the old face of the corpse.In a vague way, they actually saw a trace of the shadow of the invincible God of War from that face.


"He wouldn't just be..."

"Aw~~~" A canine whine came.

A bloody black dog crawled out from the ruins, and crawled towards the old man's body step by step with difficulty.

Its legs appear to be limping.

There was also a huge hole in the stomach, and the green intestines were hanging down on the ground, dying.


It still uses the joints of its limbs to move its body step by step, and refuses to give up even if it dies.

this moment.

Everyone's hearts sank.

This person is really the famous number one God of War in the Three Realms back then, God Erlang... Yang Jian.


last hope?

Erlang Shen Yang Jian's house was blown to pieces, and his body was trampled on.

If there is any backhand, how can it be like this?
That man is really dead!
'Da da da'

A sound of footsteps came from the ruins.


A strange man appeared in front of everyone.

Many people couldn't help but shine.

Did he...

"Ji Fa!"

"It's you!"

Wen Zhong shouted loudly and looked at the man in shock.


The son of Ji Chang, Ji Fa.

He didn't pay attention to everyone's gaze, just looked down at Yang Gang's body.

He said coldly: "Yang Jian, I have been waiting for 100 years. I have observed you for 100 years. I finally confirmed that you have no backup. You lost. This time, you lost completely!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

"You beheaded my father in front of the army back then. This revenge is irreconcilable. Today, I will avenge my father in front of the Emperor's army and all living beings in the Three Realms!"


He kicked away the roaring dog that was crawling over.

Lifting Yang Gang's body, he slowly drew a long sword from his waist.

Then he looked at the crowd with a murderous look on his face.

"What do you want to do?"

"Ji Fa, how dare you!"

"Put down the coach's body!"

"If you dare to do it, you will be destroyed!"

"Do not--"

Amidst countless outraged and desperate exclamations.

Ji Fa showed a crazy and tyrannical smile, and slammed his sword down in front of everyone.


The muffled sound came to everyone's ears clearly.

this moment.

The sky and the earth, the mountains and the sea, suddenly became so quiet, so quiet.

All eyes were fixed on a head rolling on the ground.

Staring at that old face, staring at the corpse of the man who once stood proud in the three worlds and stood on the top of the mountains and seas, he was severed with a sword.

It fell into complete silence.

Ji Fa...how dare he!

How could he do this!
Tens of thousands of remnants of the emperor, Wen Zhong, Hong Lian, Kong Xuan... a person can hardly believe his eyes.

The evolution of the long river of human luck has proved that Erlang Shen Yang Jian's past has no merit or demerit.

He was exhausted for the sake of the Three Realms.

Even paid with his own life.

As a result, the body would be defiled like this after death!

It's really... it's really...

This scene.

It shocked everyone's mind.

Including the heavenly army, including the demons of the earth, including the Nine Nether Survivors.

Even Haotian, who was sitting high above the clouds, was shocked by Ji Fa's madness and vigor.

"Ji Fa...I'm at odds with you!"

Wen Zhong's eyes were bloodshot quickly, Ga La Gala gritted his teeth, suddenly raised the weapon in his hand, and fiercely killed Ji Fa.


Countless figures remained silent, raising their weapons high.


Tens of thousands of neat shouts broke through the sky.


Everyone is crazy.

The destruction of Yang Jian's body completely aroused the anger in the hearts of the Emperor's army.

In the blink of an eye.

Ji Fa's figure was about to be completely submerged.

However, at this moment, he raised his head and looked at the sky with burning eyes.

Looking above the clouds, there is a stalwart figure.

"Good boy."

Haotian looked at Ji Fa standing in the middle of the army, his eyes showed a hint of appreciation, "Ji Chang's son is really ruthless and poisonous. In the future, when the Heavenly Court is established, this son can be the Son of Heaven..."

Immediately gave an order.

"Stop them!"

Immediately, the Heavenly Court army was launched, forming a line of defense in front of Ji Fa and the Human Emperor's army in advance, and protecting Ji Fa in it.

"Kill kill kill!"

"If you risk everything today, Ji Fa's head will definitely be beheaded!"

"Brothers, do your best! You will kill Ji Fa if you die!"

"Ah ah ah"

The crazy and tragic battle kicked off in the old place of Chaoge.

However.The disparity in strength comparison cannot be changed by a moment of anger.

Ji Fa stood in the field, holding Yang Gang's body, and laughed wildly.

Then his face turned cold.

He threw Yang Gang's body into the air, and chopped off the long sword in his hand.


Xiao Tiangou rushed forward desperately, and was split in two by a sword.

Half of his body fell on the ground, half of his body fell on Yang Gang's headless body, and he used his two disabled front paws to protect his body tightly.

"Stupid dog, get out!"

Ji Fa's face was gloomy, and another sword fell.


The Roaring Dog screamed terribly, but still lay firmly on Yang Gang's body, using his own body to recklessly bear sword after sword, sword after sword...

Gradually, the howling of the roaring dog disappeared.

Its body was chopped into minced flesh, covering Yang Gang's body, shocking.


It was the turn of Yang Gang's body.

Ji Fa grinned grimly, and the people around were furious.


He did it on purpose!

With his strength, how could he have to cut so many swords to see the body of the Broken Roaring Dog?

"don't want!!"

"Don't chop any more!"

"Ji Fa! You must die, you must die!"

"Hate it! I hate it!"

However, no matter how much they shouted and cursed, they could not stop Ji Fa's will.

They could only watch helplessly as Yang Gang's body was cut to pieces by a sword, and the flesh turned into mud and melted into the earth, merging with the broken mountains and rivers.

From the anger of the remnant of the Emperor, it gradually became unwilling, and finally to despair and powerlessness...

At last.

When Yang Gang's corpse was completely melted into pieces, they finally couldn't hold back any longer, and gradually gave up resistance one by one, their trembling palms could no longer hold the weapons in their hands.

Sitting on the ground and crying loudly, his heart completely collapsed.

The morale of the army is gone.

Killing hearts.

Haotian did it.

Ji Fa did it.

"Ji Fa, stop, stop! Haotian, tell Ji Fa to stop, please, make Ji Fa stop!" Wen Zhong fell down on the muddy ground and yelled weakly.

"Please, I beg you! We admit defeat, we admit defeat! We really lost..."

"Please stop, stop insulting Yang Jian's corpse!"

"I heard that Zhongdou can't beat you, and no one in the Three Realms can beat you except Yang Jian!"

"I know, I know, did you figure it all out 100 years ago?"

"Hahaha maybe, even Yang Jian didn't count you out."

Tears slid down his cheeks, and Wen Zhong's firm Dao heart collapsed completely, and he kept talking to himself: "Yang Jian, you have counted everything, why didn't you count the price of your own life, and you couldn't draw out the truth while you were alive?" And you?"


"It's all my fault, it's all our fault! We shouldn't have distrusted you. If we had trusted you like His Majesty Di Xin, perhaps all this would not have happened..."

"Hahaha, lost, completely lost!"

"Haotian, you really won this time...Even Yang Jian can't count against you, I, Wen Zhong, what qualifications do I have... Please, let Ji Fa stop!"

Wen Zhong knelt on the ground, begging bitterly.

All the remnants of the Emperor's army lowered their heads with dispirited faces.

They...really lost.

Completely lost.

Even Dao Xin and fighting spirit were lost.Forced to bow his head and beg, he completely lost his last dignity.


There was no response from Nine Heavens.

Haotian sat quietly on the cloud, Shi Shiran smiled.

"Yang Jian, you did lose."

"You finally lost."

"I've been waiting for hundreds of millions of years. Why should I be afraid to wait another 100 years? Yang Jian is dead. I'm looking at the Three Realms. Who else can stop me!" three realms.

Bursts of hearty laughter spread throughout the sky.

Anyone can hear the pride in it.

'Ding~~' Suddenly, a crisp sound reached everyone's ears.

Ji Fa's long sword froze.

It seemed to have hit something hard.

He couldn't help frowning, and used his sword to tear apart pieces of flesh and blood, and picked up a bone-like thing.

"what is this?"

It was an oval object the size of a palm, and it was definitely not Yang Gang's bone.

So, why did such a thing appear in his body?

over nine days.

Haotian lowered his gaze, instinctively his heart sank.

at the same time.

Ji Fa opened his mouth and blew away the flesh and blood fragments on the surface of the object.

Everyone looked at it together.

It was found that the thing was a turtle's carapace.

"There are still words on the tortoise shell?"

Ji Fa suddenly exclaimed and looked carefully.

Just then.

A dark cloud lifted from the sky.

A ray of skylight fell on the tortoise shell, and it was written impressively: [Since you have waited for 100 years, why can't you wait another day? 】

this sentence.

It seemed to be responding to Haotian's crazy words just now when he stood on the clouds and looked down at the Three Realms.

That pen sharpened like a knife, suddenly reveals an incomparably decisive edge that is proud of the world and the three worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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