I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 313 The Sea of ​​Bitterness Appears, and the Divine Soldier is Broken

Chapter 313 The Sea of ​​Bitterness Appears, and the Divine Soldier is Broken

"Not good!"

Taishang Laojun changed color slightly.

Immediately cast the formula and mutter something in his mouth.

"Hurry up, hurry up like a law!"

Immediately, wisps of brilliance continuously fell from the Qiankun bracelet and merged into Shihuang's head. His painful expression was suppressed abruptly, and he immediately returned to a ferocious appearance.

However, at this ten-thousandth moment, Yang Gang seized the most critical opportunity!
"Mountains and seas—destroy!"

A brand-new 'mountain and sea' was cut out, and the thick and layered mountain and sea scenery on it suddenly collapsed inch by inch at the moment when it evolved to the most prosperous.

Immediately, there was a strange flavor gushing out.

The brand-new Shanhai Yidao has Yang Gang's firm thoughts poured into it, and it actually contains a destructive Dao rhyme.

at the same time.

Haotian's long-prepared ultimate blow finally fell from Jiutian.

It was a pillar of light comparable to a divine pillar reaching the sky, containing the evolution of billions of supernatural powers. It penetrated countless avenues in the world, the extremes of the earth, and the peak of immortals. When they merged together, they underwent inexplicable changes.

There is a feeling of letting chaos return to ruins, which contains the meaning of endless birth and death.


Shi Huang let out a roar that shook the sky, raised the heavenly pillar in his hand, jumped up high suddenly, and hit Yang Gang on the head with a stick.

This blow.

He has exerted all his strength, which is the pinnacle of power in the world!
all of a sudden.

Three peerless supernatural powers collided fiercely.

An extreme of mana, an extreme of power, and an extreme of will.

The sky collapses and the earth cracks, everything perishes.

The space collapsed inch by inch, and the avenue melted in it.

The intersection of the three peerless supernatural powers seems to form a singularity that penetrates the core of the world. It reaches the nine heavens and connects the nine secluded worlds. You can see the sun, the moon, the stars, and the chaos of the universe.

At last.

All real appearances gradually fade away, and a mysterious ocean appears between the heaven and the earth.


Countless figures are fighting among them.

In the frontmost echelon, there is the Stone Emperor who is physically invincible, Haotian who has the magic power that surpasses the Three Realms, Kutuo who has the supreme soul, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi with the ancient bronze bell on his head, and human emperors from ancient to modern times...

Behind them are the supreme beings of the three religions, monsters, Jiuyou, and the ancient gods of the mountains and seas, and there are immortals who have practiced for many years.

They turn into boats crossing the sea with their bodies, souls, supreme magic powers, or mysterious treasures, and they fight for the endless shore in the distance...

The millions of miles in the Buzhou Mountain area are covered by a sea of ​​bitterness.


A sword light, a palace, and a stick all appeared in the sea of ​​bitterness.

I saw that the knife light took the initiative to meet the palace and the stick.

The three meet in the sky.

For the first time in the illusory boundless sea of ​​suffering, the voice of the real world sounded.

Everything seemed to stand still for an instant.

One after another looked up in the sea of ​​bitterness, staring at the terrifying scene in horror.

For a long time, for a long time.


The white-gold blade of the three-pointed two-edged knife suddenly began to shatter inch by inch.The tip of the knife turned into three pieces and fell into the sea of ​​bitterness, scattered all over the mountains, seas and land.

There was only one handle left.


The existences that are eligible to enter the sea of ​​suffering are all the great powers of the Three Realms.At this moment, they fell into a state of horror at the same time, opened their mouths silently, and stared blankly at this terrifying scene.

The three-pointed, two-edged knife... shattered!
Doesn't that mean...

Another crisp sound.

The iron rod transformed into the Tongtian Shenzhu trembled billions of times in an instant, and the five golden characters of "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" appeared under the words "Tianhe Dingdi Shenzhen Iron".

The golden light shone on Haotian's face, reflecting the astonished expression on his face.

at the last minute.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel turned around, covering his Lingxiao Palace within the attack range.

It caused the three treasures to collide abruptly.

Gala, Gala~~
The golden cudgel made an ear-piercing sound, and pieces of metal fragments collapsed, falling into the sea of ​​bitterness.As the hardest artifact in this world, the Golden Cudgel did not completely shatter.

But the Dao Yun in it has collapsed in the terrifying shock, and can no longer be used as a weapon, and it cannot continue to support the weight of heaven and earth until it is repaired.


Even if these three treasures collide together, some of the power of the divine weapon may be damaged, but the divine weapon will never be shattered.

If it is to be broken, it should be the three-pointed two-edged knife, which is already on the verge of breaking, and it should be broken first.

However, the golden cudgel suddenly changed direction.

As a result, the three formed an evenly matched situation, causing the Dao rhyme inside the three artifacts to vibrate, and the Dao collapsed.

Hundreds of millions of births and deaths flickered inside the Lingxiao Palace instantly. Compared with the three-pointed two-edged sword and the golden cudgel, it collapsed most thoroughly.

It directly turned into countless dust, and sprinkled into the boundless sea of ​​bitterness like the sand of the Ganges River.

It is almost impossible to repair it in the future!
The sea of ​​bitterness set off endless waves, instantly submerging the figures of Yang Gang, Haotian, and Emperor Shi in the front.

It also completely submerged the figures of the three in reality.

Even the Taishang Laojun, who escaped a hundred thousand miles away, was inevitably caught up in the storm, with a frightened expression on his face.

Just for a moment.

Taishang Laojun's body, mana, and spirit all melted in the sea of ​​suffering, becoming the first great power to fall in this catastrophe.

And this seems to have kicked off the prelude to the collapse of mountains and seas.

The boundless sea of ​​bitterness expanded millions of miles in an instant, melting the surrounding mountains, rivers, deep valleys...everything, countless lives, and only a little true spirit was pulled by the spontaneous suction of samsara.

Reality and fantasy are completely blended at this moment.

Show the real face of this side of the world in front of the world.

It's a pity that many people are destined not to see this terrifying scene.

"Shan Hai... Mie. Yang Jian, your knife really triggered Mie Shi!"

Haotian looked at Yang Gang who was ups and downs in the sea of ​​bitterness together, and shouted in shock and anger: "Why did the Emperor Stone suddenly change the direction of the last stick? What kind of backhand did you leave on the Heaven-reaching Divine Pillar? Why did you do this..."

"Doing this...what good will it do you?"


Yang Gang smiled slightly, "Haotian, you will never understand how much suffering the human race has experienced since ancient times. You will never understand... In order for the sky above our heads to be free from haze, we can make any sacrifices."

"You'll never understand!"

"Because you... are not human."

He was in the boundless wind and waves, his illusory body was shaking, and he supported the stone emperor who seemed to be in a coma with one hand.


Haotian's face darkened, and his expression kept changing.

At this time, Yang Jian was still pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

It's abominable!
for a long time.

He took a long breath, finally suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "Stop, if you continue to fight, it is really hopeless! The sea of ​​bitterness will appear, and the entire mountain and sea will be submerged, and the entire world will cease to exist, including you I."


Yang Gang shook his head honestly, "I've spent so much effort, and finally got to this point. Why should I stop?"

"Don't you really care about the millions of creatures in the mountains and seas!"

Haotian said angrily.

"I said, even if I take the whole mountain and sea to be buried with me, I'll kill you!" Yang Gang raised the broken three-pointed two-edged knife, struck every word, and burst out with endless aura.

(End of this chapter)

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