I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 314 Haotian's Killing Game

Chapter 314 Haotian's Killing Game
"Hahahaha, okay, Yang Jian, you are really ruthless!"

Haotian suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.


He stopped laughing, looked down at Yang Gang coldly, and said with a sneer, "Do you really think you have won? Do you think you can stop me by destroying mountains and seas?"

"A plan of hundreds of millions of years...how can you destroy it day and night!"

"Come out!"

The voice fell.

In the boundless sea of ​​suffering under Buzhou Mountain, strange and familiar figures suddenly appeared one after another.

A great sun emerged from the east.

Amidst the immense light, a mighty emperor came from afar.He exudes an ancient aura around him, holding a volume of mountains and seas books in his hand, a bronze bell on his head, and a black and yellow robe sweeping the void behind him.

It is the Taoist body of Yaodi Jun, the Lord of Heaven in ancient times, and now the Emperor of the Three Realms—Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"East Emperor, you are finally here."

Yang Gang's expression remained unchanged, and he greeted with a smile like an old friend.

western sky.

Suddenly there are ten thousand Buddha lights shining in the sky.

A spiritual mountain full of Buddhas flew from the far west.The endless Sanskrit sound pierces the sky, and the light of Buddhas renders the world.

see this scene.

Yang Gang's complexion finally changed slightly.

Only a hundred years have passed, has the incense of Buddhism recovered to this level?Sure enough, it won't work just to put a master of the primordial spirit like Venerable Kutuo into reincarnation!


A twelfth-grade golden lotus flew out from Naling Mountain.

Sitting on it was a thin and bitter-looking venerable, who said "goodness" and bowed to Yang Gang.

"The poor monk, Ku Tuo, has met True Monarch Erlang."

"It's been a long time since the real king!"

"It's been a long time." Yang Gang's voice was as cold as iron, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

This ancient Buddhist gate is really a group of inexhaustible bugs!

Pollution of the world of mountains and seas, a scourge that poisons the spirits of all living beings!
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound of shouting and killing came from under the earth.

The filthy Jiuyou survivors, like the underground demons, broke through the soil of the earth and came from the depths of Jiuyou.

Eleven powerful witch ancestors.

The [-] pillar demon gods re-formed the Jiuyou Demon Army in the ancient Zhuolu Field.

"Jiuyou is here too?"

Yang Gang looked at the ground with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He has never looked down on the defeated soldiers of the past, or the group of rats hiding in the Nine Netherworld.

It seemed to feel Yang Gang's gaze.

The eleven shaman ancestors suddenly looked angry, and they all shouted loudly.


A huge black ax pierced the earth and came from the depths of the nether world. The violent demonic energy was as dense as a prison, vowing to kill all living beings.

"A relative of God Axe?"


Yang Gang frowned slightly, and said clearly: "This is the demon soldier who belonged to the demon lord Chiman back then. Since the fall of Chiman, no one in the Jiuyou tribe can lift the Jiuyou magic axe!"

"Why, with your inferior version of the Heavenly God and Demon Formation, you dare to kill me Yang Jian with this ax?"


A shaman ancestor laughed angrily, "Yang Jian, don't be arrogant! Don't think I can't see that the ancient magic weapon in your hand has long lost its dao charm!"

"Hahaha, without this ancient divine weapon, Yang Jian, what else do you have to fight us today?"


The Donghuang Bell, the Xiantian Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus, and the Nine Nether Demon Ax surrounded Yang Gang and Shihuang from three directions.

And above the sky.

Haotian smiled slightly, and suddenly shouted: "Tianmen, fall!"

Four magnificent heavenly gates.

It suddenly fell from the void, besieging Yang Gang from all directions.

'South Tianmen', 'North Tianmen', 'East Tianmen', 'West Tianmen'... four plaques shining with divine light illuminate the heaven and earth brilliantly.

Seeing this, the expressions of the people around him, whether they were friends or foes, changed slightly.

After losing the Haotian Mirror and Lingxiao Palace, Haotian actually moved out another magical combination that can be called the most precious treasure of the Three Realms.

The balance of victory instantly tilted towards Haotian.

This is the game of lore.

It is the lore that Haotian has already prepared against Erlang God Yang Jian!

Erlang God Yang Jian, who lost his magic weapon, faced the Donghuang Bell, the Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus, the Nine Nether Demon Axe, the Four Heavenly Gates, and the powerhouses behind them.

Does he... still have a chance of winning?


Yang Gang bowed his head lowly.

For the first time in my life.

His will to never admit defeat finally felt a little powerless.

Both Kutuo and Jiuyou became Haotian's lackeys, even the mighty Donghuang Taiyi let go of his arrogance and came to surround and kill him.

But now the three-pointed two-edged knife has been shattered.

Even if he could rely on Jiuyou and be invincible... but without the means to attack, how could he win?

What to use to kill Haotian?

Can't win.

That means he has actually lost.

"Yang Jian~~~Are you going to give up?"

Stone Emperor's weak voice came from beside him.

"Brother, are you awake?"

Yang Gang turned his head in surprise.

"I'm awake, I've been awake all this time. I've been awake for a hundred years. Unfortunately, I couldn't control myself, and your weapon was broken..." Shihuang sighed guiltily.

"I don't blame you, I didn't stop you at the beginning."

Yang Gang couldn't help shaking his head, but his expression was more guilty than Shihuang.

"Yang Jian."

Stone Emperor didn't dwell on this matter anymore, and instead asked: "Haotian is really so invincible, do you want to give up?"

"It's not that I want to give up."

Yang Gang shook his head and said, "But at this point, I really can't do anything. The three-pointed and two-edged knife broke ahead of time, so I'm still one step away."

"Who said you were bad?"

Shihuang suddenly revealed a mysterious smile.


Yang Gang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

"Leave that aside, let me ask you one more question, do you really want to give up?" Stone Emperor asked solemnly.


Yang Gang couldn't help but hesitated, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

give up?

He never knew what giving up was.

But this time, he really didn't know what to do.

"Before you answer me, take a look at this world..." Shi Huang turned his head, his eyes shone with golden light, like Yang Gang's Celestial Eye, he could see the distant land.

"Look at the old place of Chaoge, look at those soldiers, have they given up?"

Yang Gang looked away.

Looking at the figures fighting hard on the old ground of Chaoge, the soldiers who had already died one after another, in order to fulfill his orders, they risked themselves again and again, even if they lost the hope of reincarnation.

The millions of heavenly troops must also be left on the earth.

None of them gave up!

"Look around the mountains and seas, look at those creatures who have suffered so much. Look at them... have they given up?"

Yang Gang looked away.

Countless horrific catastrophes happened again across the mountains and seas, and the waves of the sea of ​​bitterness melted all things, sweeping all directions little by little.But they didn't give up either. They helped each other with their families, and worked hard to stay away from the disaster one by one.

Converging into long rivers of life, they migrate towards the barren four poles and eight barren lands.

"The world is collapsing, and all living beings are doomed to perish and reincarnate. But look at them, have they given up?" Stone Emperor's voice was ethereal and distant, as if coming from the depths of Jiuyou, "Even if they can only live for one more day or an hour, they will not give up."

"Life is endless, fighting is endless. These are what you taught us in the past, and they are the immortal words you left in the Emperor's army."

"Yang Jian, we haven't given up yet, why are you giving up?"

"You are our last hope, we have not given up, how can you give up!"

Stone Emperor's voice was sonorous and powerful.

It makes people feel that he is the real Yang Jian at this moment.

And the person in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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