I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 318 The last knife, the door to the other side opens

Chapter 318 The last knife, the door to the other side opens
And at this time.

Haotian suddenly raised his head, staring at Yang Gang's sword light.

He didn't help Donghuang, and he didn't take any action. He just stared at the vision in the light of the knife, and there seemed to be hundreds of millions of thoughts flickering and colliding in his eyes.

I saw the majestic scenes of the novel in the sword light.

The light and shadow are divided into blocks, in which the figures of the human emperors of the ancient and modern generations are manifested.

There was a man named Huang Xuanyuan who fought against the Jiuyou tribe in the wild of Zhuolu.There was the emperor Shennong from the beginning of ancient times, who cultivated all kinds of herbs for the people and evolved the way of medicine.There is a human emperor Zhuanxu who goes against the sky, for the sake of humanity and eternal life - the ultimate mastery of heaven and earth!
There is Xin, the last emperor, who sacrificed himself in the cycle of reincarnation, with the grand ambition to destroy Haotian with all his might.


They seemed to have sensed something, and Qi Qi raised his head to look at the master of Dao Guang——Yang Gang.

this moment.

The era of mountains and seas has experienced dozens of emperors, all of which are Yang Gang's own ideas.


A group of the most intelligent and benevolent sages in the world explained to Yang Gang not their own way of practice, but the philosophy of governing the world in their respective eras.

What this knife gathers is the incomparably magnificent idea of ​​the emperors of all ages!
When this knife falls.

Donghuang Taiyi regained a sliver of confidence, but it suddenly collapsed.

"I can't handle this knife."

He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The Eastern Emperor Bell above his head slammed into it.

Just listen to the sound of 'clang'.

The Donghuang Bell turned into thousands of fragments, and fell everywhere in the mountains, seas, land, land boundary, Jiuyou, and even the distant sunrise.

And the Earth Emperor, one of the Three Emperors of Mountains and Seas.

Also in this knife, the body is divided into two from the middle.

Completely fell into the mountains, seas and land.


It wasn't enough for Yang Gang to smash the Eastern Emperor Bell with his sword. The unparalleled blade turned into an eternal river of luck, slashing fiercely at the monster clan's luck.

Earth shakes.

The demon clans of the land realm were all at a loss, looking up at the sky and sky of Buzhou Mountain in the distance.

Feeling lost in my heart, as if I have lost something important.

The long river of luck of the Yaozu was divided into two.

From now on, no matter how powerful their gifted individuals are, no matter how powerful they are, the monster race will always be suppressed by the human race.

All living beings in the mountains and seas were astonished.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

Slash Jiuyou with one knife, smash Lingshan with one knife, and Donghuang with one knife... Then the next knife will break Nantian and cut Haotian?
Can he... really do it?

The Eastern Emperor sighed in disappointment, and a little bit of true spirit flew in and fell back helplessly reincarnated.

Yang Gang quietly looked at the direction he was going, without making a move.

Because at the last moment.

Donghuang Taiyi used all the power of the Donghuang Bell on his true spirit.

Guarded by this power.

Unless Yang Gang cuts out the last fourth sword, it is absolutely impossible to go against the sky and touch this kind of true spirit whose power is almost in harmony with Tao.

But he ended up with the fourth knife.

Not for use here.

"Haotian, it's your turn."

Yang Gang turned around slowly, looking at the last enemy in this life, also the strongest and most mysterious enemy.

Compared to Donghuang Taiyi.

He still doesn't know Haotian's footsteps in the ancient times, even if he is fully sure of his last knife, he still never relaxes his vigilance.

after all.

This one is Haotian!
In the future, these few of them are destined to return from reincarnation and reborn from the Tao.

His future strength is still too weak.

But as long as the last glorious four knives in this life can wipe out a trace of their future recovery, the ultimate goal of Shanhai and his party will be considered a victory!

Their real decisive battle is not in the present, but in the future.

This time he couldn't kill Haotian and Donghuang.

In the future, he will definitely defeat them completely!

"Yang Jian, are you really going to kill me?"

Haotian raised his head and looked at Yang Gang.

The thinking in his eyes had dissipated, and turned into a look of grief.

"I... am your uncle!"


A trace of disdain flashed in Yang Gang's eyes, and he silently raised the broken three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand.

At this time, Haotian is still playing with his tricks to delay time.

It must have made people laugh!
The bright knife light condensed again, and the beliefs of all living beings gathered on it again.

After three swords.

Yang Gang has completely won the trust of all beings in the mountains and seas.

They believe.

Such Erlang God Yang Jian will definitely lead them to obtain the last soul and survive this ancient catastrophe.


The power of countless beliefs flew into the sky, throwing themselves into this blade light one after another.

A more terrifying aura than the previous three knives began to condense on the three-pointed and two-edged knives.

This is the Tianxin Four Swords that Yang Gang comprehended.

After experiencing countless disasters in the mountains and seas, he comprehended the ultimate four knives.

A knife is stronger than a knife!
As long as his first three swords can successfully kill the enemy and gain the mind power of sentient beings, this last fourth sword will surely reach the pinnacle and reach an unprecedented height.

Reached... the level of being able to kill Haotian!

Seeing that Yang Gang didn't listen to what Haotian said, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Yang Jian, the power of this knife may be able to kill me. But your physical body and soul will certainly not be able to withstand this force, and will be completely annihilated!"

"Don't take chances. No one in the Three Realms can bear this force, not even your physical body! In order to kill me and complete your plan, you have already died once. Do you want to die again?"

"You have eternal life, endless divine power, and endless blessings. You even... have the qualifications to go to the other side of the sea of ​​suffering. Why do you do this for those ants?"

"the other side?"

Yang Gang seemed to be finally touched by Haotian's words, and raised his head with a smile, "For that unknown other shore, you are omnipotent, despicable and shameless, and cast aside by all living beings in the three realms... If there is such a other shore, if you have to pay such a price to go to that so-called other shore... the other side."

"The other side... I don't care if I don't go!"

"Besides, how do you know where the other shore in my heart is?" Yang Gang couldn't help looking up at the starry sky, and strange scenes flashed before his eyes, and he said to himself, "The end of the sea of ​​bitterness is not my other shore. That far away My hometown... is my real other shore!"

"It's over, Haotian!"

"My good uncle, this is my last knife. It will bring peace to all generations!"

In an extremely firm voice, a peerless sword light rushed into the sky, reaching nine heavens, illuminating the entire world of mountains and seas.

In an instant.

Suddenly, a shining knife light appeared between the sky and the earth.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million...

The light of the knife, like the sand of the Ganges River, surrounded the millions of miles of bitter seas within the range of Buzhou Mountain.

"Yang Jian!"

Haotian shouted angrily.

As if completely enraged by Yang Gang's persistence, he saw hundreds of millions of phantoms manifesting around him, layer upon layer like mountains and seas, and at the same time, the four heavenly gates fell in front of him, and they also overlapped together, turning into an incomparably magnificent The gate of heaven.

All kinds of strange scenes flicker in it, like Haotian's endless enjoyment of the so-called sea of ​​suffering.

"The gate to the other side - open!"

This magical portal is not the gate of heaven, but a portal for Haotian to look to the other side.



Stop spraying, the mentality is already wrong.

I almost couldn't update it today, alas...

Tomorrow the Shan Hai Juan will end, I hope everyone can support it.If you really have any complaints, you can enter the group and say it directly, I am afraid to read comments now.


How to write the book, I have my own plan, the controversy can only be said that my level is not enough, I really never thought about hydrology in the past.

I apologize for causing dissatisfaction to everyone.If you make a mistake, you will stand at attention and be beaten. I'm sorry everyone!
It's the end of the month, and I won't ask for a monthly pass. I hope everyone can spray it lightly.Don't make me look like a eunuch...

slip away.

(End of this chapter)

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