I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 319 The Death of Haotian

Chapter 319 The Death of Haotian
"Yang Jian, do you really think that no one in the Three Realms can cure you?"

Hundreds of billions of sword lights around Haotian, fixedly looking at Yang Gang in front of him.

Pushing the gate of the other side forward in his hand, he said to himself: "Do you really think...that this knife can kill me? You really have the wisdom of the sky, and the courage to surpass the human emperors of all generations."

"But don't forget, I am Haotian!"

The Gate of the Other Shore suddenly manifests all phenomena in the future. The "Xia" in the ancient times, the "Shang" in the mountains and seas, the "Zhou" in the later generations, and even the scenes of countless dynasties and eternity in the Tang and Song Dynasties are all evolved in it.

In that magic portal.

Yang Gang seems to have seen the prosperity and evolution of the civilizations of the dynasties in his own world, he seems to have seen the prosperity and evolution of the civilizations of the dynasties in the practice world, and he seems to see various routes.

Taoism, Buddha, immortals, gods, demons, demons, saints, Confucianism, witches, laws... Countless worlds are displayed one by one.

At last.

All dynasties, all generations, and all living beings from all worlds converge and merge with each other to form a magnificent and eternal heaven.

In this heavenly kingdom, everyone can become a fairy, all things can attain the Tao, and enjoy the eternal and endless lifespan.

The word "Heavenly Court" shines with immortal brilliance, standing eternally on the endless nine heavens.

This scene.

It shocked countless creatures in the mountains and seas.

It turns out... the heaven in Haotian's heart is actually such a scene, which makes people yearn for it.

"Yang Jian, it's your turn."

Haotian smiled freely, with a magnificent bearing, and regained the calmness of the Supreme Being of the Three Realms.

Xia looked at Yang Gang expectantly, and only reached out to say the word 'please'.

See here.

Many powerful and wise men standing on Yang Gang's side couldn't help but look dignified.

Haotian has hundreds of millions of incarnations, and has billions of thoughts at the same time, and he can think billions of times with one breath.

In terms of wisdom and planning, it can be called the first in the Three Realms.

Since the existence of mountains and seas, human emperors of all dynasties have been forcefully forced to walk into Xuanyuan Hill in order to survive with death.

At this time, he took the lead in deriving his own "Tao" in front of Yang Gang. With incredible imagination, he showed his derivation of the future generations one by one in front of all living beings in the mountains and seas.

in everyone's mind.

The eternal kingdom of heaven has almost killed Yang Gang's path.

How can he continue with his knife to 'create peace for all ages'?
This is called 'success is also sentient beings, failure is also sentient beings'.

If you can't get the approval of all living beings.

Yang Gang's knife may kill Haotian once, ten thousand times... It is absolutely impossible to kill Haotian's body of billions.

"Come on, Yang Jian, let's see what kind of 'peace' you can bring to all beings in the Three Realms with this knife!" Haotian actively urged and laughed heartily.

It seems that he has a chance to win, and he is sure that he has found the Achilles heel of Yang Gang Tianxin's four knives.


Yang Gang shook his head slightly, "I never believe in the future. Grasping the present is the 'true' future."

"Really future?"

When Haotian heard this, he couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Before he could think about what Yang Gang meant.

Surrounding the sea of ​​bitterness for millions of miles, the lights of hundreds of millions of swords suddenly condense towards the center like flowing water.

In an instant.

Hundreds of millions of sword lights condensed into a beam, and suddenly cut towards Haotian.

The bright knife light seems to be splitting out with the momentum of opening the sky, and it deduces a world where everyone is equal and free thinking, a world that surpasses the cognition of all creatures in the world of mountains and seas, and surpasses the limitations of Haotian's thinking.

'She' is not like Haotian's eternal kingdom, where people are not divided into high and low classes, there are no immortals or gods, everyone can be their own master, and everyone has a free soul.

This may not be a perfect world, but 'her' must be a world full of hope.Countless pioneers are here to open up the way for future generations, illuminating the lost way ahead with their own ideas.

Step by step to pursue the dreamlike 'World of Great Harmony'!
This scene.

Let the souls of all living beings in the three realms tremble.

There... is a time and space that does not belong to this world.

There...is Yang Gang's hometown.

There... seems to be the other side that everyone yearns for!
Two different ideas collided, and the light of the three-pointed two-edged knife slashed heavily at the gate of the other shore.

The boundless sea of ​​bitterness under Buzhou Mountain was cut into two by a knife.

The Gate of the Other Shore, which harbored Haotian's lofty and lofty ideals, was chopped into pieces like an eggshell.

This last knife opened peace for all generations, not only gathered the belief of Yang Gang's life, but also the yearning of countless souls.

This idea is extremely light, but it is like the weight of a world.

No one can resist!

Haotian's Gate to the Other Shore, compared with Yang Gang's eternal peace, is an illusory fantasy, and a real and moving one.

How can it be resisted?

The knife light continued to fall.

Under Haotian's unbelievable gaze, it landed on the top of his head extremely lightly but extremely heavy.

"Do not--"

Haotian roared and the knife light erupted at the same time.

boom! ! ! ! !
Hundreds of millions of rays of light flickered, and hundreds of millions of figures were annihilated one by one under the light of the knife.

this moment.

The two powerful forces seem to have completely opened the door between reality and illusion.

The crazy expansion of the boundless sea of ​​suffering seems to cover the entire world of mountains and seas.

At that time, everything will return to ruins, and no trace of life will exist.

"No! Yang Jian! Why...why did I lose!"

Haotian was filled with endless unwillingness and confusion, and finally turned into the last roar in this world, "If it wasn't for my 600 million kalpas not being consummated...you would never kill me, absolutely!"


"You're really... long-winded!" Yang Gang slashed down suddenly.

Before Haotian finished speaking, his figure was completely annihilated under the light of the sword.

Hundreds of millions of bodies were wiped out, leaving nothing left in this world.

No one even saw his true spirit fall into samsara.

I don't know if it has been completely annihilated by this unparalleled sword, or there is something strange about it.After all, this is Haotian...


Yang Gang exhaled a long, long breath, as if he wanted to let out the pressure in Shanhai's heart all these years together with this breath.

The three-pointed, two-edged sword that had followed Yang Gang for thousands of years finally couldn't bear it anymore and turned into pieces of metal fragments.

But at this time, bursts of auspiciousness appeared in the sky, and the voice of the Great Dao resounded together.

They all surrounded Yang Gang.

It seems to be celebrating the achievement of a Supreme Being from the Three Realms, and it seems to be witnessing the rise of an invincible existence.


As soon as Haotian was destroyed, the mutation occurred again.

Bursts of thunder came from above the nine heavens.

Yang Gang raised his head subconsciously, his expression was unprecedentedly dignified, even a hint of sadness.

But the strange thing is that there doesn't seem to be any surprise on his face.

All the beings in the mountains and seas who had just dropped their hearts in suspension also raised their heads subconsciously.

Surprised to see the constant roaring sound of the sky.

Haotian is gone.

Donghuang, Kutuo, Jiuyou and other forces also disappeared.

Humanity is about to completely unify the mountains and seas, reorganize the mountains and rivers, and gather the power of the whole world to realize the incredible peace and prosperity in Yang Gang's heart.


What else is worthy of being so dignified by the supreme being of heaven and earth, looking at the sky as if facing an enemy?

The sky over the entire mountain and sea darkened, as if there was an endless and huge shadow pressing down.

The 'but' in Haotian's mouth is coming...

(End of this chapter)

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