I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 336 Shocking means, sweeping the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 336 Shocking means, sweeping the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty

"Jing Zhao Yin Liu Quan... Dali Temple Zhao Bu Bu... Gao Bing of the Ministry of Punishment..."

As Chen Zhubo read the names one by one, the figures in the Sanfasi hall looked depressed and fell limply to the ground.

It’s over.

It's all over!

Before, they were obedient and obedient, which completely angered Yang Gang.This time, he is going to take them to the sword!

This is not over yet.

Then Master Chen's voice trembled, and he repeated the names of many people who were not present.There are generals of the Ministry of War and officials of the Ministry of Industry.

Totally shocked everyone.

this day.

The entire city of Shengjing was surging, setting off violent waves.

Numerous officials have been detained, from the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, to the Ministry of Shangshu, the Ministry of Zhongshu, and some personnel from the Eighth Ministry of Heaven... Numerous and widely involved cases have been brought to light.

The efficiency of the secret guard of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is extremely high, only two hours.

The prison where the Sanfa Division is located is already full of people, and [-]% of the officialdom in Shengjing has been swept away by thousands of officials.There are also tens of thousands of related persons, etc., who are detained in Dali Temple and Jing Zhaoyin's yamen.

The powerful group has existed for countless years. Although it is the pillar of the Great Zhou, it has long been corroded and decayed.

It can be said that there is not a clean one on these people, and basically one check will be accurate.

It's just that before that, many things have become the default rules.If you don't touch me, I won't destroy everyone's interests and overturn each other's jobs.

And what Yang Gang has to do is to be the one who overturns the table.

Numerous officials gathered outside the Three Law Departments, loudly scolding Yang Gang for abusing justice.One by one, ministers and famous generals appeared outside Lingxiao Hall, begging the Holy Monarch to go out and uphold justice.


Until noon, no one was received by Shengjun.

Yang Gang wants to use the Sanfa Division as the cornerstone, and grasp a power to change the world from the bottom.Shengjun also needs a knife to help him kick out the rotten flesh on his body, so as to lay the foundation for the future of leveling the Three Realms and establishing the Supreme Immortal Dynasty.

The goals of both parties coincide.

At least before the future conflict broke out, the two stood on the same front.

And with the acquiescence of Shengjun.

There is no obstacle in front of Yang Gang, and there is no scruple in his heart.

a time.

The official circles in Shengjing are jittery, and everyone is in danger.

Even the people on the street are much less, and they are careful not to run into any adult's bad luck today.

On the day before the ancestor worship in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Two days before his engagement ceremony.

Yang Gang pierced the sky directly, shocking the hearts of everyone in Shengjing.

The efficiency of the secret guards of the Sanfa Division can be said to be extremely fast.

Only three hours.

Liu Xi's case has already been declared broken.

Facing Yang Gang's strength.

One by one, the relevant officials regarded it as a plea and signed it.

Facing the ironclad evidence, Liu Yong couldn't say a word anymore.As for the party involved, 'Liu Xi', the son of the Minister of Justice, did not know that his father had fallen until he was taken out of a brothel in the afternoon.

And he.

He is about to face the most severe trial of the Great Zhou Law!
The event came to an end.

Next, how the relevant officials will be convicted will only need to be figured out slowly in the future.And the Prime Minister of Shangshu Province was also acquitted.

He really had nothing to do with it.

This matter is not yet to the extent that Wang Xiang needs to participate in person, and there is no need to risk his position for a minister of the Ministry of punishment.Afterwards, at most, the Holy King asked him about the guilt of being incompetent.

in this way.

Yang Gang's goal was completely achieved.

In the Sanfa Division, in the officialdom of Shengjing, and in the entire Zhou Dynasty, he has established a strong majesty.


The backlash from the powerful group is coming.

This time Yang Gang did win.

But he also refuted the faces of many people, the most important of which was naturally the innocent Wang Xiang who was implicated and imprisoned——Wang Zhiqiu.

The day.

The Ministry of Finance announced that all the results of the imperial examination are invalid, and all candidates will retake the exam next year.And the fame that Liu Xi dreamed of was naturally gone.As for the coming year...

As Yang Gang's first knife, no one thinks he still has hope in high school.

This move was all for the sake of hurting Yang Gang's face, hurting the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred.

But in their eyes.


It's totally worth it to sweep the face of Dazhou Judicial God!


Yang Gang left only this sentence, turned around and walked out of the Sanfa Division Hall.


The sunlight fell on his body, like a layer of divine light, revealing an indescribable sacred majesty.

Until Yang Gang's figure completely disappeared.

In the main hall of the Sanfa Division, the officials who had lost half of their staff breathed a sigh of relief.

His forehead was covered with dry traces of sweat.

It was only at this time that everyone suddenly realized that so many things had happened, and it was only one day?
And at the end of the day, the sweat on their bodies was dry and wet, wet and dry, and I didn't know how many times they repeated it.

The method of this new judicial god is really...shocking.

In just one day, [-]% of Da Zhou's officialdom was wiped out with the momentum of thunder.Completed an unprecedented event in the tens of thousands of years since Dazhou was founded.

"Little friend Yang."

As soon as Yang Gang left the Sanfa Division hall, he was stopped by an old voice.

The visitor was dressed in normal clothes, his beard and hair were all white, his eyebrows were lowered to his eyes, and his face was very kind.Behind him was a middle-aged servant, carefully supporting the old man who seemed to be on the verge of losing his way.

"I've seen the old man, but I don't know why he is called Yang Gang?"

Yang Gang bowed politely to the old man and asked.

"Old man Liu Xi, a man dressed in white is not a gift from an adult." The old man took a step away and said with a smile.

"Liu Xi?"

Yang Gang's heart trembled slightly.

This name seems ordinary, far less imposing than "Liu Yong" and "Liu Xi" and others, but anyone who has learned about the history of Da Zhou's officialdom knows that there was a prime minister who served for 300 years in Da Zhou thousands of years ago. The people's livelihood and the political law of the Great Zhou Dynasty have made great achievements.
His name is Liu Xi.

The name of this old man has long been engraved into the monument of meritorious deeds of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and his name will last forever.

"I came to look for me because of Liu Xi's case?"

Yang Gang shook his head slightly, feeling dull in his heart, "If that's the case, please go back."

He doesn't want to play this kind of boring bloody plot.

"No, little friend, listen to me."

Liu Xi smiled and shook his head, as if he had no grudges against what Yang Gang had done in his heart.

He said sternly: "The younger generation has done something wrong, so it will naturally be punished. It should be killed, it should be beheaded, so as to show the majesty of the laws of the Great Zhou."

"The old man came here just to ask, has the God of Judiciary really made up his mind like this today?"

The voice fell.

The surroundings were instantly silent.

Countless prying eyes locked on Yang Gang.


Yang Gang didn't seem to feel anything, and suddenly laughed.

This Liu Xi is obviously a sensible person, knowing that he cannot persuade Yang Gang.This time I came here not for anything else, but just for an attitude.

As long as someone takes the lead, show an attitude.

As long as there is a common enemy.

Dazhou is like a group of powerful and powerful groups who are scattered and independent, and will be twisted into one overnight.

Liu Xi's words are asking.

Does Yang Gang really want to be an enemy of all the dignitaries in Dazhou?
This is a conspiracy and a threat.

If he answers 'no', it is equivalent to taking the initiative to give in.The loss of some agents who were beheaded by Yang Gang, with the accumulation of their aristocratic families, can make up for it in a few decades.

And if he answered 'yes'.

It is tantamount to an open break with the powerful group, and the two sides have no way out.

How would Yang Gang answer?

Countless eyes stared at his figure, waiting quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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