Chapter 337
"A lot of people have asked me that question."

Yang Gang's voice was a little ethereal.

He looked at the sunset in the sky, and said something confusing, "But until the end. Until death... I didn't tell them the answer."

A heavy pressure rushed to the face, making people feel suffocated.

This is not the aura that comes with the practitioner's strength.

Rather, it came from the depths of the soul, an indescribable depression.

Just think about ancient times.

Who are Yang Gang's opponents?

Xingtian, the God of War, Taiyi, the supreme emperor of the earth, Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortals, Kutuo, the ancestor of Buddhism, Haotian, the supreme of the three realms...

"None of them can do it, and you..."

Yang Gang suddenly turned his head and looked at the former prime minister of Da Zhou in front of him.

He couldn't help showing a disdainful smile, and said two words lightly, "...Do you deserve it?"


This is utter contempt.

In his eyes, what is the Prime Minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, what is the family of thousands of years.Can it be compared with people like Xingtian, Donghuang, and Zhen Yuanzi?

An elder of the Xian Dynasty who stepped into the coffin with half a foot, is also worthy of asking about Yang Gang's determination?

Shengjun's eyes are only on the nine heavens and ten places.

He, Yang Gang, is the same!

Even if all the nobles of Da Zhou are added together, in his eyes, it is just a cloud of dirty air.


The suffocating pressure, the arrogance that once fought side by side with the supreme power of heaven and earth, seemed to press Liu Xi into the dust, making his chest heave continuously, but he couldn't say a word.

Countless dark gazes made a loud noise in my heart.

Yang Gang's vision and his arrogance are far beyond what they imagined by a thousand or ten thousand times.

"Give Way."

Yang Gang's voice sank.

Liu Xi and the servant beside him subconsciously moved out of the way, watching him walk by step by step, not daring to make a sound.

this day.

Yang Gang completely showed his peerless edge in front of the world.

Its influence is far-reaching enough to be recorded in history.

It's just that many people still can't see through these things, and now they don't even know, and they can't imagine what the future world will be like.

for a long time.

"Good, good!"

Liu Xi stood where he was, laughing angrily.

The smile gradually became almost ferocious.

"Since you don't give Yang Gang any face, then... no wonder we are!"

this night.

Many things have happened in Shengjing City, countless undercurrents are surging, and a stormy sea is about to set off.

Yang Gang didn't seem to be able to see it, and just quietly waited for the arrival of the Great Zhou Ancestral Ceremony the next day.


The Golden Crow rises from the east and sprinkles its light on the nine heavens and ten earths.

A huge roar.

The sky is full of fairy light, and auspiciousness emerges.

A huge hill slowly rises from the ground due west of Shengjun.

The Great Zhou Ancestral Land appeared.

Announcing the ancestral sacrifice once in a thousand years in the Great Zhou Dynasty, it has finally begun.

Countless figures were waiting in the square in front of the ancestral land of the Great Zhou, waiting quietly.


above the sky.

A round of halo slowly condensed and turned into a majestic figure.He is dressed in a black and yellow dress, and his whole body is full of majesty. There seem to be countless auspicious phantoms, accompanied by the sound of the great way.

Its majestic face seems to be separated by a layer of road.People can't see clearly, can't figure out their emotions and anger.

"Meet the Holy King."

Tens of thousands of figures bent down to salute, not daring to make any changes.

"All the gentlemen are flat."

Shengjun said a word lightly.

Immediately landed, and walked into the ancestral land of the Great Zhou first.

Everyone followed, and the team was orderly, and they had already been arranged according to their status.

Yang Gang's position is naturally in the first column.

Beside him are Doumu from Babu, Huode Shenjun and other unfamiliar faces.There are also Tianshi Yuan in Qingyun Pavilion, and Wang Zhiqiu, the contemporary Shangshuling... But on this occasion, he is respected as the head of civil servants, so he can only be left behind.

The second column.

It is the gods and generals of the eight departments, the four ministers of the world, the imperial historian and other dignitaries.

Tens of thousands of people, one by one, entered the ancestral land of the Great Zhou with the Holy King.Everyone suddenly seemed to have entered another world, the land was covered with vast loess, and graves were scattered all over the place.

The ancestral land of the Great Zhou not only buried the ancestors of the holy kings, but also buried many powerful ancestors who had made great contributions to the Great Zhou for tens of thousands of years.

Steles of meritorious deeds recorded their life and past events.

The blood and sweat of the ancestors turned into eternal feats, engraved here, and engraved on the descendants of countless thousands of years of the great Zhou family.

This is their confidence to compete with Yang Gang!
But on this solemn day, no one would dare to make a mistake in the ancestral land of the Great Zhou.

for a long time.

Everyone followed in the footsteps of the holy king and came to the only hill here step by step.

There are no graves here.

There are no tablets or inscriptions, it is as simple as an ordinary earth bag.

But when everyone arrived here, their expressions became serious.

A vast aura that seemed to come from the ancient times roared like mountains and seas.

Sheng Jun, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.


Lord Taibai Xing waved his whisk.

The holy king bowed his noble back first, and saluted the ordinary hill.


Tens of thousands of people behind him worshiped together, showing their respect to the hill ahead.

But no one knelt down.

Yang Gang stood behind Shengjun, quietly watching his back and the small hill in front of him.

His eyes are thoughtful.

Sacrifice is to respect but not to worship.

This Great Zhou Ancestor Sacrifice is imitating the ancient sacrificial ceremony.

As the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, the Holy King is supremely honorable.Between the nine heavens and the ten earths, no one can kneel down when he is.But he still insists on worshiping and respecting his ancestors once every thousand years, setting an example for all living beings in the three realms, demonstrating the supreme benevolence and virtue, and having the appearance of an ancient emperor.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

The reason why the ancient human emperor was able to control the power of the way of heaven was because he had a great selfless heart, could tolerate all things, and uphold the justice of the way of heaven.

See the whole from the small.

For Yang Gang, this may be a good thing, or it may be a bad thing.

If the holy king restrains himself with the virtue of the emperor, it is tantamount to self-limiting means.If he is inconsistent with his appearance, he will naturally not be recognized by heaven and earth.

If he is really determined to be a human emperor, then everyone will be happy, and Yang Gang also recognizes him as a human emperor.


What if he didn't think so?

Yang Gang has personally experienced the power of the power of heaven.I know that I want to fight against it, unless it disrupts the Three Realms like when I was in the mountains and seas, causing the power of heaven to collapse temporarily.

Yang Gang didn't want to act in such a way.

An hour later.

This Great Zhou Ancestral Ceremony, which imitated the ancient rituals, ended in a simple way.

During this period, no accidents occurred, and it was smooth and stable.

In the ancestral land of the Great Zhou, everyone felt a sense of peace from the bottom of their hearts.

Only Yang Gang.

When he walked out of the ancestral land of Great Zhou, he felt a tremor for some reason.Immediately looking back, the mysterious ancestral land of Great Zhou had already been closed, turning into hills and slowly sinking into the ground again.

At this very moment.

The eastern sky suddenly became radiant, dyeing the sky crimson.

(End of this chapter)

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