I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 351 The Day of the Killing

Chapter 351 The Day of the Killing

"What a strong murderous aura!"

"what happened?"

"Has the Jiuyou clan invaded Shengjing? Such a terrifying murderous aura has never been seen before!"

One figure after another hurriedly got up from the bed and went outside to check.

And at an earlier moment.

Many beings with advanced cultivation bases have already discovered the source of the murderous aura, and they all looked at Yang's residence solemnly.

Even in Lingxiao Hall deep in the imperial city.

Shengjun also lowered his gaze, quietly staring at Yang Gang's position.

Doubu, Doumu Shrine.

"Aren't you afraid of offending his Nilin by doing this?" Doumu Shenjun quietly looked at the teacup in front of him, the water was rippling in circles, without raising his head.

"So what if you're afraid? So what if you're not afraid?"

A voice responded.

I saw four great Zhou immortals sitting around the tea table.

The one in the left hand is like a ball of fireworks, which sometimes gathers and sometimes disperses. Only when he lifts the teacup does he transform into a human figure. Swords, wheels, smoke, seals, pots and other magic weapons of fire appear in the fire cloud behind him.

The one on the right has an old face, elegant and soft temperament, but a pair of eyes as deep as the sea.

It is the God of Fire and the God of Water from the Eight Divisions of the Heaven.

As for the person sitting opposite Doumu Shenjun, who was making tea, was Yang Gang's old acquaintance, the leader of Qingyun Mountain, Yuan Tianshi.

And the person who spoke at this time was the elegant and elegant Shui De Shenjun.

He said: "This son's recent behavior is really a bit crazy, it is time to teach some lessons."

"What Suicune said makes sense."

The God of Fire Virtue answered, "Could it be that if we don't do anything, then Yang Gang will stop reforming? I have been practicing for thousands of years, so why should I be afraid of a fledgling boy?"

"A fledgling?"

Doumu Shenjun suddenly smiled, "Isn't it because you are afraid that you keep me here?"


Shui De Shenjun sighed softly, and said: "Fellow Taoist Doumu, we know that we are trying to coerce you with the intention of the descendants of our family, and the means are really useless. But you also know that we are human beings, so we will not harm innocent people because of this." human life."

"But, can we really coerce you this time?"

"Is it?"

Lord Doumu lowered his head, looking at the rippling water in the cup.

When things really get intense, who knows what extraordinary things you, the god of water virtue with the dirtiest heart, can do?
This time.

Under the pressure of all parties, Doumu Shenjun could only give in and choose to remain silent.

reached their level.

It is true that they have no pursuit of the power of the lower ranks of the Xian Dynasty, but they still have descendants, and there are also seniors and elders with profound cultivation in the family.

It is also because of the high position.

Once people's relationship network is huge, many things can't be controlled by themselves.

"I hope that when the time comes, you won't regret it."

General Doumu finally raised his head and said seriously.

"Don't worry, it's Yang Gang who should regret it."

The God of Fire and Virtue will be extremely staunch and authentic.


He turned his gaze to Yuan Tianshi, "Why has fellow Daoist been silent all this time? Then Yang Gang is from your Qingyun Pavilion, shouldn't fellow Daoist..."


Tianshi Yuan suddenly exclaimed, "The water is a bit muddy, please ask the God of Water Virtue to gather some spiritual water from heaven and earth, and ask the old man to make a new pot for you."


Lord Huode was stunned for a while.

The God of Water Deity's expression froze, while the Doumu God beside him continued to look at the ripples in the water glass, seemingly thoughtful.

Murderous intent swept across Shengjing.

Like an impending storm, countless people are in fear.


After waiting for a long time, they still did not see any movement from Yang Gang.

The two god generals, Huode and Shuide, who were waiting in Doubu, couldn't help being surprised.

Even Tianshi Yuan, who was on the side, couldn't help being surprised.

"Are you so calm? This child is getting more and more difficult to figure out..."

this night.

Many people tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night.

Just like the calm before the storm, the more Yang Gang stood still, the more worried they were.

It was getting brighter that day.

In front of the Sanfa Division's yamen, there was a sound of steady and powerful footsteps.

"My lord."

"I've seen the Master Chief!"

The guards in front of the gate saluted respectfully.


Yang Gang nodded slightly, and then entered the Sanju Department.

After a while.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he saw him stepping out of the Sanfa Division holding a sword.

"Where are you going, sir?"

"Are you not working today? There are still many cases and laws that require him to nod in person!"

"What business are you still doing? Didn't you see the long sword in your lord's hand?"

"That is……"

"Great Zhou Tianjian, seeing it is like seeing Tianxian."

"Have you heard about what happened last night? Today... the city of Shengjing may be filled with blood and blood..."


The sound of gasping for air resounded in the Sanfasi yamen.

Yang Gang just left the Sanfa Division.

Countless news has spread to the Quartet like flying snow.

Unfortunately, by the time many people received the news, it was already one step too late.

Ministry of Punishment.

Lu Xiuwen, who just took office today, just arrived at the yamen of the Ministry of Justice, when suddenly a cold light flew from a distance and swirled around his neck.

on the spot.

A bloody head flew into the air.


"Who dares to commit murder in our Ministry of Punishment!"

There was a burst of shouting.

Holding a sharp sword, Yang Gang walked slowly into the punishment department.

His mouth sounded like he was pronouncing a sentence: "Lu Xiuwen, the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, three years ago, prestiged Fu to Shang Li's family of five, and they should be executed according to the law. Now, as a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, the crime is aggravated."

"Du Sheng, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, has no achievements and no title. He was not in the right position. Last night at the celebration banquet in Xicuilou, he accidentally killed Hongyan, a Qing Dynasty official. According to the law, he should be beheaded. Now, as the servant of Qingbu, the crime is aggravated."


In the punishment department, a fat middle-aged man was startled when he heard the words.

Haven't waited for his reaction yet.

A cold light came from the front.

"Ah—" the miserable scream stopped abruptly.

Yang Gang walked carefully in the Ministry of Punishment, beheading all the officials who just took office today with a single sword.Completely ignoring the dots of blood falling on his body, his icy eyes looked like a killing machine.

Every time he kills a person, he will read out a crime, all of which are well-founded, and people dare not question them.


As the God of Judiciary of the Great Zhou, with a heavenly sword in his hand, who would dare to stop him if he wanted to kill someone?
The strong smell of blood permeated the Ministry of Justice.

When many people heard the news and rushed over, they only saw heads that were unwilling to widen their eyes, and headless corpses that were stained with blood.

The pungent smell of blood makes people sick.

But Yang Gang had already left the Ministry of Punishment and went to the next target.


The crazy killing seems to have no end.

Almost [-]% of the many officials who had just assumed office last night under the operation of the powerful group were directly slaughtered by Yang Gang.

Only a few people who were clean, like quail surviving a storm, stood still and shivered.

"Yang Gang!"

"You stop me!"

When Yang Gang couldn't count how many people he had killed, his face and head were covered with a layer of blood, and the clothes on his body could almost wring blood, a roar of anger came from the sky.

Followed by.

The blades of fire fell from the sky like raindrops.

(End of this chapter)

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