I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 352 Opportunity manifests, Yin Xi's shock

Chapter 352 Opportunity manifests, Yin Xi's shock
"The God of Fire Virtue."

Dali Temple.

Yang Gang raised his head and looked at the boundless rain of fire in the sky.

Slowly raise the Heavenly Sword in your hand above your head.


The fire and rain all over the sky stagnated suddenly, and they all stopped when Kankan touched the Heavenly Sword.

"Yang Gang, how dare you threaten me with the Heavenly Sword!"

The God of Fire Virtue shouted in anger.

The wind and clouds in the sky gather and disperse, and a figure with a figure condensed like a flame appears.

"Shenjun Huode...you deserve to be called Huode?"

Yang Gang sneered and said something irrelevant.


General Huode was stunned and choked speechless.

quite a while.

He snorted angrily: "Don't try to use your tongue. I asked you, why did you kill the officials of the Great Zhou so indiscriminately? Do you think that with the Heavenly Sword bestowed by the Holy King, you can do whatever you want?"

"Yang Gang, let me tell you that when you use your power to do evil, the Heavenly Sword in your hand will lose its effect. With your current cultivation, I will kill you easily!"

The God of Fire Virtue shouted and asked, spreading throughout Shengjing.

above the sky.

I don't know when there are many figures, watching the movement here from afar.

"Indiscriminate killing of officials?"

Yang Gang stood in the Dali Temple, holding the Heavenly Sword, pointing at the only surviving person in front of him, "I didn't have one. This person is not guilty of death, so..." As he spoke, he suddenly swung the Heavenly Sword.

In the astonished eyes of countless people.

The official clutched his arm and howled and rolled on the ground.Streams of blood sprayed from his severed arm on the ground, merging with the blood on the ground.

"You Guan, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, wandered the streets 21 years ago and broke the painter's arm. The crime is the same." Yang Gang announced the crime of the official word by word, and his loud voice spread everywhere.

"Yang Gang holds the Heavenly Sword in his hand and punishes him on behalf of Heaven. Now Youguan will be dismissed from office and awaits his punishment."

His voice was like thunder, which deeply shocked everyone's hearts.

Has the matter of 21 years ago been investigated clearly?

It seems that Yang Gang seems to be idle at home these days, but he has never been idle.And the mysterious power entrusted to him by the Holy Monarch has never been idle.


The official named You Guan knelt on the ground and kowtowed frantically.

"I plead guilty! I plead guilty! Thank the God of Justice for not killing, thank the God of Justice for not killing!"

Yang Gang ignored it.

Looking up at the god of fire virtue in the sky, he asked softly: "Now, does the god of the fire department have any objections?"


Huode Shenjun was furious, looking at Youguan who kept kowtowing on the ground, angry at him for not fighting, and hated his weakness.

And the people around couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Yang Gang's method is very decisive.

But the meaning is also very obvious.

You have to support your own people, yes.

But please investigate clearly that these temporary recruits are not clean.

As the dignitaries of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the reason why these people were not able to get on the stage and did not enter the officialdom to shoulder important positions was because few of the sacred mountains were clean.

This time the powerful group wanted to fool Yang Gang and Shengjun as fools, and it was a bad move!
"Alright, alright, Yang Gang, you are fine."

Lord Huode gradually calmed down his anger, took a deep look at Yang Gang, turned around and disappeared into the sky.

The cloud of fire in the sky dissipated immediately.

Seeing the end of the drama and Yang Gang's complete victory, the crowds watching from all over the sky dispersed one after another.

But they know.

This time the Huode Shenjun lost so thoroughly, it was all because he didn't know enough about the lower levels.The next time... the game between the two sides may not be so simple.


Yang Gang chuckled lightly.

Sheathing the Heavenly Sword in his hand, he glanced at Youguan who was still kowtowing on the ground, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Turn around and leave Dali Temple directly.

for a long time.

Finally, some officials and guards came out to clean up the mess.

Then he personally sent You Guan, who had lost too much blood, to the Yamen of the Sanfa Division—to be dealt with.

Since Yang Gang said so.

No one dares to be sloppy in this matter.

There was a thunder in the sky, and a little rain gradually fell.

The first spring rain in March is here...

"Fast like the wind, Xu Rulin... still like a mountain, moving like thunder. Yang Jun's strategy is admirable." A gentle sigh sounded from the corner behind him.

"Don't dare."

Yang Gang stopped and turned his back to the people behind him.

"Nowadays everyone in Shengjing is afraid of me, Your Excellency came here alone, aren't you afraid of the sword in my hand?" He looked up at the raindrops in the sky, and suddenly laughed, his blood-stained face showed a strange expression.

"Afraid, not afraid."

The footsteps were getting closer.

Finally, he stopped five steps behind Yang Gang.

this distance.

Just outside the length of the Heavenly Sword.

But with Yang Gang's ability, is it a problem to kill an unarmed literati within five steps?
of course not.

It's just an attitude.

Those who come here are in awe of his methods, but they are not afraid of him in their hearts.


They are not enemies.

"I'm afraid, because the blood on Yang Jun's body is entwined with the cries of resentful souls. I'm not afraid, because I have no interest in the enemy in Yang Jun's heart when I come here."

The visitor calmly told his reasons.

But in Yang Gang's spiritual perception, he could clearly see that he was holding something tightly in his arms, and the veins on the back of his hands were popping out.

"Since there is no interest involved, why did you come again?"

Yang Gang smiled silently and asked.

The little raindrops are getting bigger and bigger, gradually entering the fine bead curtain.

"Because...Yin Xi doesn't want Yang Jun to kill again, and he doesn't want this grand scene of the holy capital to fall into a bloody situation!" The man held the red dust fish in his hand, and said in a firm and forceful voice: "This time the killing There are already enough people... I know that Yang Jun has the Three Realms in his heart, and he is thinking of the common people in the world. I am afraid, I am afraid..."

"Are you teaching me how to behave?"

Yang Gang's voice suddenly sank.

In the heavy rain, a layer of cold sweat instantly oozes from Yin Xi's back in shock.

He is a well-known refined scholar in Shengjing.

It is true that he communicates with everyone on all sides.

But the judiciary god in front of him is someone who doesn't even look at the god of fire and morality.That murderous aura made the members of the Shengjing family unable to raise their heads and dared not confront them head-on.

It really pissed him off.

No one knows the consequences.

But the belief left in his heart from the broken memories of self-mutilation made him firmly believe that people can do something, and they can't do something.

Yin Xi had a faint feeling.

Such wanton killing is not good.

Using such extreme means to anger the aristocratic family is not good for Yang Gang's future reform path.

It's just that he doesn't know what to do yet.

That's why... I came to see Yang Gang in person, hoping that he would temporarily stop his aggressive actions.

"I, I dare not."

Yin Xi took a deep breath and said slowly: "But what Mr. Yang is asking for is of great importance, I hope you think twice before acting."


Yang Gang laughed amusedly.

"You can't say anything, but you are still determined to stop me." He said, and finally turned around, "This way... I will give you a chance to experience for yourself what I am doing now For what is right or wrong.”

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, gradually washing away the blood on Yang Gang's face, revealing a face that was very impressive in Yin Xi's just awakened memory.


how is it?

Standing in the heavy rain, Yin Xi felt that Yang Gang's voice was getting farther and farther away, as if it came from ancient times, tens of thousands of years ago...

His pupils dilated rapidly, as if filled with countless shocking emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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