Chapter 358

"I can feel that 'it' may not hurt you, but contacting 'it' rashly is not a good thing for you..." The smile on the corner of Yang Gang's mouth widened, and his voice gradually deepened.

"what are you saying?"

Han Xiang felt that this Yang Yi was getting weirder.

I am not related to him, so why did I say such "heart-to-heart" words.He is clearly dying...

In Hanxiang's eyes.

The deputy commander of the Doubu, who was not even an Earth Immortal, obviously couldn't survive this catastrophe.

"I said... let's go!"

Yang Gang suddenly roared.

In his eyes, that flower that only those who are caught by the "weird smile" can see suddenly blooms with bright brilliance, coquettish and weird...

The voice fell.

Yang Gang pushed Hanxiang violently, and pushed her ten miles away, and then let out a strange roar, turned around and rushed towards the Styx River, as if he had completely lost his mind.


"Roar! Roar!!"

The thousand-member team of the Doubu raised their heads and roared one by one, like wild beasts losing their minds, staggering towards the direction of the Styx.


Han Xiang stood still, feeling the temperature of the palm on her shoulder just now.

"His power can actually push me ten miles away? This is pure physical power. Who is he...?"

"leave here?"

Han Xiang immediately remembered Yang Yi's words, and her expression changed.

But at this moment of her hesitation.

Yang Gang's figure was like lightning, and he had already rushed to the bank of the Styx River.

With a sudden kick on the ground with both feet, he flew up in the air and shot at the flowers in the sky. At the same time, a gleam of clarity flashed in his misty eyes, and the spear in his hand stabbed heavily into the sky.

The bright gun light hit the heart of the flower.


The gun felt to Yang Gang, but it seemed to have pierced the empty sky.

wow wow~~~
The sea of ​​blood in the Styx River set off endless raging waves, turning into a blood-colored water curtain of three thousand feet, covering all eyes in the world.

"The flowers on the other side bloom, and the river of forgetfulness never forgets."

An inexplicable sigh, as if engraved in the long river of time, resounded in the ears of every creature in the Land of Nine Nethers.

With this life sigh.

The last trace of clarity in Yang Gang's eyes completely dissipated.

"Flowers bloom on the other side, not forget."

Han Xiang watched this scene from a distance, and a strange sense of familiarity suddenly rose in her heart.There seemed to be countless fragmented memories rolling in his mind, about to gush out with the water of the Styx River.

However, there seems to be an inexplicable force that strictly restricts the emergence of countless memories.

"The other shore flower has finally bloomed."

In the depths of Nine Nethernesses, a soft sigh suddenly sounded.

The void slowly split open.

Then, a sharp arrow appeared first.

Followed by a simple longbow, a strong and powerful arm, and finally, a man in a simple blouse slowly walked out of the void.

He looked at the sky in the distance and showed a sighing smile, "I have been waiting for this day for a long, long time..."

"The ancient legend has really come true!"

The ancestral land of the Jiuyou clan.

A demon god with two heads and four arms slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the twelve figures sitting cross-legged in front of him, "Twelve elders, this time, I have to thank you all..."


"The devil's order, don't dare to disobey it!"

"I will set off immediately, even if I risk my life, I will definitely bring back the hope of the Jiuyou tribe returning to the earth!"

"Thank you all."

A place exists in the void of space.

Thousands of Buddha lights bloom.

Numerous Buddhist figures knelt on the ground piously, chanted Buddhist scriptures, and worshiped a figure sitting on the top of the mountain.

"The other shore, the other shore, do they really exist, or are they in people's hearts?"

Amitabha Buddha in the West gazed through layers of emptiness and saw the vision that happened outside the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. He couldn't help singing "Goodness" in a low voice, his eyes full of longing.

He was forced into the void by the Bana flower and hid in the Buddhist kingdom to avoid disaster. He couldn't help it, and it was expected.

Now that fateful person has appeared.

Then... it's time for him to show his true skills.

"Da Leiyin Temple, get up!"


Under the Nine Nethernesses, the situation is surging.

With the arrival of Yang Gang and Han Xiang, this scene, which seems to have been waiting for eternity, finally kicked off.

In that year.

There is no Jiuyou in the land of reincarnation.

In that year.

There are only a few seekers here who rely on reincarnation and try to take the edge of the sword.

In that year.

The ancient heaven was high above, and it had not yet fallen to the earth.

Few people know about that legend.

And now.

When Yang Gang and Han Xiang appeared under Jiuyou, the flowers of the other shore bloomed, and interested people from all walks of life came here one after another.

But for a moment.

A majestic temple pierced through the void and completely illuminated the sky above the Styx River. In the golden Buddha light, the Great Leiyin Temple stood tall above the Styx River.

Since then.

A Buddha with a body as steady as a mountain, sitting on a ninth-grade golden lotus with three leaves missing, slowly rose from the temple.

He looked under the Styx.

The figure wrapped in the flowers of the other shore.

" that him?"

A doubt swayed in Amitabha's heart.

The long and broken memory in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, the figure of a god-man roaring at the sun with a bow in his hand, gradually condensed in his mind.

"Tathagata, you old bald donkey, you really hid deep enough!"

Twelve figures of Nine Nether Witch Ancestors emerged from all directions, and quietly surrounded Da Leiyin Temple.

"The means of the benefactors are admirable. The old monk did fall into the void. However, the timing is also lucky. This calamity instead allows the old monk to find the ancient Buddhist treasure twelve-grade lotus platform from the void of reincarnation."

Amitabha Buddha, whose Dharma name is 'Tathagata', held up the flowers and smiled, his gaze was still looking at the Styx River, as if the lace in his hand was the flowers on the other side, expressing his determination to get it.

"Hmph! It's just a broken lotus platform, nothing to worry about!"

A shaman ancestor said coldly.

She has a dark complexion, with strange snake heads all over her body. She is the ancestor of the Xuanming Wu who has undergone several changes in the new generation.

"Wait and see?" Tathagata Buddha said.

"Wait and see." Xuan Ming said coldly.

Voice implementation.

The breath of both sides is soaring, and it is necessary to decide the real chapter on the Styx.

However this time.

An ancient breath emerged from the sky above.

Tathagata and the twelve shaman ancestors all changed their expressions.

"This is……"


The stern roar just rang out.

'call out--'


A series of gray-brown arrows fell from the sky, as if there was no trace of mana or supernatural power, only the purest dao rhyme manifested.

The arrow, which seemed to surpass all speeds in the world, shot at everyone with a bang.

Thirteen explosions shook Jiuyou.

Thirteen groups of colored light soared into the sky.

Before everything subsides.

'咻咻咻——' Another strange arrow emerged, piercing through the endless void and falling down on everyone.

"This peerless divine arrow...could it be him?"

"The legendary...Yi!" Shouts of terror spread in all directions.

"Isn't it said that Dayi was reincarnated as Houyi? Could it be that he came..."


The Tathagata Buddha seemed to suddenly think of something, and shouted: "It's not that scary, this is not an arrow that shoots the sun! Otherwise, we will surely die without life! This person is really terrifying, hurry up, join hands with the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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