I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 359 Waiting for 3 Years

Chapter 359 Waiting for 30 Years

Under the Nine Nethers.

In the face of the mysterious man's arrow attack, one of the three Buddhist ancestors, Western Amitabha, would join hands with the Twelve Ancestors to defeat the enemy, which is a bit shocking.

Yet it is true.

When the thirteen groups of light dispersed, the Western Amitabha Tathagata looked at the sky with a dignified expression.I saw an arrow sticking out of his chest, the arrow sank half an inch into the golden flesh, even though no blood flowed out, it was still very frightening.

Just one blow to the face hurt the Buddha's golden body. The strange power of the arrow has surpassed mana and supernatural powers, and ordinary means cannot stop it at all.

And the Nine Nether Witch Ancestors are arranged in twelve directions.

There was also an arrow stuck in his body.

The difference is that their strength is a bit weaker than before, and all the arrow tips have been sunk into their chests.Feeling the strange power in his chest, the twelve ancestors of witches changed their colors one after another.

Hearing Amitabha's proposal, he immediately agreed.


Amitabha, the leader of Buddhism in the new era, and the brand-new version of the Twelve Witch Ancestors hit the sky at the same time.

After ancient times.

Buddhism and Jiuyou joined forces again.

The Daleiyin Temple emits thousands of Buddha lights, which complement the twelve gray pillars of light that reach the sky, and there is a feeling of harmony and complementarity.


Arrows were like rain, and each arrow pierced the thirteen beams of light.

And the mysterious person hiding in the dark still didn't show his figure.

face this.

The thirteen people merged into one, and tacitly formed a formation of Buddha and demons with Rula as the core, resisting arrows coming from unknown directions.At the same time, they used their supernatural powers one after another, and their spiritual thoughts passed through the void, sweeping thousands of miles around like a spider web.

"Got you!"

Tathagata opened his eyes suddenly, staring at the wooden boat floating in the sea of ​​blood in the deep river under his feet.

I saw a figure holding a wooden bow standing quietly on the leafy boat, with ordinary appearance and ordinary breath, like a passerby who crossed the river Styx from the mortal world.

However, it was such a person who made the top existences of the Three Realms, such as the Tathagata Buddha and the Twelve Witches, into a mess.

"What a boy, you actually hid in the Styx River!"


The twelve witch ancestors shouted angrily.

The attack that has been coming from the sky is actually from the Styx River.No one had thought of this, so although everyone vomited and cursed, they remained cautious and did not attack rashly.

And this time.

Seeing that he had been discovered, the mysterious man on the Styx could not help but smile dully.

He turned his eyes away and looked at the Bianhua above the wooden boat.

He looked at the figure quietly wrapped in flowers.

"Master... I'm here."

A few words were spit out from the mysterious mouth, the meaning of the words was a bit appalling, "I'm here... to kill you!"

"What! Master?"

"This person... and the person in the Bana Flower..."

"It actually came from... ancient times?"

The Tathagata and the Twelve Witch Ancestors looked at each other in awe.

The person in the other side of the flower is very likely to be the god-man who shot the sun in the legend back then, which is already outrageous.

And the archer who attacked them.

He actually took the initiative to call the other party's master!
This shows what?
In this era when all living beings have just awakened the memory of the ancient mythology period, this person probably... came from ancient times, and has been preserved in a strange way since ancient times until now.

The reason why "survive" is not used, but retained.

It is because they are sure that the calamity of the ancient times is different from the calamity of the ancient times.That is the real world annihilation, all the small thousand worlds cease to exist, only reincarnation can survive.

Even an existence like the emperor, the lord of the heavenly court in ancient times, gave up everything and worked hard for thousands of years in the mountains and seas to become the emperor of the earth.


How did this archer survive until now?

Doubts linger in the hearts of everyone like a mystery.

But obviously, no one has an answer for them.

The mysterious archer looked at Bianhua, raised the bow and arrow in his hand, slowly pulled the bowstring, and pulled out the arrow in the quiver behind his back for the first time.

When Tathagata and others saw this, they couldn't help being shocked.

This is a...substantial arrow!
Could it be that the illusory arrow that this person shot at them just now was just training?

Simply outrageous!

Not waiting for the thoughts to settle in their minds.

A shocking and bright light erupted completely above the Styx River.

call out--

An indescribable arrow pierced through the void and shot straight into the heart of Bianhua.

"Wake up! My... Master!"

The mysterious archer looked mad, flashing complex emotions such as ferocity, killing intent, expectation, fear, etc., and then said with a smile: "This time, let me be upright and use the arrow technique that I have practiced for 30 years under reincarnation— -Kill you!"

"not good!"

"Don't let him succeed!"

The Tathagata and the Twelve Ancestors of Witches were shocked and wanted to stop them, but they found themselves facing the arrow with a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

How terrifying is the arrow technique that has been practiced for 30 years?
They saw it quickly.

The moment the Bianhua was shot in the center of the flower, it suddenly flashed a bright red color, and it seemed to turn into a substance in an instant. Layers of petals wrapped Yang Gang's body, protecting it airtight.


The arrow seemed to have a spirituality, with one pick, one stab, one spin, one turn, it broke through the barriers of the petals, penetrated into the heart of the flower with an unstoppable force, and landed between Yang Gang's eyebrows.

Tathagata, the Twelve Ancestor Witches, and many figures hiding in the dark in the distance were all stunned.

This scene... is really appalling.

In the previous battle between the Buddha and the Demon, the two sides fought fiercely over the Styx River, and the Bana flower suddenly appeared. The two sides also tried each other, but they were unable to contact the divine thing that seemed to exist in nothingness.


This mysterious archer unexpectedly pierced the flower's heart with an arrow, and landed on the person it wanted to protect.


The mysterious man's evil laughter came from above the Styx River.

In full view.

I saw that arrow suddenly turned into a mahogany stick, and struck Yang Gang's eyebrows.The unexpected move reveals a strong sense of playfulness.

Right at this moment.

Yang Gang opened his eyes suddenly, and grasped the mahogany stick in front of him.

His gaze dropped, looking at the figure above the Styx River.

"You...why do you have to kill me?"

Yang Gang was a little puzzled.

He didn't remember ever having such an enemy when he crossed the river of fate.He came from ancient times, possessed magical arrow skills, and finally wanted to humiliate him with a mahogany stick.

all of these……


Everything that has been discovered since entering Jiuyou has an unknown taste.

'Could it be that... I can only know why this happened only after I have experienced the calamity of Guanghan Immortal Prison? '


The mysterious man on the wooden boat stared blankly at Yang Gang, "You...don't recognize me?"

"Who are you, why do I have to know you?"

Yang Gang said casually while feeling the environment he was in.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Unexpectedly, the mysterious person reacted very strongly when he heard the words.

He kept waving the bow and arrow in his hand, and roared towards the sky: "30 years! A full 30 years! I have been waiting for you for 30 years, which is more profound than the 'missing' of that goddess for you! "

The voice that was almost gnashing of teeth was full of hatred.

Everyone can tell that this is no 'longing', it is simply a hatred that cannot be erased even through the ages!
"Hahaha, Yi! I have finally waited until today, I have finally waited! Even if I am wiped out countless times by reincarnation, even if everything is destroyed, and the world is reduced to chaos... I still haven't forgotten you!"

"I will never forget the disdainful eyes you looked at me back then."

(End of this chapter)

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