I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 368 Heaven, Earth and Human Three Emperors Standing

Chapter 368 The Standing of the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Man

"I remember that the Golden Crow has clearly become a part of the heaven and earth. Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and it should have completely lost its true self and become a part of the laws of the heaven and earth. But in later generations, the Golden Crow has turned into a Wuya Taoist and lives in the Wuchao."

"Using the nine-day nail-head book almost killed me."

"Dijun has far-reaching plans in this world. Hundreds of millions of years are but a moment to him, and he doesn't care about a momentary failure. He can afford to wait, why can't I..."

Thinking of this, Yang Gang's heart suddenly brightened.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my mind for a while, and the names of Guanghan Prison, Moon Palace, Chang'e, and Wu Gang circulated in my mind.


A smile began to appear on his face.

"There is no such thing as a perfect road...the great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and there is only one way for people to escape... No matter how desperate the road is, there is still a one-in-a-billion possibility of life! I seem to have found it!"

Until the setting sun fell, a figure carrying a package came along the path in the distance.

The smile on Yang Gang's face suddenly faded, and he continued to drink drunk, looking frustrated.


The young Pang Meng walked up to him and handed over the items in his hand.


Yang Gang snorted, took the wine, meat and food and put them aside, and continued to look up at the dim moon in the sky.

Pang Meng watched this scene, his eyes flickering.

As we all know, the great hero who shot the sun has gradually become a mortal. It is said that his divine power will gradually dissipate under the curse of the Emperor of Heaven, and he will die of old age and decay sooner or later.

Now even the goddess Su'e has left him, completely reduced to a lonely person.


Pang Meng coveted his whole body ability.

'As long as I can learn his skills, I will definitely become a great hero admired by all living beings in the future.I will definitely succeed, now...is the best opportunity! '

And this time.

Yang Gang, who ignored Pang Meng, was thinking about a question.

'What kind of place is Guanghan Prison?Where does it exist?If we can figure this out in advance...'

Time passed.

Another year passed quickly.

this year.

Yang Gang's situation gradually spread to all parties, and many people feel pity for him, but they don't know how to comfort him.And his status in the human race has also gradually declined, and the scene of a crowded market in the past no longer exists.

The world has never seen the goddess Su'e again.

There are rumors that she has turned her back on Dayi and ascended to heaven to join the Emperor of Heaven.Some people say that the Goddess has returned to the Taiyin and fled to the moon.

Various theories have diverged, causing a huge blow to its reputation.

Yang Gang knew that this was news deliberately spread by 'people with a heart'.

It may be that Pang Meng with ulterior motives, or it may be from the forces attached to the heavens.

In this regard, he did not mean to delve into it.

Instead, he paid attention to the witch clan who was far away in the core of the mainland, and the legendary power was comparable to that of the monster clan.Legend has it that there are twelve ancestors of witches, who are powerful and have the ability to change the world. During this period of time, the two clans of Lich have little friction, which seems to mean fighting for the master of heaven and earth.

So Yang Gang had an idea, imitating "certain people" to spread news secretly, and put forward the concept of "three emperors of heaven, earth, man".

Once this idea was put forward, it was immediately recognized by the majority of the human race.

The three emperors of heaven, earth and man are equal to dividing the world into three parts.

Emperor Jun is the emperor of heaven, the ancestor of the witches selected a ancestor of the witches to be the emperor of the earth, and the human race won the title of emperor of the earth for nothing.

After hearing the news, the Wu Clan moved a little bit.

Now that the monster clan is powerful, Emperor Jun was born inheriting the innate sun and holds the artifact Donghuang Bell. After the Taiyin star retires, no one can compete with him.

If the Wu Clan can adapt to the situation and successfully obtain the title of Emperor, it will be very beneficial to the development and growth of the clan in the future.

As for the human race?

Among the three emperors of heaven, earth and man, the emperor of heaven is the highest, and the emperor of earth is next. The emperor of human beings is only named in the name of race, and there are few people and power, which poses no threat to them at all.

But at this time, how could the Twelve Ancestors of Witches have expected that because of this name, the human race in the mountains and seas of later generations would leap up and become the real masters of heaven and earth by relying on their terrifying ability to reproduce?

three years later.

Yang Gang finally agreed and accepted Pang Meng as his apprentice.

He began to teach him archery and skills little by little according to the plan, but his external performance became more and more frustrated, his temperament changed drastically, and he began to vent as if hunting, shooting and killing tigers, leopards, wolves, wild boars and hares in the name of teaching Pang Meng. Those mythical beasts and fierce beasts didn't even touch them.

And entangled the general diners, drinking and singing every day, the bears only eat the bear paws, and the camels only eat the hump, and the rest of the parts are rewarded at hand.


Yang Gang and the disciples led by him wiped out all the surrounding resources, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

The great hero who once shot the sun to save the world has become more and more famous.

after that.

Yang Gang seems to be tired of eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and he refuses to eat the ingredients when he finds them. He just draws his bow, nocks his arrows, and shoots them. Day after day, his temperament becomes more and more tyrannical.

It was only because of his deeds back then that he hesitated for a long time before sending a representative to politely ask him to move to another place.

But not long.

Yang Gang, who lived in another place, once again shot and killed all the prey around him, causing dissatisfaction among many people, and was politely invited to another place.

A great hero, to be pushed around like this, to be despised by others.

'Yi' became more violent and eccentric. He called his subordinates and servants brothers and sisters, and beat and scolded them.Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people around him, and finally only a few sporadic ones remained.

And Pang Meng is the one who is the most loyal and will never leave.

"Hahaha, kill! Kill, kill! Die!" Yang Gang pulled the arrow from the neck of the prey, the blood gurgling from the prey, the gradually icy body, and the dying hooves made him show an excited and ferocious smile.

It was as if such a murder gave his completely frustrated life a meaning of existence.

Pang Meng on the side lowered his head, staring at the eyes of the prey, a chill passed through his heart.

"After so many years, they have all left, only you... Pang Meng, I have been apprenticed to you for three years. I have not taught you anything, but you have not left. You have passed my test." Yang Gang suddenly turned his head, facing The young man beside him said.

"Yes, Master."

Pang Meng's heart trembled, but he didn't dare to look at him.

My heart was secretly ecstatic.

Finally, finally, the day has come!Yi, you are finally willing to teach me... Hahaha, hahahahaha
"I remember, you are already married."

Yang Gang's voice changed, and he talked about irrelevant things again.

"Yes Master."

Pang Meng's heart shuddered again, but he was already used to his behavior during this time.

"I'm now teaching you the first skill of being an archer—eye training."

Yang Gang nodded slightly, looking into the distance.

He said in his mouth: "From today onwards, you must lie on your wife's bed every day..."

Pang Meng listened, his eyes gradually widened.

Is there really such a way of cultivation in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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