Chapter 369
From that day on, Pang Meng followed the method taught by Yang Gang, lying on his back under the loom under his wife all day long, with his eyes facing the undulating pedals, practicing 'not blinking'.

The first way to practice archery is to practice eyes.This seems very reasonable, and Pang Meng firmly believes that Yang Gang's method must be right.

Gradually, he actually practiced some tricks.

His eyes became extremely sensitive to the movement of things, from dust flying in the wind to the extremely slow movement of the sun and moon in the sky.At the end of the practice, even the tip of the needle was brought close to his eyes, but the eyelids did not move at all.

"Master, I have succeeded, Master, I have succeeded! Hahahaha"

Pang Meng's wanton laughter spread into the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, a young man pushed the door open and entered with a very excited expression.

However, Yang Gang just nodded flatly and said, "Then, let's proceed to the second step."

Another year followed.

According to Yang Gang, Pang Meng tied three yak tail hairs on the window sill, and tied the smallest needle that can be found in the human race to the first one.On the second root was tied a louse that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

You know, this is an ancient louse!Even if the gods meet a group of gods, they will go to the Yaochi water to wash away their lead.

third root.

It was done by Yang Gang himself.

He didn't tell Pang Meng what it was, but said that if one day, you can see clearly what is attached to it, you will pass my first test.If you can't pass... then go back wherever you came from!

A heavy pressure weighed on my heart.


Day after day and night after night, with unprecedented perseverance, Pang Meng stared at the first yak hair like a lover.

Slowly, the eye of the first thin needle began to grow larger in his eyes.

As big as a wheel, as big as a house, as big as a mountain, and finally filled his field of vision like the whole world.

Pang Meng was overjoyed, and gradually became somewhat complacent.

Start watching the second yak hair.

The same process, the same smooth, but better things last longer.

Finally after two and a half years.

The lice, which could not be detected by the naked eye, grew bigger and bigger in his eyes, and finally filled the entire field of vision like the sky and the earth.

"Two and a half years... I finally succeeded!"

Pang Meng didn't stop, and began to look at the third unknown yak hair that day.


Strange things happened.

It stands to reason that with Pang Meng's current state, even if he can't see an object smaller than a lion bigger than a mountain, he can at least see what it is.But in his eyes, even the smallest dust can be seen clearly.

Just can't see what it is.

As if 'doesn't exist' at all.

"Impossible! Master did what he did, and it must not be aimless, and there must be a deep meaning in it. I haven't seen it through... He wants me to quit? No, I won't give up!"

"Never give up!"

Pang Meng muttered to himself like a demon.

Yang Gang's powerful reputation in the three realms made Pang Meng believe in it.

From that day on, he looked at the third yak hair day and night. He didn't think about eating and drinking, and he never even had sex with his wife. He directly put the bedding in front of the window sill, and stared at the yak hair every day when he woke up.

Half a year passed, and a year passed.

But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't see through the 'non-existent' object.


"How is this possible... Is there really nothing on the third yak hair?"

"No! Master will not lie to me, he is a great hero of the human race, how could he lie to me!"

A trace of suspicion gradually arose in Pang Meng's heart.

Today, he has been Yang Gang's apprentice for ten years, and the other party has not taught him any archery skills. This made the young man with a changeable mind think, "Could it be that the other party never thought of teaching him?" '

All of this is just to let him quit?

Once a seed of doubt is planted, it can never be erased.

Just like Su'e back then.

No. 11 years.

Pang Meng, who has entered middle age, has not seen Yang Gang for several months.

That day, he sat blankly in front of the window sill, looking at the three yak hairs swaying in the wind, his eyes seemed to be infatuated, full of some kind of infinite longing, and a trace of inexplicable strangeness.


A timid call came from the window.

Pang Meng lowered his head slowly.

He stared blankly at the little boy in front of the window.

After looking at it for a long time, I suddenly said: "It's a small arrowhead!"

"Daddy, it's me! You finally paid attention to me!"

The little boy smiled happily, even though it took his father a moment to recognize him, which made him a little disappointed, but his father finally agreed to take care of him, which made it difficult for the boy who lacked fatherly love since childhood to hide his joy.


In order to practice archery, Pang Meng seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he didn't even communicate with his wife and children by his side for a long time.


Pang Meng showed a forced smile and nodded.

"Daddy, what are you looking at?"

the little boy asked curiously.

"I'm looking at...a magical thing." For some reason, perhaps because he was tired of the noisy training, Pang Meng rarely had the desire to communicate with the child today.


The little boy showed a strange expression, "But, there is obviously nothing on it!"


Pang Meng smiled, "There is something on it, but you can't see it."

"Daddy lied to me, if there is something on it, why can't I see it?" The little boy said innocently.


Pang Meng smiled again, but this time he felt a little dull.

What's the point of discussing with a child after years of hard practice?

Seeing that his father didn't believe him, the little boy became a little anxious.

Biting his finger, he explained in a panic: "Look, there is a needle tied to this one hair, and this one seems to be tied with a small bug, but the third one..."

"Shut up."

Pang Meng's voice sank, and he scolded angrily: "Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Well, go and play by yourself, Dad is going to practice."

"Daddy, Xiao Zuo really didn't lie to you!"

The little boy said anxiously: "Look at the third ox hair, it is not knotted, how can there be something on it?"


Pang Meng's body shook violently.

He raised his head dully and looked at the window sill stupidly.

Three yak hairs swayed in the wind, the first was tied with a thin needle, straight as an arrow.The second is tied with lice and has a small loop at the end.And the third...

His field of vision rapidly enlarged,
The tail of the yak hair is as fine as dust, swinging in the wind, empty with no objects at all.


"Really do not have……"

"I was cheated... I was really cheated? Could it be that I was really cheated?"


A sharp roar pierced the sky.

next moment.

The window sill shattered, and the strong wind caused the ignorant little boy to fall to the ground.

Wait for Pang Meng's wife to hear the sound and come.

All he saw was his crying son on the ground, and Pang Meng rushing towards Yang Gang's residence like a whirlwind.

(End of this chapter)

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