I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 388 This is Jiuyou, Why Should I Escape?

Chapter 388 This is Jiuyou, Why Should I Escape?

Numerous Buddhist monks have surrounded Moyuan, and even the god generals of the Great Zhou Doubu in the distance have dispatched their entire army, exuding a stern aura.

Yang Gang has a feud with the Liu family.

But this time he faced the mysterious Nine Nether Demon Lord, Da Zhou's real enemy.If they are still the same as before, I am afraid that they will never even think about returning to Dazhou in this life.

"Zhenjun Erlang, can't you really give me a chance?"

Demon Lord Chi Kui is obviously not a reckless man.Facing Yang Gang, he couldn't be strong, so he had to make humble requests again and again.


When Yang Gang heard this, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

This Chi Kui, compared to the ancient demon lord Chi Man, and the mighty God of War Xing Tian, ​​does not show the backbone of the Jiuyou clan in him.

As the blood left by the ancient witch ancestor, it shouldn't be like this.

"Why are you being so aggressive?"

Chi Kui sighed and lowered his head.

Just as he lowered his head, another face at the back of his head naturally raised towards the sky.


That face burst into tears suddenly.


Countless violent and bloody roars came from all directions.

next moment.

Twelve Nine Nether Gates appeared in the sky.

There were gaps under the earth, and countless dark-skinned and foul-smelling demons crawled out from the ground, exuding evil demonic energy all over their bodies, and raised their weapons to kill Buddhist monks.

The demon lord Chi Kui had been prepared for a long time. He used the strength of the whole clan to come out, vowing to welcome back the sacred objects of the clan.

"It's better to do this earlier, it's more refreshing!"

Yang Gang laughed loudly, as if he had expected it a long time ago, raised his magic weapon and rushed straight into the devil's abyss.

He actually planned to challenge the Supreme Being of Nine Serenity alone.


The demon lord Chi Kui's face was serious, and complex expressions flashed in his eyes, like fear, anger, and disdain. Four weapons manifested from the four arms of his body, one was a scorpion, the second was a spear, the third was a dagger, and the fourth was a halberd. .

Four dark demonic energy shot out suddenly, and collided with Yang Gang's three-pointed two-edged knife.


The figure of the demon lord Chi Kui came after him, and he also took the initiative to kill Yang Gang.

He yelled angrily: "Yang Jian, I respect your deeds in your lifetime, but you treat me as Jiuyou without anyone! Today I will show you the strength of my Jiuyou!"

The divine light burst forth, and Mo Yuan trembled.

Numerous figures of the Nine Nether Demon Race and Buddhist Sect flew away from the scope of the battle between the two sides.

Hearing a bang, Yang Gang's figure suddenly flew back under the surprised eyes of everyone, and slammed into the stone wall of Moyuan.The God of War, who was invincible just now, couldn't bear the blow of the Nine Nether Demon Lord.

"How could this be?"

The three Buddhas secretly thought that something was wrong, subconsciously stayed away from the demon lord Chi Kui.

at this time.

The twelve Wu ancestors of Jiuyou came together and led tens of thousands of Jiuyou fighters to surround the three of them, preventing them from rushing to help Yang Gang.


The demon lord Chi Kui looked up to the sky and laughed, "Yang Jian, did you see that? Your strength can restrain Xing Tian, ​​but it is much worse than the three Buddhist bald donkeys, and it is even worse for me. If you want to overestimate yourself , today is your death day!"

"A lot of nonsense!"

Yang Gang flew out of the Moyuan stone wall with a sullen face, and swung the three-pointed two-edged knife to kill Chi Kui.

The two sides fought back and forth for more than ten rounds.

Yang Gang is increasingly at a disadvantage and is on the verge of losing.

This surprised those who had placed their hopes in him.

In the eyes of outsiders, his previous victory over Xing Tian was too powerful, causing them to overlook that his current cultivation base is actually just an Earth Immortal.

And the cultivation base of the contemporary demon lord Chi Kui...has already reached above the fairy king, the legendary emperor's realm, which is the peak of the fairy.

It has been tens of thousands of years since he comprehended the "Gate of Reincarnation" left by the ancestor Wu during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, and he has become the Lord of the Nine Serenities for tens of thousands of years. Compare?

The reason why he is so afraid of him is because of the deeds left by this Erlang Zhenjun in the secrets of the past, which are too shocking!

As a result, for tens of thousands of years, there has been a shadow in his heart.

Now under the struggle, he realizes that the reincarnated Yang Gang is nothing more than that. He is ashamed of his previous fear. Facing the enemy who caused the near destruction of the Jiuyou clan in the past, the combination of new and old hatreds completely aroused the passion in Chi Kui's heart. anger.


The four giant-arm dancing demon soldiers all slashed at the top of Yang Gang's head.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife seemed unable to withstand such a huge force, and it bent suddenly. Taking advantage of the momentum, Yang Gang's figure bounced and fell straight into the boundless abyss.

"Want to escape?"

The demon lord Chi Kui laughed loudly, "Below is my Nine Netherlands, let's see where you escape!"

After saying that, his figure flickered and disappeared in place.

But the battle above the Demon Abyss is still going on.Fomen and Jiuyou completely fought a real fire, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.


Dazhou's follow-up power has not appeared for a long time, and I don't know what happened, but he still wants to let Buddhism and Jiuyou fight to the death, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

bang bang bang~~~
The demonic energy is dense and the clouds are dense.

The Demon Abyss connected to Jiuyou is like the channel between reincarnation and reality, and there is a strange atmosphere everywhere.

Yang Gang is like a shuttle, traveling countless distances in the blink of an eye.

Finally, before the demon lord Chi Kui caught up, he reached under Jiuyou first.


The sight in front of him made him stop involuntarily.

An incomparably magnificent altar, countless Nine Nether Demons dressed in black robes, and pools filled with blood-red liquid one after another.This place...is actually the hinterland of the Jiuyou clan.

"Hahaha, Yang Jian, this is Jiuyou, let me see where you are going to escape!"

The demon lord Chi Kui chased him up from behind. The always cautious man finally couldn't bear the pride in his heart and showed a wild smile.


Yang Gang turned around slowly, showing a strange smile.

He tilted his head and asked, "Why should I run away?"


Chi Kui's heart shuddered, and he subconsciously took three steps back.

next moment.

A huge black shadow like a sky covered him.

Yang Gang transformed himself into Emperor Youming, stretched out his huge palm, grasped Chi Kui's figure like pinching an ant, and said with a smile, "This is Jiuyou, why should I escape?"

"You,, you, you,, you are,, it's you!!!"

Chi Kui's eyes showed deep shock, and there was boundless fear in his voice.

"Yes, it's me."

Yang Gang nodded slowly.

The palm of the hand is slightly exerted.

Chi Kui's demon lord's body was shattered inch by inch, and under the shocked and horrified eyes of countless Jiuyou clan, the four arms that seemed to come from the body of the ancient demon lord ripped apart, torn apart.

Then came the legs, the head...

in the blink of an eye.

All he had left was his torso, which was held in Yang Gang's hands like a stick.

"Stop pretending, I don't have time to deal with you."

Yang Gang said coldly.


Chi Kui's trembling voice sounded.

The flesh and blood of his body grew strangely, and his limbs and head grew again.

A gloomy wind blows.

The countless Nine Nether Demons around were stunned, as if they had been fascinated, they turned around and walked out in a daze.


A strange smile appeared on Yang Gang's face.

"Your Majesty comes from ancient times, and his status is billions of times more noble than in ancient times. I must not want more people to know, so I boldly erase their memories..." Chi Kui lowered his head, trembling Said tremblingly.

"You're saving them."

Yang Gang said calmly.


Chi Kui's heart trembled, and his head lowered even more.

In the face of Yang Gang, he dared to be arrogant, but when he knew that the other party's true identity was related to the mysterious Emperor Youming in ancient times, he was completely shocked after tens of thousands of years of management in Jiuyou.

If a Yang Jian grows up in the future, it is possible to wipe them out again.Coupled with the identity of Emperor Youming... Chi Kui felt that this time he really got into a big disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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