I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 389 Hell, Lun Zhang, Nine Quiet, Planning

Chapter 389 Hell, Reincarnation, Nine Serenity, Planning

"Now, I ask, you answer."

Yang Gang spoke lightly and authentically.


Chi Kui, who was still invincible just now, seemed to be an answering insect at this moment, nodding his head in response.

The situation suddenly developed in a bizarre direction.

It's not that Chi Kui didn't think that 'Emperor Youming' is very strong.

But he never thought that he would be so strong, and the power was like the source of the nether world restraining him to death.

It is only to blame that the Jiuyou clan has long since lost the true inheritance of the ancient witch clan, so they have fallen to such a point.

Yang Gang asked: "Why did Xing Tian come back to life? How many copies of the body of the ancient demon lord Chi Man have you collected?"

"Why the great god Xingtian was resurrected, Kui doesn't know the inside story."

Chi Kui carefully looked at Yang Gang's face and said: "Kui guessed in his heart that maybe the place where he was buried was the place where the five demon lords were buried. Later, when the mountains and seas collapsed, that piece of land also collapsed, causing accidents. The emergence of Xing Tian's remaining wisp of indestructible will can be fused with that part of the demon lord's body."


Yang Gang nodded lightly, with a noncommittal look, and he didn't know if he believed it or not.

Chi Kui's thoughts turned, and while thinking about the future life of the Jiuyou clan, he continued: "After the collapse of the mountains and seas, the elite of our clan were wiped out, and only some of the elders were left lingering under the Jiuyou clan."

"Later, after tens of thousands of years of development, during that period of dharma-ending era, we continued to absorb the nutrients of the human race little by little, and finally regained some vitality. Unfortunately, later, a hundred schools of thought contended, and the Great Zhou Shengjun rose...because too many murders were caused, there was no trace of our race on the earth. shelter."

"As a last resort, I have no choice but to continue to hide in Jiuyou, secretly deploying in various parts of Dazhou, looking forward to the opportunity to return to the earth in the future."

Chi Kui's voice paused.

Yang Gang nodded and said, "Well, let's continue. Speaking of which, after the collapse of the mountains and seas, you Jiuyou should have the most comprehensive record of the major events that happened in the world. How much do you know about that period of the Dharma-ending era where a hundred schools of thought contend?"

"A lot, but not a lot."

Chi Kui's expression was serious, and there seemed to be a hint of fear in his voice, "At that time, I was just a minion under the Nine Nethers. Later, I was lucky enough to comprehend the secret method of the Nine Nether Gates left by the ancient witch ancestors, and I became a Demon Lord."

"At that time, a sage appeared and severely damaged the power of the Jiuyou clan. Many records and old people left in the past were all destroyed in that battle."

"The emperor wants to use the history of our family to reflect the history of the time, but I'm afraid I can't..."

Chi Kui lowered his head and looked at Yang Gang's face from the corner of his eye, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. It's normal for this emperor from ancient times to be interested in the matter of the ancient demon lord, because after all, he had once been brilliant in ancient times.

Could it be that he also left a name in the Dharma-ending Era after ancient times?

So, which saint was he who controlled the supreme truth of the world back then?

Chi Kui, who lived in the late Dharma-ending era, knew very well that even though it was the Dharma-ending era back then, none of the saints who controlled the supreme principles between heaven and earth were weak in the later period.

"Don't think too much."

Yang Gang seemed to have seen through Chi Kui's psychology, and his tone implied a hint of warning.


The contemporary Nine Nether Demon Lord felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly lowered his head.

He has carried out the principle of "one who knows the current affairs is a hero" to the extreme, and I don't know who taught him.

"As for the body of the ancient demon lord collected by our clan..." Chi Kui hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Three out of the five copies, plus the one after Xing Tian's death, we are only short of the last one..."

"Where is it?" Yang Gang looked at Chi Kui.

An invisible pressure enveloped him.


Chi Kui said with difficulty: "At the end of the sky, at the corner of the sea. In the far west, there is the Little Leiyin Temple. A walking demon Buddha was born ten thousand years ago, and he called himself Wutian."

"I suspect that it was the result of the birth of the ancient demon lord Chiman after he escaped from the trap with flesh and blood."


Yang Gang showed a strange expression.

"The emperor may be wondering why only the third Buddha came to the Buddhist gate this time, but the real supreme Buddha did not come. It is because the magic Buddha destroyed the treasure land of Lingshan, and the reincarnation of Kutuo had no choice but to suppress it and could not rush to help. Northland."

"So, everything is clear."

Yang Gang smiled clearly.

Then he asked again: "Then what is your plan for the Jiuyou clan next? No one can stop the Holy Monarch's heart to unify the three realms. Back then you Jiuyou could submit to the Heavenly Court, why can't you submit to the Great Zhou now?"


Chi Kui felt awe-inspiring.

What are your plans for the future?Right now, the life and death of the Nine Nether Clan is in the hands of you, the Nether Emperor!
He only felt that there seemed to be something in Yang Gang's words, and he couldn't help thinking about it secretly.

"Forget it."

Yang Gang interrupted his thoughts, and said righteously: "I am in Dazhou now. Since the Holy King has obtained the destiny, I will assist him. So...you come here, I have something to tell you in detail."

"If you do well, you may have a way out in the future trend of the Three Realms..."


Yang Gang whispered in Chi Kui's ear.

He kept nodding his head, his eyes as big as copper bells gradually widened, revealing a deep look of astonishment.

"This... is this really a way out?"

There are boundless waves in the heart of the contemporary Jiuyou Demon Lord. Even with his ten thousand years of practice, he is also shocked by Yang Gang's plan.


'Underworld, reincarnation' are the only two words that linger in Chi Kui's mind, and they cannot be forgotten for a long time.

When he came back to his senses.

Yang Gang has long since disappeared without a trace, and the huge Jiuyou Altar is empty and there is no one there anymore.


The void is silent.

An illusory and strange blood-colored flower blooms in the sky.

next moment.

Stepping on the moonlight, a magnificent goddess stepped out from the flowers on the other side.

Before Hanxiang could see her surroundings clearly.

Suddenly, I felt a warmth around me, and I was hugged tightly in a generous embrace.

"Aunt~~ I've been waiting for a long time."

Yang Gang's voice rang in his ears.


Han Xiang lay quietly in the arms of her sweetheart, and her frightened heart felt unprecedentedly peaceful.

When the thoughts gradually return to calm.

She finally realized that the two had left the eternal and lonely Guanghan Prison.The real problem ensues...


The goddess of the moon palace exclaimed, blushing and stepped back a few steps, her eyes seemed afraid to look at Yang Gang.

"what happened?"

Yang Gang looked puzzled.

Wasn't Hanxiang very bold before, why did she turn red when she came to the outside world and hugged her lightly?
"me we"

Han Xiang didn't know why, she seemed to have completely returned to her senses after leaving Xueyue, thinking of all the things that happened in the past few days, she only felt that she was fascinated by something, and she did such... shameless things!


The boundless sense of shame is like a tide.

Han Xiang couldn't bear the shame in her heart anymore, she turned around and ran away like a panicked rabbit.


Yang Gang stood blankly on the windy Jiuyou land, scratching his head blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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