I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 400 The Resurrection of the Ancient Demon God, Chi Kui's Secret

Chapter 400 The Resurrection of the Ancient Demon God, Chi Kui's Secret

In just a few breaths, Yang Gang rushed beyond the [-]th floor of hell.

A golden light flashed between the brows and eyes, and immediately saw a huge golden Buddha's palm under the [-]th floor of hell, smashing down towards Chi Kui who was on the ground.

This time.

The mysterious old monk obviously used the strongest means.

"Tathagata Palm? Or the Buddha Kingdom in the palm..."

Yang Gang had a strange idea in his mind.

It was the moment he appeared.

The mysterious old monk, Chi Kui, the third patriarch of Buddhism in front of the [-]th floor of hell, and the three gods of Dasan subconsciously turned their heads to look in Yang Gang's direction.

"Everyone, be well."

Yang Gang smiled slightly, and had no intention of hiding.Holding a three-pointed two-edged knife and a silver armor cloak, he exuded an aura of an ancient god of war.

Everyone's hearts were suddenly awe-inspiring, and their expressions changed.

The Buddhist kingdom in the palm of the mysterious old monk froze in the black sky, and did not fall for a long time, with an unprecedented solemn expression.The same is true for Chi Kui, but a glimmer of joy secretly flashed in his eyes.

The person he was waiting for finally arrived!

It was because there was still hope in his heart that Chi Kui never resorted to the last resort and gave up everything to separate the four bodies of the Demon Lord.

"It's the god of justice!"

"Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun in ancient legends! He is really all right."

"Why is he here?"

Everyone discussed in low voices, with different expressions.

"Yang Gang, why are you here?"

A rough and hoarse voice sounded, and the Lord of the Ministry of Fire, Fire Deity, was the first to ask questions, his tone seemed unfriendly.

"What? I am a minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty and I am in Jiuyou, so why not come to help?" Yang Gang smiled.


Huode Shenjun snorted heavily, "Help? I think you are here to grab the credit. I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities. With your strength, you are not qualified to participate in this battle."

"Oh, is it?"

Yang Gang was noncommittal, looked at the three ancestors of Buddhism indifferently, and asked: "Three Buddhas, do you also think that I am not qualified?"


Sakyamuni, Tathagata, and Medicine Buddha all remained silent, their expressions somewhat dignified.

The scene of Yang Gang killing Xing Tian in front of them that day is still vivid in my memory.

Now that Buddhism is showing weakness, how dare they offend this person?

But... If Yang Gang really wanted to come to prostitute for nothing, they would naturally refuse in their hearts.

The three of them looked subconsciously at the old monk under the eighteenth floor of hell.

"This fellow Taoist, but you also think that I, Yang Gang... don't have the qualifications?" Yang Gang stretched out the long knife in his hand, revealing his arrogance.

"...don't dare."

The old monk had been silent since Yang Gang appeared, and said with a somewhat ugly expression upon hearing this.


Yang Gang was a little surprised, and took a deep look at the old monk.

Said: "Then, I'm going to do my part for Da Zhou."

"Please." The old monk stretched out his hand proactively.

"Please." The three Buddhist patriarchs didn't know why, and they stretched out their hands with dark faces.

They... seem to want to voluntarily give up the task of fighting Chi Kui to Yang Gang.

The expression of the god of fire virtue was completely gloomy.

What is Yang Gang's identity in ancient times? Even the Buddhism that was also inherited from ancient times is so polite, even 'afraid'.


Seeing Buddhism's voluntary retreat, everyone clearly felt a faint fear hidden in their bones.

"Do you really want me to come?"

Yang Gang smiled playfully and took a step forward.

Everyone around subconsciously backed away, all shocked by the faint floating power on his body.

As the person with the lowest level of cultivation in the field, he seemed to be the highest in status, walking proudly, step by step towards the depths of the [-]th floor of hell.

"Yang Gang, God Erlang...Yang Jian."

A hint of fear instinctively appeared on Chi Kui's face.

The shadow Yang Gang left on him before was too deep.Facing the old Buddhist monk, he still has the spirit of resistance, but facing Yang Gang...

"what's the situation?"

"This demon lord Chi Kui also looks..."

"Could it be that Yang Gang's disappearance in Jiuyou wasn't what we thought, but because the Demon Lord of Jiuyou was scared away?"

"This is really...unbelievable!"

Seeing this, countless people couldn't help but gasped, shocked by Yang Gang's power.

I just feel that this is a bit exaggerated!
"Never fight?"

Yang Gang played with the magic weapon in his hands helplessly, and said: "If you don't fight, how about you all surrender the Great Zhou?" magic."

"In the future, everyone will share the three worlds together, what do you think?"

"it is good!"

Chi Kui gave a loud shout and agreed first.

Immediately after being glared secretly by Yang Gang, he realized that his performance was too obvious, and immediately said angrily: "Good Yang Gang, how dare you insult me ​​Jiuyou like this. Even if my clan is going to surrender, it will also be divided equally with Da Zhou. The world!"

"Then, the only thing left is to fight."

Yang Gang instantly restrained his smile and said coldly.


Chi Kui couldn't help being taken aback.

This is completely different from what I said before!Why did you still have to fight in the end?With Da Zhou and Buddhism, they already couldn't beat them, now they add Yang Gang...

Could it be that everything is Yang Gang's scheme?He wants to reap the greatest fruits of victory under the watchful eyes of everyone?

If this is the case... the Jiuyou clan will perish today!

Thinking of the mysterious and unfathomable Emperor Nether, Chi Kui suddenly felt desperate.

Yang Gang didn't give him a chance to think, and he couldn't help but cut out the magic weapon in his hand.


The sun sets over the long river, and the sky is full of divine light.

A great sun appeared out of nowhere in hell, exuding peerless divine power, and fell towards the Nine Nether Demon Lord.

A gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of the standing old monk, and he immediately pressed down the huge Buddha's palm in the sky.

Taking credit?
You, Yang Gang, came at the last moment because you have the ability to reach the sky, how much credit can you take away from them?

This final blow.

The demon lord Chi Kui will be destroyed in both spirit and form!
"You forced me!"

Finally, Chi Kui was forced into a desperate situation, raised his head and roared at the sky with a hideous face.

A series of blue and black blood vessels protruded on his face and body, flowing like worms under the skin, blood spattered 'Puff puff puff', and Chi Kui's body was suddenly torn apart.

Then, under the astonished eyes of millions of creatures, they reunited into a complete and mutilated body.

The bodies of Chi Kui and the ancient demon lord Chi Man were finally separated completely.

The dark wind danced wildly, and the low humming sounds seemed to come from ancient times.

next moment.

The broken flesh and blood of the ancient demon god suddenly grew wildly, turning into a huge headless black body.

An ax with deep black and devilish energy slowly condensed on the hand of that body.


The black figure raised his head and looked towards the sky.

A pair of scarlet eyes filled with endless bloodthirsty, cruelty, and murderous intent, as if they were the most evil existence in the world.

This demon god from ancient times finally fully revived under Yang Gang's connivance!


Chi Kui fell to the ground weakly, with a miserable expression on his face, bursting into wild laughter: "You forced me, it's all you... today, you must die! We... all die!"

Although the body of the ancient demon god was summoned.

However, Chi Kui's expression didn't have a hint of joy, instead exuded a deep sense of depression.

Everyone doesn't know.

Yang Gang didn't know either.

Chi Kui has been hiding a secret in his heart.The second head on top of his head... is actually a fake, it is prepared for the future incarnation of a complete demon body.

The four demon god bodies that Jiuyou collected over tens of thousands of years are actually Chiman's body and limbs.

The head that can carry wisdom is still at the foot of the Buddhist Spirit Mountain in the western region at this moment.

And only the body of a demon god without a head... Gathering the purest demonic nature of the Three Realms, without any reason, will start an indiscriminate and shocking killing.

(End of this chapter)

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