I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 401 Eternal town hell, vow not to become a Buddha!

Chapter 401 Eternal town hell, vow not to become a Buddha!
"Gu——" The strange whistling resounded through the hell, it seemed to come from the belly of the headless demon god, and it seemed to come from the deepest part of the Nine Nether Hell.

The whistling that spanned ancient and modern times caused countless people to cover their ears subconsciously, with painful expressions on their faces.

"What a powerful demon god!"

"It always feels dangerous to stay here..."

"His aura seems to be stronger than those great powers!"

Voices sounded one by one, and everyone secretly quoted.

At this time.

"Yang Jian!" A voice that resembled Xing Tian and the ancient demon lord Chi Man came from the demon god's body, deafening.

It is full of endless hatred, but it is more violent and bloodthirsty than Xing Tian who was crazy at the beginning.

Before everyone could react, the demon god raised his magic ax with both hands, kicked his feet on the ground, and slashed at Yang Gang with his axe.

"I go!"

Yang Gang was also taken aback, and quickly dodged, raising his knife to block.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife was subjected to boundless force, and instantly bent into an incredible range. Yang Gang's expression changed slightly, and he flicked at the critical moment, pulling the distance far away.

Then looking at the demon god who pursued persistently, the look in his eyes finally became serious.

"This thing inherited Xing Tian's last will, plus the demonic nature left by the demon lord Chi Man, and regarded me as the first target to be killed. It's strange... What's wrong? Could it be his head..."

The Demon God finally caught up with Yang Gang.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Yang Gang fought back vigorously, but was chopped off by the terrifying force again, and fell into the incomparable depths of hell.


Holding a huge axe in his hand, the headless demon god seemed to be roaring towards the sky, wantonly venting his violent demon nature.

That invincible posture really made people feel frightened.

"So fierce?"

"The judiciary god, whom everyone has placed high hopes on, is not an all-in-one enemy. To what extent is the power of this demon god!"

"not good!"

"Who can resist his attack now?"

Everyone turned pale with shock, while members of the Jiuyou clan all showed joy.

"Yang Gang~~~"

In Minghe Shui Mansion, Jiang Jiang, Han Xiang and others were worried.Seeing Yang Gang being chopped into the air with an axe, his heart tightened.

"Shall we help him?" Jiang He said weakly.

"I'll go." A hint of urgency flashed across Jiang Jiang's face.

"I'll go too." The little fox got up weakly.

"Don't panic." Han Xiang seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and gave Jiang Jiang a wink, "He still has cards to play, so there shouldn't be any danger."

"You mean..." Jiang Jiang immediately realized.

When the two were intimate last night, Yang Gang told her that he had the body of the Nether Emperor and was almost invincible in Jiuyou.

"Well, he's hiding his clumsiness."

Han Xiang nodded slightly, and said affirmatively: "Yang Gang can easily defeat Xing Tian, ​​there is no reason why he is so weak when facing the body of the ancient demon god with the same strength. What's more, this is Jiuyou..."

This is Jiuyou, no one can kill Yang Gang who has the body of Emperor Youming.

So... what exactly is he trying to do?

"I'm still worried..." Jiang Jiang said with some concern.

"Then...let me go for a walk." Seeing this, Han Xiang's heart moved, and she said along the way.She has never really experienced the opportunity to fight side by side with Yang Gang since the ancient ten day disaster.

"You?" Everyone looked puzzled.

"Don't forget, I'm not weak in Jiuyou." Hanxiang smiled mysteriously.

A thin ray of bloody moonlight shone on her body, gradually elongating a shadow.

next moment.

The goddess of the Moon Palace, covered in frost, disappeared inexplicably from the water mansion of the Styx River, and her figure seemed to melt into wisps of moonlight, flying towards the mysterious and unknown land of reincarnation.


A blood moon revolves slowly around a strange stone, as if silently waiting for the return of its master.

bang bang bang ~~
The headless demon god holds a giant axe across hell, chasing the mysterious old monk, three gods, and the Buddha like an invincible existence. Yang Gang flies out of hell from time to time, and then he is chopped back by himself with an axe.

Everyone looked solemn.

The body of this ancient demon god is indeed terrifying, and the strength of so many people is not his opponent.Everyone joined forces to fight, but they could barely resist his attack.

Ancient times... what a magnificent and powerful era it was!

It's really exciting.

After a moment.

The key points that affect the outcome of the battle have emerged.

In everyone's eyes, the weakest link, Yang Gang was regarded as the first target by the demon god. After bearing dozens of axes in succession, he finally couldn't take it anymore, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He fell into the depths of hell feebly, and did not reappear for a long time.

This time, he probably has no power to fight anymore!

The terrifying roar resounded through the hell space, and the headless demon defeated Yang Gang, and his aura seemed to reach its peak in an instant, becoming more rampant and violent.

"The situation is not good!"

"How to do?"

"Patriarch, I wonder if there is a way?"

As the Oriental Medicine Buddha spoke, everyone's eyes turned to the mysterious old monk with the highest cultivation level.


He sighed heavily, "At this point, the only thing we can do is to do what we have to do."


Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words.

According to what he said, is there really a way to deal with this mighty ancient demon god?

"Pharmacist, Sakyamuni, Ami..."

The old monk's expression was complete, and he said decisively: "The opportunity for my Buddha has come, so I don't want to return to my place quickly!"


The three Buddhas couldn't help being taken aback when they heard the words.

What quick return?
The Patriarch had never discussed this matter with them before!
The voice fell.

Strange things happened.

A dark golden Buddha's light flashed, jumping on the three Buddhas like lightning.The three of them radiated dark golden Buddha light from the inside out, and suddenly sat down cross-legged involuntarily, with solemn treasures.

"Alas~~~" The mysterious old monk showed a distressed look on his face, as if he had suddenly changed to a different person at this moment, and lightly tapped the cane in his hand between the eyebrows of the three Buddhas.

Suddenly, the light of the Buddha bloomed violently around the three of them, illuminating the eighteen levels of hell into daylight.

The demon god holding a huge ax stopped, and his headless body seemed to be looking at the vision of the sky, as if he instinctively felt a huge threat.

next moment.

The magic ax slashed out heavily, as if opening up the world.

"The old monk was originally anonymous, but now he has made a great wish to gather the bodies of the Buddhas of the past, future, and present, to achieve the supreme Kutuo Vajra Dharma, and to stay in the Nine Nether Hells forever! Hell is not empty, and I swear that I will not become a Buddha!"

The sky is full of flowers and golden lotuses are blooming.

At this moment, the gloomy Nine Serenities Hell seemed to be a holy Buddhist kingdom, filled with peaceful atmosphere everywhere.


There were shrill screams from the three Buddhas, their bodies trembled and blurred, and their bodies, which were purely composed of primordial spirits, involuntarily turned into a ball of golden liquid, which was sucked into the body by the mysterious old monk.

"After today, the old monk should have a name, and it will be Ksitigarbha!"

Ksitigarbha, who hides in hell and melts into the nine secluded worlds, is called Ksitigarbha.

Absorbed the body of three Buddhist patriarchs.

Patriarch Ksitigarbha's aura continued to soar, reaching the level of parity with the headless demon god in the blink of an eye, while his figure kept changing.

"Bold devil, dare not hold your hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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