I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 411 Wang Zhiqiu's Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 411 Wang Zhiqiu's Jedi Counterattack
Great Zhou Dynasty.

Shengjing, Lingxiao Palace.

Today's imperial city is extremely lively, all the ministers, military lords, and hereditary officials gathered together, filling the Hall of Lingxiao, and even the square outside the hall was full of people.

Taibai Xingjun couldn't help but have a thought, "In the future, my Great Zhou will grow stronger and stronger. Does the Lingxiao Palace, which has existed for tens of thousands of years, need to be expanded?" '

The Great Zhou army was victorious and returned with great victories.

Everyone's faces were filled with festive colors.

But they all knew that the biggest contribution this time was not the 30 elite army, nor the three dignified gods, but the judiciary god of the Great Zhou, Yang Gang, who turned out at the last and most critical moment.

In fact, two days ago, the three gods had already returned with their army, but because of Yang Gang's words that they would come back two days later at most, they deliberately postponed it for two days outside the city, just to wait for the biggest hero to come to the hall together.

This operation gave Yang Gang the greatest respect.

Even the Lord Huode, who was somewhat dissatisfied with Yang Gang before, did not dare to raise any objections in this situation, and confronted Yang Gang, who had captured the hearts of the army and the people.

Today coincides with the Great Dynasty once every ten days.

Everyone stood quietly in Lingxiao Palace, waiting for today's protagonist to arrive.

It's just that they waited and waited. Seeing that the time was coming, His Majesty Shengjun was about to ascend the throne and start the court meeting, but Yang Gang's figure did not appear for a long time.

Until the moment of the hour.

Yang Gang still didn't show up, and neither did His Majesty Shengjun. It seemed that he was deliberately waiting for his return and gave him great courtesy.


Until the third quarter of the hour...Yang Gang still didn't show up.

The officials were in an uproar, and their hearts were floating.

If the rightful lord doesn't show up, this huge rewarding campaign will not go on, and many people will not look good after such an oolong.At that time, Shengjun will be furious, how will this matter end?
The Huode Shenjun's face darkened.

"This Yang Gang promised to come back in two days, but now he is nowhere to be seen. How should we deal with it? Taking credit and pride, really taking credit and pride!"


The Jiutian Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun on the side looked at his nose and nose, and his nose looked at his heart, and remained silent.

Doumu Shenjun turned his head to look at the sky outside the temple, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"You managed to win the current situation. If it doesn't appear, won't you just let others reap the fruits of victory? Even... there will be many variables for nothing."

for a long time.

Seeing that the corona will cross the hour.

Standing next to the Supreme Throne, Taibai Shenjun secretly sighed, his expression straightened, and he said loudly: "The time has come, let's start the morning!"


A loud shout spread out and spread in all directions.

Countless people suddenly looked solemn, discarded the distracting thoughts in their minds, and looked at the top of the Lingxiao Palace in reverence.An illusory figure gradually condensed, accompanied by a faint coercion rippling like water waves.

Everyone bowed in unison.

"See Your Majesty!"

"See——His Majesty Shengjun!"

The sound resounded through the Lingxiao Palace, spread throughout the imperial city, and spread to the entire Shengjun Wanli.

"Everyone is in peace. Since the Judiciary God has something to do, let's discuss the merits and rewards first. Jiuyou's decision will be discussed later." Shengjun's steady voice sounded in Lingxiao Hall.


Everyone got up together, instinctively heaving a sigh of relief.

Immediately, many people looked at each other in surprise.

Shengjun is too lenient to this judiciary god...isn't it?Not only did he not blame him for forgetting his duties for personal reasons, but according to the meaning of these words, Jiuyou's future decisions will have to wait for Yang Gang to come back.

'As expected of His Majesty's nephew, we are incomparable! '

'The most dazzling new star of the Great Zhou Dynasty is indeed a prosperous saint. '

'Alas~~~ After today, Yang Gang has completely gained power, how will my great Zhou dignitaries deal with themselves? '

The ministers of the Great Zhou had different thoughts, and some of them had already begun to think about the way out in the future.But there are also some people, seeing that Yang Gang has not yet appeared at the most critical moment, a firm look suddenly flashed in their eyes.

This is an excellent opportunity. The power of the Netherworld is related to the future trend of the three realms. They must grasp it!
After a while.

The three gods of Dou, Huo, and Lei each declared the gains and losses of the Jiuyou battle, and then presented the list of generals.

Taibai Shenjun took the merit list and presented it to Shengjun.

In fact, this form had already been reviewed by Shang Shusheng yesterday, and it was forwarded to Yu Shengjun for review.Today's reward specifications for all heroes have been drawn up in advance.

Today is just a process to tell the world and justify the names of those who have made meritorious deeds.

However, it was delayed until now because of Yang Gang's factors.

With a wave of Shengjun's big hand, a little fairy light fell on the merit list, and passed it to Taibai.The old gentleman with white beard and hair bowed to take it, and took the holy seal from the side to seal the conclusion.

Afterwards, he opened the list of achievements and read aloud: "Following the heavens, the holy king said: Today, the three armies of the Dou, Huo, and Lei tribes conquered Jiuyou, and the merits are bestowed by heaven. There are also righteous men from all walks of life in the Great Zhou Dynasty..."

Taibai Shenjun said the names one by one, and the person whose name was called immediately stepped forward to thank him with a passionate expression.Everyone present is very proud to be able to show their faces in front of the world.

And the millions of younger generations who participated in the Great Zhou were unexpectedly selected as some outstanding representatives and rewarded for their merits.

The high-pitched voice spread throughout Shengjing and spread to the world through various channels.

For a time, the hearts of the people returned to Zhou, and the Great Zhou gradually had the atmosphere of the unification of the three realms.

Half an hour passed quickly.

God Lord Taibai spoke with astonishing speed, reading out the list of tens of thousands of people in one go.Afterwards, the awarding ceremony began. The generals and soldiers who had made great contributions in the First Battle of Jiuyou went to the Holy Monarch one by one, and he personally awarded the titles.

At this time, Yang Gang still hadn't come back.

Another hour passed.

The rewards for the soldiers of the Great Zhou were completed, and some "righteous men" who participated in the war of the younger generation of the Great Zhou began to be rewarded.

Another half hour.

Seeing that the sun is about to rise to the sky, Yang Gang is still missing, but this reward has come to an end.

at last.

Taibai Shenjun announced in public: "The award is over, there is something to play, and there is nothing to leave the court."

"Sir, I have something to report to Your Majesty."

Shangshu ordered Wang Zhiqiu to take a step forward and said respectfully to his head.


Shengjun's appearance is hidden in the dense fairy light, and his voice is clean and neat.

However, seeing Wang Zhiqiu coming out, many people couldn't help shaking their hearts.

After all, this representative of the rich and powerful in Shengjing couldn't help but want to make trouble!

Taking advantage of Yang Gang's absence, taking advantage of the great opportunity when the underworld is about to be established.

"Your Majesty."

Wang Zhiqiu raised his head with a solemn expression, "I am deeply impressed by the aspirations of the soldiers who sacrificed their heads and blood for the battle of Jiuyou. However, the judicial god Yang Gang killed the dignitaries indiscriminately in Shengjing before. Although helping the army in Jiuyou, the merits and demerits offset each other, so it is not worth mentioning."

"Now this son actually despises the Holy Majesty and refuses to return after listening to the instructions. It is really a crime of disrespect. The minister is bold and admonishes Yang Gang to collude with Jiuyou with ulterior motives. It is recommended that the previous three-point discussion of Jiuyou should be discussed by the ministers. .”

"Hope the Holy Grace!"

(End of this chapter)

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