I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 412 Jiang He's Divine Assist

Chapter 412 Jiang He's Divine Assist
"Wang Zhiqiu, you are bold!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Wang Zhiqiu's words immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the crowd, and countless soldiers who participated in this battle criticized him verbally and in writing, including some generals from the Ministry of War and the Eighth Ministry.Each one's eyes were bloodshot, wishing to peel off his skin.

For lieutenant officers and soldiers, it is the worst thing to see this kind of thing happen.Heroes shed blood and sweat for the country, made countless contributions, and were framed by treacherous officials in the end.

No matter who it is, as long as there is a little conscience in my heart, I will be angry.

Even the god of fire and morality beside him couldn't stand it anymore.Although he had a bad relationship with Yang Gang before, he even framed Hanxiang to enter the Northland for the benefit of the rich and powerful, thereby intimidating Yang Gang.


He still has his own bottom line.

If you just sit back and watch Wang Zhiqiu get rid of black and white and obliterate Yang Gang's contribution.What would the soldiers who followed them to conquer Jiuyou think?In the future, will he still be the God of the Fire Department?

"Prince Wang, there are some things that need to be thought through clearly." The Lord of Fire Virtue said slowly, with a hint of threat in his voice.


A trace of astonishment flashed in Wang Zhiqiu's eyes.

He thought that his words would offend some people, but he never expected that it would cause such a big reaction.He knew that Yang Gang had made great achievements in Jiuyou, and his prestige was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but he never thought that Yang Gang would save the lives of millions of young people in Da Zhou from an army of 30 in front of everyone.

Such a kindness, it is difficult for them not to be grateful!
"My lord, I implore the Holy King to judge."

Wang Zhiqiu gritted his teeth in the end, faced the difficulties with great pressure, and looked at the sage sitting on the throne above.


Shengjun looked at the nine heavens in the distance, as if he had fallen into a fugue just like before, and ignored Wang Zhiqiu's words.Everyone knows that it's not that he didn't hear it, it's just the idea of ​​the sage, and the subordinates dare not speculate.

Lingxiao Hall suddenly became chaotic.

Seeing that Wang Zhiqiu was so determined, the older generation of meritorious families on his side immediately stood up and refuted one after another, quarreling with the new generation of military personnel.

However, many people who belong to aristocratic families but also deeply loved by Yang Gang are caught in a dilemma.

There are also some people who have nothing to do with themselves, hang on high, and watch the show as if they didn't hear it.

The Lingxiao Palace was full of voices.

The sound of quarreling gradually spread out of the hall and fell into the ears of many low-level civil and military officials standing in the outside square.


The quarrel passed like waves, and they each stood on the side of their own interests and argued with each other.

It's just that compared to the evenly matched power in Lingxiao Palace, most of the low-level officials in Dazhou supported Yang Gang, thinking that his starting point was all for the long-term interests of Dazhou.

As for the accusation of conspiring with Jiuyou, it's a piece of shit for your mother!

"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief! Let your mother's shit go!"

"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief! Put your mother's shit on!"

"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief! Let your mother's shit go!"

I don't know who started it, which aroused the anger in the hearts of the young officials outside the hall. Shouts and shouts merged into waves, and gradually spread into Lingxiao Hall.


"Well cursed!"

"It's so courageous, you...you..."

The important ministers of Zhou in Lingxiao Hall were stunned, some laughed, some were angry, and some smiled more and more.

But one question also came to their minds.

Is Yang Gang, the god of justice, already so popular at the bottom of the Great Zhou?

What he did was obviously so radical... Could this be the power of young people?

for a long time.

No matter how much the veterans shouted and scolded, the voices outside the hall did not intend to stop at all, but intensified instead.The so-called law does not blame the public, since someone has already started, what are they afraid of?
corner of the square.

Jiang He looked at the officials of the Great Zhou who were united as one, and the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch a strange smile.

The respected Shangshuling Wang Zhiqiu was scolded like this, it is really satisfying!


His gaze was directed to the sky.

"It's been so long...why haven't you come back?"


"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief! Put your mother's shit on... Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief! Put your mother's shit on..." A sound of vulgar cursing came into Lingxiao Hall.


Shang Shuling Wang Zhiqiu's fingers trembled, pointing at the officials of the Great Zhou outside the hall, his face completely turned black.


He, the Prime Minister of the Zhou Dynasty, as a highly respected Shang Shuling, became a complete joke.Faced with such an unbearable situation, what face would he have to gain a foothold in the officialdom of the Great Zhou in the future?
"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief!" Jiang He raised his right hand and waved it with excitement.

"Fart your mother!" Countless people answered immediately, all of them excited.It's so exciting to be able to scold Prime Minister Zhou Quan on such an occasion!
"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief!"

Jiang He raised his hand again.

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

Countless people scrambled to shout and shout, only feeling very happy and hearty.

"His Majesty!"

Wang Zhiqiu stared coldly at Jiang He at the corner of the square, turned around and knelt down straight to the Holy King.

Suddenly, many people were startled.

Dazhou has always followed the rules, men stand upright, they can kneel down to their ancestors and teachers, and there is no need to kneel down to gods and dignitaries.Even in the face of His Majesty, the supreme sage, one only needs to bow instead of kneeling.

Wang Zhiqiu's kneeling clearly made up his mind.

"My lord, please be the master of the old minister, remember the sincerity of the old minister, and return the old minister to justice! I have no intention of framing the loyal and good, but it is because Yang Gang's method has done great harm to my ambition of uniting the Three Realms in the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, think about it, my Great Zhou is now powerful in the three realms, and the direction of the soldiers is unstoppable. Why share the results of the battle with outsiders, and divide the huge power of reincarnation in the underworld into three parties?"

"If Yang Gang doesn't come today, he must have a dark heart and dare not show up. If he dares to show up and confront him, the reason he gave will convince the world... If there is any injustice, the old minister would like to bump his head to death in front of Ling Xiao Palace!"

As soon as he said a word, the audience fell silent.

"He... how dare he say such a thing?"

"Go all out! This old bastard is gambling with his life!"

"What are you gambling?"

"Bet that Yang Gang won't come back today, and bet that he treats me Da Zhou...he really has a different heart!"

"As long as Yang Gang can't come up with a reason that can convince everyone, he has a reason to accuse him of impure purpose. This may not be able to overthrow the position of the judicial god, but it will completely veto his nine-point resolution and make his The supreme achievement is completely... obliterated."

"So cruel!"

Hearing such inferences, many people couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and realized Wang Zhiqiu's ruthlessness.

As expected of a person who has become the prime minister of the Great Zhou, his deep thoughts and long-term vision are beyond human reach!
"We can't let him go on like this!"

Jiang He, who was outside the arena, watched this scene, turned around and saw that everyone was restrained by Wang Zhiqiu, gritted his teeth and shouted again: "Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief!"


The whole place was silent.

This time, however, no one responded to his voice.

"Your Majesty is holy, please Your Majesty... make the decision for the old minister!"

Wang Zhiqiu knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

at last.

Shengjun slowly lowered his gaze, looking at Wang Zhiqiu who was on the ground.

Everyone was shocked, looking at Wang Zhiqiu's back with surprise.This old man's method is really clever, just kneel down and turn against the guest, forcing the sage to want to favor Yang Gang.

"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief!"

Jiang He outside the hall was still working hard, but no one dared to answer his voice.

"Your Majesty please decide."

A gleam of joy flashed in Wang Zhiqiu's eyes, and he immediately stated: "Then Yang Gang must have fled in fear of crime at this time—"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Suddenly, an angry curse sounded outside Lingxiao Hall.

The eyes of everyone looked subconsciously.

I wanted to see who had the guts to shout loudly under the gaze of Shengjun.

(End of this chapter)

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