I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 413 Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch, Qingyun Pavilion Right Venerable

Chapter 413 Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch, Qingyun Pavilion Right Venerable
The sun is rising.

Many people raised their heads subconsciously and looked towards the direction where the sound came from, that is, the sun hanging high in the sky.The glare of the sun made people instinctively squint their eyes, and a figure covered in halos descended from the sky with the sun behind their backs.

Slowly landed in front of Lingxiao Palace.

"It's him!"

Wang Zhiqiu, Doumu, Huode. Countless people inside and outside Lingxiao Palace were shocked, and finally saw the true face of the visitor.

It was Yang Gang, the God of Judiciary of the Great Zhou who absconded in fear of crime that Shangshuling Wang Zhiqiu said.

"It's you." Wang Zhiqiu's face was instantly gloomy.

"It's me." Yang Gang smiled and nodded, and asked Wang Zhiqiu: "What? Isn't Wang Xiang looking forward to my coming? Why is Wang Xiang's face so ugly after Yang arrives?"

"Could it be...you don't welcome me!"

"Nonsense!" Wang Zhiqiu angrily reprimanded.

"Yang Gang, I have seen the Holy Monarch." Yang Gang suddenly saluted the Holy Monarch in Lingxiao Hall, ignoring Wang Zhiqiu who seemed to be furious after being touched by the tail of a tiger.

"Mr. Yang is finally here."

Shengjun leaned over slightly, looked at Yang Gang outside the hall, and a faint smile seemed to emanate from the corner of his mouth.It makes people feel that he has been silent before, just to wait for Yang Gang on a special trip.

And that moment of lowering the head and lowering the eyes was also a sense of Yang Gang's approaching with supernatural powers, rather than a reaction to Wang Zhiqiu's words.

"Your Majesty Rong En, even if you are in Jiuyou, you should hurry back to Beijing and return to your orders."

Yang Gang lowered his head slightly, but his respectful demeanor gave off a feeling of being neither humble nor overbearing, which was in stark contrast to Wang Zhiqiu.

"Hurry up?"

Wang Zhiqiu interrupted the conversation forcefully, and said in a reprimanding tone: "Yang Gang, I think you really came here on horseback! You clearly agreed with the three gods that you will be able to reach it in two days. Let's see what time it is now?"

"You are committing the crime of deceiving the emperor, and you are disrespectful!"

"Don't put a hat on me, the top of my head is not as green as yours." Yang Gang was not timid, and counterattacked precisely: "If you dare to interrupt the Holy Monarch, you are the one who despises the Holy Monarch and commits a crime of disrespect!"

"Hmph! Yang Gang, don't change the subject!"

Wang Zhiqiu angrily reprimanded on the spot: "I will ask you again, what time is it?"


Yang Gang responded flatly.

"it is good!"

A gleam of joy flashed in Wang Zhiqiu's eyes, as long as he grasped this point, Yang Gang would definitely not get the slightest benefit today.

He continued: "It's Chen's time for the opening of the court meeting, and you didn't arrive until noon. Let me ask you, what is it if this is not a crime of disrespect? Bold Yang Gang, don't kneel down and confess quickly!"


Yang Gang suddenly laughed loudly.

Laughing so that Wang Zhiqiu's face was gloomy, and everyone was puzzled by the laughter.


After he stopped laughing, he turned his head and asked the three gods: "May I ask you, when I left Jiuyou that day, where was the Golden Crow in the sky?"


Jiutian Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun heard Yong's words, he was stunned for a moment and said: "It seems to be noon."

"Then now... where is the Golden Crow?"

Yang Gang smiled and asked everyone.

The people present raised their heads subconsciously when they heard the words, and looked at the dazzling sun in the sky.

It was Wen Yong who said, "The sun is in the sky, and it's only one minute before noon." After he finished speaking, he seemed to have finally realized something, his eyes looked at Yang Gang, and then at Wang Zhiqiu, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curled into a smile.


Wang Zhiqiu's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look at the huge corona in the center of the square outside Lingxiao Hall.

as predicted.

The sun is rising.

Everyone thinks that when the sun is in the center of the sky and shining its brilliance, there is clearly a faint shadow on the corona.This shows that this time is still one point away from the real noon.

And this score is the difference between heaven and earth, which shows that Yang Gang is not late.And those accusations of bullying and disrespecting him are naturally completely unfounded.

All eyes are on the corona.

Suddenly there was a burst of noise, and when they turned their heads to look at Wang Zhiqiu, their eyes were already somewhat mocking.

Tell the truth and frame the hero.

In the end, he made himself look like a clown, and completely lost the demeanor of Da Zhou Shang Shuling.

"Wang Zhiqiu, shameless old thief!"

Jiang He suddenly shouted loudly.

"Fart your mother!" Countless voices resounded through the imperial city, and even floated into Shengjing.


Wang Zhiqiu stepped back, pointed at the young officials outside the hall,
"Ha ha ha ha"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

There were bursts of mocking laughter, which was extremely ear-piercing.

Wang Zhiqiu felt as if he wanted to vomit blood, but he couldn't vomit out a mouthful of thick qi stuck in his chest.

"Okay, enough trouble, let's talk about business."

Shengjun finally spoke, with a sigh in his tone, as if he was very disappointed with Wang Zhiqiu's performance.


Wang Zhiqiu didn't dare to talk anymore, and retreated respectfully.

He completely lost this battle, lost the hearts of the people in the world, and also lost the hearts of the Holy King.

From then on, he no longer had the slightest advantage against the mighty Yang Gang.

It's just that Wang Zhiqiu's eyes were still flickering, as if he was not reconciled, and was still looking for an opportunity to fight back.

"Jun Yang."

Shengjun turned his head to look at Yang Gang.


Yang Gang walked into Lingxiao Hall, passed by Wang Zhiqiu, but walked to the front of the hall without looking at him, and stood in front of Shengjun.

"Well, not bad." Shengjun looked at him for a while, then nodded in satisfaction.

Then he looked at Taibai Shenjun, "Taibai."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Taibai immediately understood, stroked his beard and smiled, took out a prepared imperial decree from his bosom, and said in a loud voice, "Yang Gang, the god of justice, step forward and be granted the title."

"Yang Gang is here."

Yang Gang stepped forward again, and he was already ten steps away from Shengjun.This distance has never been reached by anyone except the Taibai God since the founding of the Great Zhou.

It can be described as an unprecedented grace.

Yang Gang's status in Shengjun's heart can be seen now.

[Three Law Division Heavenly God Yang Gang, advocating martial arts and Mingde, young and promising, filial piety touched the heavens, powerfully shocked the demon realm, suppressed Jiuyou with his own power, and raised my Zhou Guowei...] Taibai Shenjun unfolded the imperial decree and read a long series of footsteps A compliment of hundreds of words.

It was heard that the faces of the officials present changed, and their thoughts were different.

For the 30 army and millions of representatives of the younger generation of Dazhou, make a list.For Yang Gang, he made an imperial decree alone, the difference is really too big!
The words of "suppressing Jiuyou with one's own strength" shocked people's hearts even more.

How will the Holy King reward Yang Gang for such a great achievement?
Taibai Xingjun looked serious, and finally read the main topic:
[Imperial seal: Yang Gang, the god of justice, named 'Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun', ranks on the right of Qingyun Pavilion, and is tied with Yuan Tianshi of Qingyun Pavilion. 】

[In addition, he will be granted the title of Duke of Zhen, and he will enjoy the salary of the Immortal Dynasty forever.Nine flat peaches, nine different ginseng fruits, 72 nine-turn golden elixir, three armors of magical weapons, and the mansion of the Duke of Changting Street was expanded. 】

[Give Yang Gang's mother, Lan Shi, a 'Mrs. Madam', so as to avoid the hearts of filial sons Chunchun in the world.Give Qingyun Mountain a separate courtyard, some celestial fruits, some Jinluo...]

(End of this chapter)

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