I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 422 Tai Sui, the darkness buried in the deepest part of the heaven

Chapter 422 Tai Sui, the darkness buried in the deepest part of the heaven

That afternoon.

Yang Gang went to the Eight Departments alone and stepped into the gate of the "Tai Sui Department".

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, a distinguished guest was also attracted.

Taoist Taiqing, the patriarch of immortality who has avoided the world for many years and has long since ignored worldly affairs.

After that day.

There is one Taiqing Daoist missing in the world, and there is one more Taishang Laojun in the Great Zhou Dynasty.And under the leadership of an invisible force, many immortal practitioners in the fairy mountains, blessed lands and caves began to be attracted by Da Zhou.

that day.

The Great Zhou announced the establishment of the "Dengxian Palace", on which the Tushita Palace was built, and there was an old man in it who did not care about world affairs, but focused on casting pills and weapons for the immortal dynasty.

have to say.

Taishang Laojun made a good move.

He joined the Great Zhou himself, but he stood outside the Three Realms and was not among the Five Elements.After merging many disciples and grandchildren of the Immortal Mountains into the Great Zhou Dynasty, they directly ignored the world affairs, and only wanted a Taoism to last forever.

At his level of cultivation, he has already seen through the principles of how everything works.

What is eternal is not human beings, but orthodoxy.When the immortals of this generation pass away, there will be those who come after them, and pass on the Taoism they created from generation to generation.

At this time, Yang Gang, led by Yang Ren, the righteous god of Taisui, is visiting the mysterious Taisui Department.

A void world that resembles a galaxy universe.

The two strolled among them, looking at the fragments of continents that looked like stars around the sky, looking at the skilled craftsmen, gods and beasts. They chased the stars and the moon, arrested the stars, and seemed to be building a magnificent world that had never been seen before.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a small world hidden under the Eight Divisions, a blessed place and a cavernous sky. Brother Yang's Tai Sui Division is the most powerful of the Eight Divisions!" Yang Gang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Zhenjun is absurd."

Yang Ren smiled casually, "The eight departments each perform their duties, I can only wait for some ingenuity."

"Come on, I'll continue to show you around."

He took Yang Gang constantly shuttling among the stars in the sky, and introduced them one by one.

"The gods and gods of my Taisui tribe are all people with special destiny. Since ancient times, the Zhoutian constellations have dissipated, the Heaven-reaching Divine Pillar has disappeared, and there is no one in the Nine Heavens to stand on. That's why we need to exist."

"For tens of thousands of years, we have collected fragments of the constellations in the sky, searched for the soil of the ancient earth, and finally formed such a world after passing on from generation to generation."

"Zhenjun, guess how many fragments of the ancient cave heaven and earth have gathered in this world?"

Yang Renshen laughed mysteriously.


Yang Gang is not very sure.

"Do not."

Yang Ren's smile seemed a bit smug, and he stretched out his hands, "It's one hundred thousand!"


Yang Gang didn't believe it.

He was very familiar with the ancient world, so he couldn't figure out that there were hundreds of thousands of blessed land and caves at that time.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yang Ren burst out laughing, "When the ancient world collapsed, there were indeed only 36 caves and 72 blessed places left. The number of one hundred thousand refers to some small thousand worlds."

"Zhenjun must not know how many creatures there were in the mountains and seas back then. He even underestimated their ability to multiply 'digging holes'!"

"You mean..." Yang Gang seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes. These caves and blessed places are the fragments that were completely shattered when the mountains and seas collapsed back then. They can be used to lay the foundation of the heavens because they are a little more miraculous because they are contaminated with the birth of the heavens and the earth."

As Yang Ren spoke, he pointed to a continent in the sky, "Look, that piece of land gathered 600 yuan of fragments of the cave sky. Hundreds of thousands of immortals and gods have gone through tens of thousands of years to combine [-] star fragments to finally construct Out of this piece of floating land that resembles the formation of heaven and earth."

"There are [-] flat peach trees planted on it, and [-] fruit drop every year..."

"There is no trace of formation?" Yang Gang said suddenly with a flash of golden light on his forehead.


Yang Ren showed his color, "This is the result of my ten thousand years of hard work. His majesty's great wish is to build an eternal immortal dynasty. How can the land formed only by formations meet the requirements?"

"Only things that are naturally generated by heaven and earth can last forever!"

"... Awesome!" Yang Gang couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

In this era when the heavens do not exist, there are still people who can achieve such a level, and the painstaking efforts of generations of people are simply incalculable.

"So... what do you want me to do?"

Yang Gang asked.

"Everyone can see the feat of Zhenjun's establishment of the Netherworld." Yang Ren turned his head and said with admiration: "And we are all ready now, and there is only one person who can bear this piece of stars like the Nine Netherlands." where the earth is."

"Let me find it?"

Yang Gang pointed at his own face, a little dumbfounded.

"Of course." Yang Ren nodded slowly.

"Yang Taisui was joking." Yang Gang shook his head immediately and flatly refused, "Although I, Yang Gang, have some abilities, but asking me to find another world like the Nine Netherlands is no different from asking me to create another world."

"I can't do this."

"Zhenjun is a person who can create miracles." Yang Ren said: "Since His Majesty Shengjun entrusted this matter to you, he has extraordinary trust."

"But today's world of the Three Realms has almost been explored by all the gods and gods. If there is a suitable place, you must have visited it. Let me alone..." Yang Gang still shook his head.

This time, he really didn't know what to do.

"My lord, please."

Yang Ren suddenly stopped and bowed deeply to Yang Gang.

"Why is Yang Taisui like this?"

Yang Gang was startled and quickly grabbed his arm.

"True Monarch~~~" Yang Ren raised his head and sighed, "This Tai Sui Department has put in countless efforts from generation to generation. Seeing that everything has been prepared, we are unable to stand above the nine heavens."

"We... are ashamed of heaven and earth, of the sage, and of those who have worked so hard to build the heavens from generation to generation!"


Yang Gang was speechless for a while.

After a long while, he said: "People always have to do something, so they don't live up to their own life. Their achievements have been recorded, and there must be a good place for reincarnation after death..."

"A good place?" Yang Ren suddenly sneered.

"Zhenjun, I will take you to a place, and you may understand."

Say it.

He waved his hand.

Immediately, the sky filled with stars passed under their feet, and the two moved forward at a high speed, entering the deepest part of the void universe of the Tai Sui Department.

it's here.

There is a piece of mud that sinks to the bottom of the void, extremely filthy, exuding a stench that even gods despise.

"what is that?"

Yang Gang saw wriggling white fleshy balls in the dirty mud at a glance.

"Tai Sui."

Yang Ren's face was cold, and his whole body exuded a gloomy aura.


His physical body 'Gulu Gulu' squirmed for a while, as if it had become a huge meat ball, suspended in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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