I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 423 The Secret of the Family Saints

Chapter 423 The Secret of All Saints

"Too old?"

Yang Gang's heart froze, he looked at Yang Ren who was exuding a gloomy aura, and looked at the meat balls in the bloody mud that smelled extremely stinky.I don't understand why the 'Tai Sui', which sounds Furui and peaceful, is such a dark thing.

"Those who defy the sky will be punished by the sky."

Yang Ren said calmly: "We, the group of people, never imagined that we would have to pay such a price to build a bright and clean heaven. Long-term chasing the stars and chasing the moon, contrary to the natural way of heaven and earth, makes people in this industry Subtly, it has become like this.”

"When the first batch of craftsmen died of old age, we realized that the people of the Tai Sui Department had no chance of being reincarnated. Tai Sui, Tai Sui, enjoy a nearly eternal lifespan, but they will always become unconscious things that are neither alive nor dead. .”

"Does Zhenjun understand now why we are called the Tai Sui Department?"


Yang Gang took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Then...why don't you stop?"


Yang Ren thought for a while, "I think about it, and they think about it too, but...someone has to build the Heavenly Court, right?"

His smile is somewhat meaningful.


Yang Gang felt a little heavy.

"It's good that Zhenjun understands." Yang Ren nodded, "Whether you like it or not, generations of people have put in so much hard work, even if it is impossible to recover, they don't want to waste their hard work in vain."

"This is the stubbornness in the hearts of the craftsmen of the Tai Sui Department!"

"I implore the real king to help me!"

After finishing speaking, he bent down deeply again and saluted Yang Gang.

"Get up."

Yang Gang helped Yang Ren up, and sighed, "Yang Gang already understands the intentions of Shengjun and Yang Taisui. But I can't guarantee this, I can only say my best..."

"It is enough for Zhenjun to have this intention, and he dare not force it!"

Yang Ren's figure changed for a while, and he regained the majesty of the eight gods before, with bursts of joy on his face.


After leaving the Tai Sui Department, Yang Gang returned home.

Sitting in the Four Elephants Pavilion and meditating for a long time, I still haven't figured out where is the heaven that is suitable for carrying the future.

The heavens in the future will inevitably usher in the great era of the ascension of thousands of immortals, with millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, countless immortals and spirit birds, and those gods and gods with top cultivation levels.

If you can find a random place where the Immortal Monarch Realm can be shattered with a single blow, then what's the point?
But this request, he had to accept.

Just like the establishment of the Underworld.

The rise of the Heavenly Court is a foregone conclusion. Instead of handing it over to others, it is better to take everything into your own hands.Once things change in the future, many things will be more certain.

He didn't believe it, if Shengjun was really Haotian, even if this family was stolen by him, there would still be a chance to make it back!

In the next few days, Yang Gang went on a regular basis, handling official business in the Sanju Division on a daily basis, and went to Qingyun Pavilion to check the information at night, looking for some places that might be suitable for the Tianting to be located.

The nine heavens are boundless, and it may not be possible for a person to go to the ordinary in ten or a hundred years.

Don't you see that the Tai Sui Department has been established for thousands of years, and it has not found a suitable place?

All in all, there is no rush.

At least until he got married, Yang Gang had no plans to leave Shengjing again.

this day.

Yang Gang finally finished the work at hand, seeing that Yin Xi was always frowning, knowing how to manage and implement the current laws of the Great Zhou is still a difficult task for him.

So that night.

Yang Gang sneaked into the dream with the wind and entered Yin Xi's past life of "Bei Di Guan Yin".

One day and one night in the mountains, a century has passed in the world.

In the early morning of the next day, Yang Gang opened his eyes.

A pair of clear eyes became more vicissitudes, and his demeanor became more calm and elegant.

This time into the Northland.

He gained the power of 'Qi', and the method of practice in the later generations reversed the current world, and reached the state of physical invincibility.

He also subdued the demon thief "Kui" back then, but he did not kill him on the spot, but exiled him under Jiuyou with a thought.

Ten years followed.

He traveled around the world, visited hundreds of schools, communicated with many sages and great virtues, and gradually realized the way of "God".

This god is not the "God" of the gods, but the "God" of the spirit.

In that special era, the avenue of heaven and earth was not obvious, and the inspiration was scarce. The group of sages who were at the forefront to open up the way for the tribe embarked on another incredible road.

Yang Gang was surprised to find that their strength and destructive power may not be comparable to the current immortal kings or even earth immortals.But if it is a real battle, the life and death of ordinary immortals may only be in one thought.

The power of 'God' thought comes from reason.

It is the interpretation of the heaven and the earth by the saints of all schools, and the extension of the avenue.Compared with the Tao of Yuanshen and Yang Gang's immortal will, they each have their own merits.

"The road leads to the same goal by different routes, but each has its own splendor. None of the saints of the hundreds of schools who can shine in the ancient times is weak!" Yang Gang sighed with emotion, "If it wasn't for the recovery of the world later, the sages created the method of awakening life. , All Saints of the Hundred Schools will not take the initiative to retreat."

"The path of truth is really difficult! How many people can walk this path?"

"If you don't live forever, you won't be able to become the mainstream after all!"

da da da~~
There was a sound of rapid footsteps.


The middle-aged Yin Xi looked hurried, and shouted when he saw Yang Gang.

"It's tens of years old, what's the point of being frizzy?" Yang Gang's expression darkened immediately, and he shouted.


Yin Xi subconsciously stood up straight and stood aside obediently.

It is really strange that a person who is several decades older should make such a gesture in front of a young man.

This is not the awe of facing the strong, but the reverence for those who have knowledge and principles far higher than themselves.

Yang Gang disagrees.

After decades of experience in the Northland, his wisdom and talent have already integrated hundreds of schools of thought, and combined with the knowledge of later generations, the ideas he put forward surpassed countless people at that time.Now that Yin Xi has basically awakened the memory of his past life, he should treat him with such an attitude.

"What happened?"

Yang Gang said calmly.

"Teacher, I've awakened, I've awakened the memory of my previous life!" Yin Xi became excited again as he spoke.


Yang Gang nodded flatly.

"Teacher, I have already remembered your philosophy of governing the world at that time. At that time, uh..." Yin Xi suddenly froze as he spoke, but he remembered that he could awaken his previous life, so people like Teacher must have already awakened to the fate level of his previous life.

The joy in my heart suddenly faded a little, and I felt that I couldn't help much.

"It's nothing, let's go down first." Yang Gang said casually.


At this time, Yin Xi turned around and left dejectedly, just like the young child back then.

"Wait, there is one thing."

Yang Gang suddenly made a sound.

"Yes, teacher, please tell me!" Yin Xi turned around in surprise.

"Go to Qingyun Mountain for me, and meet that legendary old master." Yang Gang said with a smile.

"Old master?"

Yin Xi asked uncertainly: "Just to meet?"

"Well, see you."

Yang Gang nodded slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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