I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 424 Stone Monkey King, Buddhism, Journey to the West

Chapter 424 Stone Monkey King, Buddhism, Journey to the West


Yin Xi showed a stunned expression, "Just...going to see you? You don't have any other orders?"


Yang Gang looked at the sky, shook his head and said, "His identity is special, you may be able to understand something if you go and meet him. Now... I'm not sure."


Yin Xi was confused.

Wait for Yin Xi to leave.

Yang Gang abandoned distracting thoughts and began to explore his own power.

Since leaving Jiuyou, he has been unable to use the life and death power of Netherworld.But that magical power is dormant in the body, and the mixed power far exceeds his own mana.

That's not his way.

The ancient Youming Emperor is just an unexpected harvest, not Yang Gang's true way.

Relying on this power all the time will suppress oneself instead, causing the progress of practice to slow down a bit.

"Earth Immortal Fourth Level... Since entering the realm of Earth Immortal, my strength has grown at an incredible speed. But there is still a big gap from the realm of the Holy King, the Demon Emperor and others."

"Facing other people, I can rely on the superiority of my divine weapon and physical body to win the battle. Facing Xing Tian and Demon Lord Jiuyou, I can face their weaknesses and have natural restraint."

"But it doesn't mean I'm truly invincible."

"Don't be complacent!"

"Now that the heavenly court is about to stand, the process of heaven and earth returning to ancient times is accelerating, and I don't have much time to prepare... Once disaster suddenly breaks out, I will face a powerful heavenly court that I have created!"

"At that time... how many will be enemies, and how many will be on my side?"

Yang Gang pondered for a long time, and finally sighed.

"The efforts of the ancients will not be in vain, I hope you... will not let me down."


Time flies.

It's July in the blink of an eye.

Yang Gang's wedding date is getting closer.

And the whole Shengjing became bustling with naked eyes.

As Yang Gang's status has risen, this time the forces from the three worlds will come to watch the ceremony, which is bound to be several times, even ten times more than the previous engagement.

The yamen of all ministries got busy one after another, trying hard to maintain the order in Shengjing, and they were extremely busy.

The third day of July.

A ray of golden light flew from the east and fell directly towards the Yang residence.

Countless people in Shengjing raised their heads, and immediately went about their business as if nothing had happened.They had seen this golden light last time, and they almost made some jokes at that time.

The golden light fell.

It turned into a golden-haired monkey in the main hall of the Yang Mansion. It was the Stone Monkey King who had come all the way from Huaguo Mountain.

"Welcome to the Monkey King!"

Yang Gang had already been waiting in the courtyard, he laughed and greeted him.

"Brother, my old grandson has finally waited for this day!" The Stone Monkey King was very excited, and stepped forward to hug Yang Gang's shoulders, his expression seemed to be full of deep meaning.

"Did Brother Hou gain something from the last farewell? Come, drink tea in the backyard!"

Yang Gang held the hand of the Stone Monkey King, looking very close.

Everyone around smiled and looked at the two of them.

It is rare to see Yang Gang with such a posture. Perhaps only the Stone Monkey King can make him do this in this world.The servants served tea and water immediately, and served them very attentively.

After a while.

The surroundings finally quieted down.

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King looked at each other and smiled, feeling relieved at the same time.

Don't know why.

When they saw each other, there was a deep trust in their hearts, and their tense minds relaxed a bit.


This is the bond between the ancient and the source!
"How are you over there?"

Yang Gang asked in a low voice.

"I found some people, and secretly contacted some of them. But since ancient times, everyone has been reincarnated many times, and many things are hard to say." The Stone Monkey King said meaningfully.

"It's okay, with more help, hope will be improved. We are just preparing just in case..." Yang Gang comforted.

"just in case?"

The Stone Monkey King sneered, "If that person is really him, he would definitely get rid of us quickly with his character! If it wasn't for him...with his ability, he could inherit the heritage of the ancient man, and he would be Yi Yi's generation?"

"Maybe...he has already remembered everything and is hooking us!"


Yang Gang nodded in agreement and couldn't help sighing.

In fact, he fought back and forth, he had experienced so much in the life stage of his previous life in these years, and he was already a little tired.

But the trend of the Three Realms is unstoppable.

They have already been in it, so they can only drift with the current, looking for an opportunity to land.

If there is no chance...then there is only one way to break that river again!
After all, their imaginary enemy is Haotian!

With his personality and calculations, even with so many arrangements, Yang Gang is still not sure of victory.

"Good brother, what shall we do next?"

The Stone Monkey King probed over and asked mysteriously.

"The signs of catastrophe have emerged, but many people don't know about it." Yang Gang said.


The Stone Monkey King was surprised, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Do you still remember the establishment of the Underworld? Although I led it, I was just following the general trend. Da Zhou is determined to reshape the reincarnation, and my role is only to make it faster."


Yang Gang clenched his fist, "Take the initiative in my own hands."


The Stone Monkey King gave a thumbs up, and then asked in confusion, "But what does this have to do with the beginning of the catastrophe?"

"The relationship...is getting bigger."

Yang Gang looked at the Stone Monkey King seriously, and said, "Brother Monkey, this catastrophe is about to befall you!"


The Stone Monkey King was taken aback.

He has been outside the world, so why should this calamity be on him for no reason?
"This is the general trend..."

Yang Gang dipped his finger in the tea, and drew a dotted line on the table, "I have explored the past and the present, comprehended the long river of time, and vaguely found an invisible vein..."

"It's weird, isn't it?"

"The ancient ten days across the sky, the ancient battle of Zhuolu, and the catastrophe of conferring gods all have their invisible threads, moving in an unknown but predetermined direction. This is the law of the operation of heaven and earth, and it is also the inevitable evolution of the world... ..."

"Good brother, what are you talking about?" The Stone Monkey King looked blank, he couldn't understand Yang Gang's words at all.


Yang Gang didn't know how to explain.

In fact, he can see through all of this, not only because he has gone through many eras, but also because he came from another world, so he has a general understanding of the future development.

At the same time, this is also his original intention to firmly reform the law.

In this duel of power, Shengjun may win, but he will definitely not lose in the general situation of the world.

Just like when Shinto retreated back then, Immortal Dao rose.Another example is that when the immortal way weakened later, the sage changed his order against the sky and created the method of awakening the destiny.

This is the trend!
"Okay, you just need to tell me what to do." The Stone Monkey King patted Yang Gang on the shoulder, showing deep trust.

"it is good."

Yang Gang was moved, and immediately said seriously: "The general trend of the future, the first wave, is in Buddhism."


The Stone Monkey King raised his eyebrows, expressing his disgust from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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