I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 428 It's late, it's time for the bridal chamber

Chapter 428 It's late, it's time for the bridal chamber

"Good good!"

Lan Caiyi smiled happily.

The people around immediately booed and sent the most sincere blessings to the two.

"Let's go, lady."

Yang Gang firmly held Jiang Jiang's hand, "We...go to worship!"


Jiang Jiang nodded softly.

The pretty face under the red hijab is full of deep happiness.


She will be the happiest woman in the world!
"A worship of heaven and earth..."

Wearing a festive dress, Taibai Shenjun assumed the master of ceremonies of this wedding, looking at the couple in front of him with a smile on his face.

Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang were holding a piece of red silk, each holding one end, and slowly bowed to the heaven and earth outside the lobby.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Taibai shouted loudly, his expression brimming with joy.



Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang stepped forward hand in hand, and slowly bowed to Lan Caiyi.Beside her, there is also a spiritual tablet, which is written as "the seat of my late husband Yang Tianyou".This is naturally not Zhongyong Hou Yang Tianyou, but the real biological father of Yang Gang who died at the hands of the Nine Nether Demon, who died tragically back then.

"Good boy, with you two good boys, mother is satisfied!"

Lan Caiyi burst into tears once again, and couldn't help stroking the spiritual tablet beside her.

"Husband and wife...greeting!"

Taibai Shenjun's shout shocked everyone's heart.

Today's most critical moment is finally here!



Across a thin layer of red hijab, the two looked at each other, with mixed feelings in their hearts, and endless joy suddenly gushed out.

this life.

They had smooth sailing, they never experienced the sufferings and tribulations of the previous life, and they finally really came together.


The two were finally able to combine completely, and they were no longer separated from each other!
in this life.

Never part again!

"Ceremony...success!" Taibai Shenjun prolonged his voice, and the loud voice spread all over the place, drifting into the chess watching teahouse, Zhenbao Pavilion, Hongchen Carving Fish Shop in the distance, and spreading to every corner of Shengjing.

Into the four directions of the world, the congratulatory team composed of immortals, gods and demons.


The crowd cheered, and the entire city suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​red, countless red silk ribbons fluttered in the sky, and thousands of colors shone in the sky.

Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang stood side by side in front of the auditorium, looking at the sky.

A heart is completely filled with the color of happiness.

this moment.

Not only Jiang Jiang, Yang Gang also felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

"Madam, please go to the new house first. After the master entertains the guests, I will come to share the wedding night with you later!" Hong Ye, dressed in a beautiful red dress, stepped forward and took Jiang Jiang's arm.

From today onwards, she will be Jiang Jiang's personal maid.


Under the red gauze, Jiang Jiang's face turned red, he secretly pinched Hong Ye's arm, and followed her to leave.

Jiang He, Hong Niang and other family members immediately followed and went to place the dowry.

this day.

The sound of firecrackers in Shengjing City seemed to never stop.

The dragon, phoenix and auspicious beasts flying all over the sky are soaring and rolling tirelessly, adding a lot of mythology to this grand wedding.

After announcing the start of the banquet.

Yang Gang was finally free, and went to the table of the saints in Qingyun Mountain first to thank the saints.

Unexpectedly, Taibai Shenjun stopped him in front of him.

"Zhenjun is overjoyed! You can work hard and have a precious son soon!"

The old guy smiled authentically.

"Thank you Taibai Shenjun." Yang Gang smiled, "The boy is still young, so I didn't plan so early!"

"Hahaha, it's too late! You, other people as old as you are already the father of the child!" Taibai laughed heartily.

"I don't know when the god will stop Yang Gang?" Yang Gang asked softly.

"To be the master of ceremonies today, one is to honor the love of the real king, and the other is to get the entrustment of the holy king." Taibai Shenjun also said softly, quietly took out a scroll from his sleeve, and handed it to Yang Gang.

"Today, His Majesty Shengjun wanted to come in person to congratulate Zhenjun on his wedding. He was afraid that the guests would overwhelm the host, so he asked the old man to bring an imperial decree."

"Minister." Yang Gang just cupped his hands.

Taibai hurriedly grabbed him, and said: "You don't need to stick to the etiquette, everything is simple today, and you don't have to read the imperial decree on the spot. This imperial decree has already been read, and it is the hereditary fiefdom of the Yang family in the south of the Yangtze River. The sage knows that you like Jiangnan , and know more about Jiang Jiang's cultivation of love in the world of mortals, that place is just right."

"That's it, please thank His Majesty Shengjun on behalf of Yang Gang, Taibai Shenjun. I also thank Shenjun for passing the decree on your behalf."

Yang Gang accepted the imperial decree and spoke sincerely.

"Hahaha, small matter, small matter. Erlang, hurry up and entertain the guests!"

"it is good!"

Yang Gang cupped his hands in thanks, turned and left.

Go straight to the table of the saints in Qingyun Mountain.

But when he arrived.

But it was found that the table was already empty, and the tableware and dishes on the table were unmoved.

"What about people?"

Yang Gang looked left and right, but found that the people around him were indifferent to this, as if there was an invisible barrier between this table and the real world.


Hong Ye came slowly and stood beside Yang Gang.

"Why are you here? Has the bride settled down?" Yang Gang asked.

"I've already settled down, just waiting for the bridegroom to start your bridal chamber." Hongye covered her mouth with a chuckle and said strangely.

"Little girl, looking for a fight!"

Yang Gang made a gesture to fight.

"Wrong, wrong, my lord, Hongye knew it was wrong." Little Hongye yelled, but she stood still and looked at Yang Gang with watery eyes.


Yang Gang shook his head helplessly, "Finally, why did the saints of Qingyun Mountain leave? Why didn't they even eat the banquet..."

There was a hint of accusation in his tone.

It seems that you don't stay for a while, it seems that your hospitality is not good.

"How would I know."

Hong Ye shook her head and said aggrievedly: "They only said hello to me before they left. I also asked why they didn't eat it. They said they had already eaten it."


Yang Gang's eyes fell on the untouched dishes on the table.

"By the way, my lord, I saw one more thing just now." Hong Ye suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"What's the matter?" Yang Gang said.

"That colorful unicorn you borrowed..." Hongye said mysteriously, "It seems to have been dragged away by that vicious dog, Xiaotiangou!"


Yang Gang was taken aback for a moment.

Angry and funny, he said: "This dog must be jealous of others!"


"And then?"

"Yeah." Hongye nodded quickly, and continued: "I came from the backyard just now, and I heard two 'dogs' barking in the corner..."

"Wheezing?" Yang Gang was taken aback again, but he hadn't reacted yet.


Red Leaf Thief pressed two thumbs together, "They seem to be hooked!"


Yang Gang raised his voice with a look of shock.

That is the unicorn auspicious beast he borrowed from Doumu Shenjun's house!
It was only a careless effort, and he was harmed by the Xiaotian dog?
"This beast, I castrated it!"

Yang Gang cursed angrily, and turned his head to go to the backyard to trouble Xiao Tiangou.

"Master, don't worry."

Hongye grabbed Yang Gang's sleeve, her eyes glowed with water, "I see them... as if no one is forcing anyone, and the colorful unicorns seem to be enjoying themselves..."

"Have you seen it all?" Yang Gang looked dull.

"Yeah." Hongye looked pure, blushing and lowered her head.


Yang Gang was speechless for a while.

These two dogs actually met eyes at his wedding!And...better than his master, he entered the room first.


Yang Gang waved his fist with hatred on his face.

"Master, it's getting late, and it's time for you to go to the bridal chamber!"

Hong Ye took Yang Gang's hand, smiled lightly and said, "You can't make the bride wait too long!"

(End of this chapter)

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