I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 429 Lunar eruption, moonlight gushing

Chapter 429 Lunar eruption, moonlight gushing

As night falls, bright cicadas hang to the west.

Yang Gang finally ended his busy day and sent away all the guests.Staggering with the smell of alcohol, he pushed open the door of the new house and stepped into it, full of anticipation in his heart.

The warm red lights, the auspicious dragon and phoenix, and decals all over the windows, and the warm decoration filled the whole new house with an ambiguous atmosphere.

Yang Gang crossed the front room and stepped into the bedroom.

At first glance, I saw a peerless beauty wearing a red hijab sitting in front of the Hongluan warm tent.


Yang Gang sat gently beside Jiang Jiang and took her hand.

"Smells of alcohol, hmm~~" Jiang Jiang shrank his hands, as if a bit disgusted.


Yang Gang scratched his head, and didn't justify the need to entertain guests. He turned his mana, and the alcohol evaporated and floated out of the window in a ball with the wind.


He once again held the hands of his bride.


Jiang Jiang snorted and did not dodge, but still felt a little dissatisfied.

"What's the matter? But you came too late and neglected my good lady?" Yang Gang put his arms around Jiang Jiang's waist and breathed in her ear.


Jiang Jiangxue's neck shrank, and her hands rested on Yang Gang's chest.

Weakly said: "Husband, please respect yourself."


Yang Gang blinked and looked at Jiang Jiang.Perhaps because she knew the fate she was about to face, Miss Jiang, who used to be like a royal sister, looked like a frightened white rabbit at this moment.

Trembling, arousing love.

He couldn't help but move his index finger, picked up Jiang Jiang and put it on his lap, feeling the soft weight, and asked softly in her ear: "Madam, how should I respect myself? Is that so?"

"You,, can't, we haven't had a cup of wine yet!" Jiang Jiang panicked and grabbed Yang Gang's hand tightly, trying to delay time.As for the resentment of guarding the new house alone, I have long since forgotten it.

"Okay, then let's have a cup of wine, hurry up!" Yang Gang hugged Jiang Jiang directly, and walked to the table in the middle of the bedroom.

Jiang Jiang let out an exclamation, put his arms around Yang Gang's neck, his pretty face was so red that it was about to drip water.

Weakly said: "Husband, you,, you still lift the hijab!"


Yang Gang's movement of pouring the wine froze in mid-air.

With his cultivation base, a red hijab naturally couldn't stop him from admiring his wife's peerless beauty, but in his haste, he ignored this necessary procedure.


Seeing this funny scene, Jiang Jiang couldn't help laughing.

"Dare to laugh at your husband, be bold!" Yang Gang suddenly became angry, lifted the beauty's hijab, and kissed her red lips fiercely. "Hmm~~" Jiang Jiang's eyes widened, his eyelashes fluttered, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

The atmosphere became more and more charming, and the crimson candlelight reflected the two figures who were close to each other.

for a long time.


Jiang Jiang pushed Yang Gang away violently, gasping for breath, tightly clutching his big hand with a pair of jade hands, blushing all over his face.

"Give... a glass of wine..."

"Okay, hand over a glass of wine, right away!" Yang Gang's eyes were burning, as if his eyes were going to melt Jiang Jiang completely.



Two different swallowing sounds.

The two put down their wine glasses, looked at each other, their eyes met, the smell of alcohol rose, and they suddenly burst out with strong lust.

Jiang Jiang, who was extremely shy before, has become very bold and fiery.

this day.

Not only Yang Gang waited for a long time, Jiang Jiang also waited for a long, long time.In her heart, she longed to give herself to Yang Gang completely, and let him enter the deepest part of her heart!

"Lady~~" Yang Gang said softly.

"Sir." Jiang Jiang tilted his head slightly, avoiding Yang Gang's fiery eyes, and responded in a low voice.

That look of allowing the king to pick and choose, and what to take, directly made Yang Gang completely overwhelmed.


There must be a big battle!

A soft exclamation.

Yang Gang picked up Jiang Jiang and walked directly to the bedside.

The red curtain fell, and the sleeves fluttered.

The crimson candlelight vaguely reflected the two vague figures, as if they were rehearsing a world-shattering battle.

Just if you listen carefully...

"Yeah, turn off the lights first."

"Ha~~~ How can this be so, Xifu hasn't... eh!"

"This is better!"


"what happened?"

"I... I don't want it anymore... Ah!"

The two came and went behind the red curtain, one kept attacking and the other kept dodging.It can be seen that Yang Gang has always had the upper hand, suppressing and beating Jiang Jiang.

From time to time, she could hear her dull humming, as if she was being bullied terribly.

"don't want……"

"Foot... feet can't..."

"Sir, please!"

"Please what?"


A soft "quick" sound completely ignited the flame in Yang Gang's heart.


A cry full of happiness and a touch of pain pierced the night sky, but was bound by an invisible divine power in the space around the new house.

The bright cicada hangs high, and the moonlight is gentle.


Above the nine heavens, the bright and clear moon seemed to be stimulated by some kind of strong stimulus, and suddenly burst into endless moonlight.The terrifying lunar star power spilled over the Three Realms like a tidal wave, and the bright moon became brighter than before.

For nine days and ten days, many people who have not yet fallen asleep looked up at the sky.

"what happened?"

"It feels like Lunar Star is closer to the Three Realms than before!"

"Could it be... the Lord of the Sun has appeared?"

"It is said that the lord of the ancient heavenly court turned the sun star into the Sun God Palace, created the eternal ancient heavenly court, and finally crashed in the catastrophe of the Lich. If the ancient Taiyin star returns to the Three Realms at this time, who can cure it?"

"Sigh... If my Great Zhou Immortal Court can obtain the ancient Sun God Palace, even if it is in ruins, there is no need to worry!"

Everyone searched for the source of the lunar mutation, but they couldn't find it.

And this time.

Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang, who were in the bridal chamber, also stopped their movements, froze in place and looked at each other up and down.A stream of strong lunar power, as if the ancient lunar star had been accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, automatically emerged in Jiang Jiang's body through an inexplicable connection.

Then circulate in the bodies of the two, the power of Taiyin and the power of pure Yang blend with each other.

"Ma'am, we seem to have done something extraordinary!" Yang Gang said blankly.


Jiang Jiang couldn't bear his gaze, turned his head slightly and blushed and said, "Take it out first."

"How can I do that? If the connection is disconnected, what should I do if the power of the sun doesn't come?" Yang Gang plausibly said: "I can feel that the power in your body is growing rapidly. It's unbelievable! It's really unbelievable!"

"This force seems to be stronger than my body of the Nether Emperor! Emperor Yuetian! Tsk tsk~~~ My wife is the ancient emperor of heaven!" Yang Gang shook his head, triumphantly.


Jiang Jiang covered his face with his hands, but was speechless.

More than one force growing rapidly in her body?
In just a moment, Jiang Jiang's cheeks were bleeding red, and his eyes were blurred with water.

(End of this chapter)

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