I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 430 Traveling to Jiangnan, the Demon Emperor's Secret Order

Chapter 430 Traveling to Jiangnan, the Demon Emperor's Secret Order

After half an hour.

Lan Caiyi waited left and right, and finally Hongye came to offer tea with Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang.Yang Gang looked serious, while Jiang Jiang's delicate face was flushed red, his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to look directly at Lan Caiyi.


Lan Caiyi's heart skipped a beat, and a clear smile appeared on her face.As someone who has experienced it, she immediately understood these two tastes, and she must have been obsessed with them again in the morning.

"What are you doing in a daze, mother is thirsty." Lan Caiyi coughed twice, without any intention of blaming her.

Her own child stole someone else's Chinese cabbage. She wished that the two of them would get bored with each other so that she could hug her grandson sooner!
"Yes, mother."

Yang Gang scratched his head, took the teacup from Hongye, "Please drink tea, mother."

"Bring mother to tea."

Jiang Jiang blushed, Jiao Didi yelled, and offered a cup of tea with both hands.


Lan Caiyi immediately beamed with joy, drank the tea offered by Jiang Jiang first, and then rolled her eyes at Yang Gang, took the tea from him and said, "Stop bullying my precious daughter-in-law from now on!"

"Yes, mother."

Yang Gang's face was full of taste, and he caught the tea that Lan Caiyi had only taken a sip and gulped it all down to express his dissatisfaction.

But Lan Caiyi added another sentence, "At least be gentle when bullying."


The tea in Yang Gang's mouth sprayed red leaves all over on the spot.

"..." Butler Hongye looked dull.

Jiang Jiang's cheeks were flushed, and he was about to take the door away on the spot.

After a while.

The family finally calmed down and ate breakfast in silence.

After Lan Caiyi put down her chopsticks, Jiang Jiang's first breakfast in Yang's residence was finally over.

"Son, what are your plans next?" Lan Caiyi turned around and asked.

"There is one thing that needs to be discussed with mother."

Yang Gang took out the imperial decree from Taibai yesterday, "The holy king gave Jiang Jiang the whole of Jiangnan as a congratulatory gift for our marriage, and at the same time as a fief inherited by the Yang family for generations."

"Really?" Lan Caiyi was pleasantly surprised, and couldn't wait to take the imperial decree from Yang Gang's hand and read it.

"The imperial decree has been issued, how can there be falsehood?"

Yang Gang smiled and said: "So I'm going to take Jiang Jiang to Jiangnan for a while. By the way, I will go to see where it is suitable as an ancestral land. I will ask someone to build another courtyard. I will have a place to stay in Jiangnan in the future. Let's go and see where it is. upbraid……"


Everyone was stunned.

"It's brother Li Jin's son, Li Xiaoyu was born blind that day." Yang Gang explained.

"It's him? That is most likely Yang Wuhui's child in the previous life?" Jiang Jiang suddenly said from the side.


Yang Gang nodded, "That child has a deep relationship with me. I promised to go to the Longmen Grottoes with him on February [-] this year, but was delayed by many things. This time, the child will probably be angry with me when he sees me."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Well, the establishment of the ancestral land in the south of the Yangtze River is inseparable from the help of the Li family. You really should go and see it." Lan Caiyi thought so.

"Mother, let's go together when the time comes." Yang Gang said.


Lan Caiyi shook her head, looked at Yang Gang's unexpected expression, and said, "You husband and wife go to relax, and you feel uncomfortable with an old woman like me. You should work hard on the road, and just bring me a precious grandson when you come back!"

"Yes." Yang Gang slapped his chest violently.

"Mother~~" Jiang Jiang lowered his head shyly.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's get ready!" Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang were in no hurry, but Lan Caiyi couldn't wait, and pushed Yang Gang's back to urge him when he got up.

"Mother, this is not urgent, I still have many things to deal with in Shengjing!" Yang Gang shook his head helplessly.

Lan Caiyi didn't care about these things.

"You go to deal with your affairs. I have Hongye and I to help at home. After Jiang Jiang returns home for the wedding banquet in two days, you all start immediately! Come on, Hongye, let's go..."

"..." Yang Gang.

"..." Jiang Jiang.

"..." Hongye.

How eager Mrs. Lan is to hug her grandson!
After a while.

Lan Caiyi took Hongye to prepare for the trip.

Yang Gang took Jiang Jiang back to the new house.

The two hugged each other again, and felt a fiery surge in their hearts.

"Lady." Yang Gang called softly.

"Hmm~~" Jiang Jiang raised his head and opened his big sparkling eyes.

"Give me a big fat boy, right now." Yang Gang licked his lips and stamped it down.

"Yeah." Jiang Jiang's tongue kept dodging, and he said vaguely: "Daughter, can't daughter?"

"Daughter is better!"

Yang Gang also said vaguely: "However... Only one child is not enough, it is best to have a son and a daughter!"


Jiang Jiang tremblingly clutched the skirt of Yang Gang's back, "But...it's still daytime."

"There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and having no descendants is the greatest. Such big things don't matter day or night!" Yang Gang said righteously.


Jiang Jiang responded weakly, his confused eyes full of ignorance.

The next two days.

The two of them didn't leave the door, and the two doors didn't step forward. Even Lan Caiyi couldn't bear the obsession with the obsession.Jiang Jiang blushed every day, hardly daring to face her mother-in-law's eyes when eating, but she couldn't hold back Yang Gang's enthusiasm.

For her sweetheart, her most cruel rejection was just a weak "don't~".

Day three.

The bride returns to her natal home for a door-to-door banquet.

Yang Gang accompanied Yang Gang in Jiang's mansion to fight all directions, had a drink with Jiang Shusheng's soldiers, and finally returned to Jiang Jiang's boudoir late at night, and slept until the afternoon.

Get up the next day.

Jiang Jiang almost dragged Yang Gang's hand to escape from the Jiang Mansion.

Not only did he dare not face his mother's teasing eyes, but he was also afraid of Jiang Shusheng's red eyes staring at Yang Gang like he was about to eat people.

"Bastard! I want to break his dog legs! Break his legs!" Jiang Shusheng, who was very satisfied with Yang Gang two days ago, was so angry that he beat his chest.

Mother Jiang kept patting his back to help him breathe.

"Master, the young couple are already husband and wife, so they should go to bed late. Don't forget that the two children are not very old, they are just at the beginning of their vitality..."

"Nonsense! Young people can..." Jiang Shusheng said, his voice froze suddenly.

But Mother Jiang gently raised his ear, blushed and said, "Who was it that let me go out at noon the next day?"

"Uh..." Jiang Shusheng blushed and couldn't help laughing.

the next day.

Yang Gang finally set off, taking Jiangjiang Hongye with him, followed by a little fox riding on the head of Xiaotiangou.A group of people left Shengjun in a "carriage" pulled by colorful unicorns, and went all the way to the south of the Yangtze River with the reluctance and blessings of relatives and friends.

Also on this day.

The process of recovery of the world has reached a critical point. The memories of the only surviving ancient powers such as the Holy King and the Demon Emperor have awakened one after another.

That afternoon.

A golden light flew out from the Demon Palace.

A golden-winged roc, carrying the demon emperor's secret order, rushed to Shengjing at high speed, intending to deliver something crucial to Yang Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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