I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 436 The wreckage of the heavenly court, Di Jun opened his eyes

Chapter 436 The wreckage of the heavenly court, Di Jun opened his eyes

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King followed Master Cihang, walked through the clouds and mists of the island, passed through a sea of ​​purple bamboos, and finally came to the center of the Taoist temple of Master Cihang, a pure and natural lotus pond.

"This is..." The Stone Monkey King looked at Lianchi.

I saw white lotus flowers blooming in the pond, then suddenly closed and sank to the bottom of the lotus pond.After a while, it floated up again, and so on.

"This is the road to the ancient heaven that I have explored over the years."

Master Cihang said with a smile.

"Since the Daoist Master knows the way, why didn't he go in?" Yang Gang asked.

"It's not because I don't want to, but because I can't."

Daoist Cihang shook his head slightly, and sighed: "The Sun God Palace is left between reality and illusion, an unknown world isolated from heaven and earth. Every lotus here leads to a different place every time. My reference After thousands of years of research, I have tried to enter countless times, and lost in the extraterritorial obstacles time and time again, almost unable to return to the Three Realms."

"Ten thousand years? You have studied ten thousand years?"

Yang Gang's heart moved, "That is to say, you discovered the ancient heaven before the three-legged bird?"

"Yes, that's just one of my experiments."

Master Cihang smiled slowly.

Looking at the surprised Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King, he said: "I have participated in research for thousands of years and lost countless times. I have discovered a kind of heaven and earth tribulation power that ordinary people cannot perceive. Only then can we find that mysterious ancient heaven.”

"Later, I found a three-legged bird that accidentally fused the blood of the Golden Crow, and let it 'accidentally' discover the secret of Luojia Mountain, and let it enter the ancient heaven. Sure enough, he brought back some thing."

"I see."

The Stone Monkey King suddenly said: "No wonder you let go of the road so easily, so you can't get in here at all."

"My way is to turn calamity and luck. Both of you have the power of catastrophe and have a relationship with heaven. If Cihang can follow the trend and turn calamity and luck, it will be considered a great fortune."

Master Cihang said so.

The Stone Monkey King and Yang Gang looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Heaven and earth calamity?

They have seen this thing in ancient times.

Whether it was the collapse of the Heavenly Court or Nuwa's repair of the sky, there were obvious tribulation forces of heaven and earth emerging at that time.


After all, this place is the fragment of the Sun God Palace left behind by the ancient heavenly court.

Yang Gang may be related to the loss of the ancient heavenly court, but the Stone Monkey King should only be related to the destruction of the ancient heavenly court?Why can he also...


Master Cihang seemed to see their thoughts, and explained: "The tribulation power of heaven and earth is the cause and effect owed to heaven and earth. Cause and effect complement each other, and they are the most wonderful things in the world."

"Is that right?"

Yang Gang lowered his head in thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Let's go, this is the way we should go."

"it is good."

The Stone Monkey King trusted Yang Gang very much, and nodded immediately upon hearing this.

Say it.

The two stepped forward at the same time, and each landed on a lotus flower.

next moment.

With a flash of light, both of them were swallowed by the white lotus at the same time and disappeared into the lotus pond.

Master Cihang watched this scene quietly.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and his expression was suddenly as deep as the sea.

"Thousands of years of hard work, and finally become someone else's wedding dress..." She looked towards the western sky, and suddenly bowed deeply, her eyes full of confusion, "Buddha, how should Cihang choose?"

"Let go, it's a great road. But how easy is it to say 'let go' lightly?"

The lotus pond where the blossoming white lotus was in full bloom suddenly rippled, and thousands of white lotuses bloomed and released immediately, as if the way of cause and effect and luck was deriving the mystery of fate.

And this time.

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King appear in a mysterious world respectively.

The Stone Monkey King, carrying the golden cudgel, stepped onto the ruined gate of heaven.

And Yang Gang appeared directly in the central core of the ancient heaven.

Collapsed palaces everywhere, full of ancient remains, silently telling the ancient past.The skeletons of all kinds of monster races have dried up over time, and there are countless bones of ancient witch clans among them.


Just looking at these ruins, one can deduce how tragic the Lich catastrophe was!

"Back then, did the witch clan attack the core of the demon clan's heaven? It is worthy of being the ancient witch clan, standing up to the sky, and can compete with the monster clan at that time..." Yang Gang carefully avoided the bones on the road, and walked towards the palace in front of him step by step go.

"What happened back then that caused the two races to lose both, and made the later human race rise up and become the new master of heaven and earth?"

"Dijun's strength is a congenital creature, and what kind of means can he be killed?"

Yang Gang only felt that he was about to touch the biggest secret of this piece of world.


The sound of fierce fighting in the distance caught his attention.

"Brother Monkey?"

Yang Gang turned his head subconsciously and looked to the south, "What is he fighting with? The Heaven, which has been lost for ages, still hides unknown dangers?"


A golden feather flew out from Yang Gang's chest.

Accelerated suddenly, heading towards the magnificent ruins of the palace ahead.


Bursts of golden light flickered, and the energy of the real fire of the sun emerged from the ruins of the palace.It was a round palace like a big sun, and the ancient symbol of the golden bird on it was extremely dazzling.

"This...could it be the Sun God Palace back then?"

Yang Gang didn't care about the battle of the Stone Monkey King, and immediately stepped forward to keep up, and entered the ancient palace that was mostly collapsed.

A golden feather stood in the air, with a layer of golden flame burning on its surface.

Yang Gang's eyes fell on the top of the main hall.


A majestic figure sits quietly, although there is no breath, but there is a majesty like the overlord of heaven and earth, which makes people dare not look directly at it.In the back of his head, nine groups of boundless flames were burning fiercely, as if they would never go out until the end of the world.


A melodious cry sounded, and the phantom of an ancient golden crow divine bird manifested in the flames.

The golden feather in the center of the hall burned wildly.

But Yang Gang had no time to look at him, his eyes locked on the great figure, looking at the nine little suns behind his head, and the twelve amputated hands stuck on his body.

"So, are you already dead? Di Jun..."

Yang Gang sighed slowly.

As an ancient emperor, he is also mortal.

With their level of cultivation, it seems to be a matter of course that the remains can be preserved for eternity after death.Back then in the land of sunrise, Yang Gang had also seen Jiang Jiang and Han Xiang's remains of previous emperors entangled on the Taiyin star for eternity.

"Di Jun..."

The light and fluttering voice echoed in the hall.

This seemed to be the only sound from the silent Sun God Palace for hundreds of thousands of years.The dust was flying, the fire was surging, and the sound gradually turned into waves of sound, which were transmitted in the hall.


Di Jun, the lord of the ancient heaven above, shook his body and slowly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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