I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 437 Bring my body, the heaven belongs to you

Chapter 437 Bring back my body, heaven belongs to you

"Di Jun!"

Yang Gang was surprised, "Are you still alive?"

The figure above looked at Yang Gang silently, without any breath of life on his body.

"You... aren't Di Jun? Are you the Demon Emperor?"

Yang Gang's heart trembled, and he had a somewhat ominous premonition.

Did he fall for it?The Demon Emperor, who is far away in the Eternal Demon Realm, wants to use his own hands to regain the ancient body?
The figure above remained silent.


The golden crow's feather suspended in the center of the hall burned wildly, turning into little ashes.

Yang Gang's attention finally fell on it.

The ashes floated in the air, gradually turning into a line of text.

[Bring back my body and share the Three Realms. 】

"Hehe~~ His Majesty the Demon Emperor is indeed very calculating."

Yang Gang showed a sneer, "Your own goal is too big, and you can't avoid the eyes of the Holy King to cross the world and come to the South China Sea. Do you want to come here with my hand? But you seem to have forgotten that the Holy King and I have not yet met. Conflict. And you... We haven't settled the vengeance of the Battle of Liangjie Mountain back then."

[A few little things, why bother? 】

A line of text manifested, obviously in the eyes of the Demon Emperor, some mere enmity between the present and the ancient times is far less than his ambition to restore the glory of the ancient times.

"Small things? Hehe~~"

Yang Gang sneered again, "When I was in the Demon Realm, I narrowly escaped death several times, and even died once. A trivial matter to you is a great hatred to me. If you want to use me, Yang Gang, as a pawn, the Demon Emperor Your Majesty is really underestimating people."

Who is Yang Gang?

In the ancient times, he was the real chess player. He rose from the humble beginnings to the end, going farther than Donghuang and Haotian.

Now that the Demon Emperor wants to use him as a pawn in the game against the Sage King, it is a bit whimsical.

[Take back my body, the heaven belongs to you. 】

The ashes slowly changed, and finally turned into such a line of words with difficulty.

"Can you only write eight characters?" Yang Gang suddenly laughed.


Ashes of the Golden Crow Feather in the air remained silent for a while, as if they had fallen into a long silence.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yang Gang raised his head and laughed, suddenly waved his hand violently, and the strong wind directly blew away the ashes.

His smile faded.

Looking at the remains of Emperor Jun above, he said, "In my last life, I would not cooperate with anyone. In this life, it's the same. If you want to get back your ancient body, Demon Emperor...you can get it yourself!"


The scattered ashes ignited streams of flames for no reason, as if they wanted to reunite, and finally fell on the ground of the hall unsustainably, merging with the dust accumulated since ancient times.

An angry will flashed.

next moment.

Abrupt mutation.

On the remains of Emperor Jun above, a flame suddenly flashed in the godless eyes.


Nine golden crows formed phantoms from behind his head, staring at Yang Gang's figure with incomparable hatred.

The ancient Sun God Palace suddenly erupted with thousands of divine lights, and the violent power of the sun's true fire overwhelming the sky.


The Stone Monkey King, who was fighting with the remains of a strange witch ancestor in front of the Nantian Gate, subconsciously turned his head and looked into the distance, showing a look of causing trouble, "Hahaha, I really can't suffer alone, good brother, let's fight together!"

boom boom boom

The ancient ancient heaven suddenly became lively, and the sound of fierce battles spread in all directions.

On Luojia Mountain.

Suddenly the water in the lotus pond vibrated, causing ripples.

"A fight?"

Immortal Cihang's expression froze, and before she could think about it, suddenly the entire Mount Luojia shook wildly, lifting three inches from the sea for no reason, as if some giant monster was about to lift up the entire fairy island on the sea.

"My dojo! How could it be..." Daoist Cihang showed a look of horror.

at the same time.

Outside Luojia Mountain, Jiang Jiang and the others also felt the movement on the island.

"No, something happened."

As soon as Li Chunyun's body moved, he was about to turn into a sword light and rush towards Luojia Mountain.

"Brother Li, wait a moment." Jiang Jiang raised his hand to stop him.

"What's the meaning of brother and sister?" Li Chunyun was puzzled.

"hold on."

Jiang Jiang didn't explain, but fixed his eyes on the shaking Luojia Mountain.After a while, subconsciously looked up to the west, the opposite direction of the eastern sun.


There seemed to be a dim star twinkling in the sky.

'I can feel it, I can feel its existence... Who inspired the reaction of the Lunar Star, the Sun God Palace? '

In ancient times.

Di Jun is the lord of heaven, also known as the sun god.At that time, Jiang Jiang was the Lord of the Taiyin, in charge of the night.The two perform their own duties, and they are naturally opposed, and the king does not see the king.

And once we meet...


In the eastern sky, a huge sun erupted with dazzling light.Over the sky of Luojia Mountain, there seems to be an ancient architectural phantom.

Jiang Jiang's eyes flashed.

"It's now!"

With a flash of her figure, she passed through the void under everyone's surprised eyes, and 'squeezed' straight in from the phantom.

After Li Chunyun and others reacted, they chased to the sky above Luojia Mountain.

Only to find that this world is like a flower in a mirror in the water and the moon in the water, which cannot be touched at all.

Ancient Heaven.

The Stone Monkey King fought fiercely with the strange ancient witch clan at Nantianmen, and became more and more courageous with each battle.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the distance.

Then he saw a beam of light flying from the core of the heavenly court, hitting him and Wu Zu heavily in front of him.

Both stopped at the same time.

"Brother Yang...how are you?" The Stone Monkey King looked at Yang Gang in surprise.

"Ahem~~~ Brother Monkey."

Yang Gang staggered up from the ground, and smiled disgraced.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

The Stone Monkey King burst out laughing, and jumped up and down happily, "Oh, you kid actually has today! Hahahaha, hahaha... It seems that your current morality is still a bit worse than my grandson's." !"


Yang Gang was speechless for a while.

Looking at the proud Stone Monkey King, he smiled helplessly: "How about we change our opponent?"

"Change, change, whoever is afraid of whom!"

The Stone Monkey King was not afraid, he dodged directly to avoid the attack of the witch ancestor, and went straight to the Sun God Palace.

After three breaths.

A huge roar resounded through the sky.

A scorched black monkey flew from afar and smashed heavily on the ancient Nantian Gate, directly trampling the last stone pillar.

And this time.

The battle between Yang Gang and the ancient Wu Clan has not even begun.

"Cough cough~cough cough cough~~~"

The Stone Monkey King struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes seemed a little dull.

"Brother, are you fighting with this thing?"

He pointed to the distance.

The remains of Di Jun, the lord of the ancient Heavenly Court, was flying in the air, looking at this place with empty and lifeless eyes.He escaped from the Sun God Palace and flew towards this side on his own initiative.


Yang Gang sneered: "What, why don't you continue?"

"no no no"

The Stone Monkey King's gaze fell on the twelve broken arms of Dijun's remains, and then at the ancient ancestor Wu with a severed arm in front of the Nantian Gate, shaking his head like a rattle.

What a joke!
It is a pity that he and a witch ancestor can reach a tie, and the emperor Di Jun, who can only be killed by the combination of twelve witch ancestors, has to face him head-on!

"How to do?"

The Stone Monkey King turned his head and asked.

"Of course..." Before Yang Gang could say the word 'run', a crack suddenly opened in the sky.

The moonlight is like water, silently infiltrating every corner of the ancient heaven.

next moment.

A magnificent woman stepped out of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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