I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 450 What's the use of heaven and earth?

Chapter 450 What's the use of heaven and earth?

Speaking of the other side.

Li Jin has been very peaceful during this period of time. His wife, who used to quarrel with him all day long, is no longer irritable, but has become soft-tempered and often helps the people.When Li Jin asked her, he said it was to accumulate virtue for his son after his reincarnation.

During this period of time, the effect of the golden light of merit gradually spread throughout the three realms, and Li Jin believed it as soon as he heard it.

But later... As the general of Chentangguan, his eyes and eyes are all over the East China Sea and the south of the Yangtze River, so how could he not bear the news that Mrs. Li often went to Cuiping Mountain?

Just after asking for a while, Li Jin's expression changed drastically.

Immediately, they sent people to block the news, trying to block the impact of what happened on Cuiping Mountain among the lower class people as much as possible.Any high-level officials are not allowed to participate in Shinto affairs, let alone pray to God and worship Buddha.

Pray to God and pray to Buddha.

One is the Shinto of the new Tang Dynasty, and the other is the Buddhism of Daxing.

At this juncture, the world thinks that he has become a supporter of Immortal Dao in the eyes of the world, so it is not surprising.

But Li Jin, who returned to the mansion, always looks sad every day, looking in the direction of Cuiping Mountain and sighing.

"Brother, it turns out that's what you planned. But... will it really work?"


In fact, Li Jin met Yang Gang the night before Nezha eviscerated and returned his father on February [-]nd.It was he who promised to keep Nezha alive, Li Jin had absolute trust in Yang Gang, and he made that indifferent gesture at that time.

Otherwise, based on his love for Nezha, he might do some extreme things that day, and that would be truly irreversible.Not only will Li Jin's family be in a desperate situation, but Yang Gang will also be in a dilemma.

And now... things seem to be going in the opposite direction for the better.

Li Jin only hoped that Tianting would find out about Cuiping Mountain later.

When Nezha is revived with a divine body, even if his father risked everything, he would save the poor child's life.

"Li Jin, the chief soldier of Chentang Pass, listen to the order."

Suddenly there was a loud shout from outside the sky.

Li Jin was shocked all over, and his expression changed drastically.

"Li Jin! Hurry up and receive the order!"

The voice from outside the sky shouted again.


Li Jin's expression was gloomy, and he flew up helplessly, standing in the sky above Li's mansion.

A spirit official is standing on auspicious clouds, wearing Xiaguang, waiting quietly with a scroll of imperial decree in his hand.

"Your officer Li Jin, I have seen an angel."

Li Jin bowed down in the air, respectfully.

"By God's fortune, declare: Li Jin, the commander-in-chief of Chentang Pass, will go to the sky to face the saint, and Ling Xiao will listen to the seal." The voice of the Lingguan was very loud, and it spread throughout Chentang Pass in an instant. inside.

Smiling and authentically said: "Mr. Li, accept the order!"

"Sir, lead the order."

Li Jin held the imperial decree in both hands respectfully, his expression kept changing, and there was a deep sense of puzzlement in his eyes.

at the same time.

Hearing the voice of the spirit officer who delivered the decree, the soldiers and civilians in the entire Chentang Pass were also surprised.

The face of heaven is sacred, and Ling Xiao listens to Feng?
This is the rhythm of being promoted to rank and rank among immortals!

Li Nezha made such a big commotion before, but now that just half a year has passed, the supreme emperor of heaven wants to reward Li Jin?
Could it be... the wind direction is going to change again?
After a while.

After Li Jin settled the matters at home, he immediately followed the spirit officer to go up to the heaven to face the Holy Spirit.

This is the first time he has stepped into the gate of heaven.

When passing through the majestic Nantian Gate and looking at the majestic scenes of the Heavenly Palace, Li Jin's mood gradually became heavy.

In less than a year, the construction of the Heavenly Court has been quite effective, as if it can compete with the ancient Heavenly Court, which stands on the top of the fairyland in the sky.And the stronger the Heavenly Court, the more worried he was about the future.

Shengjun...not that honorable Jade Emperor, can he really accommodate 'him'?

"Xuan, Li Jin, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, entered the hall to face the saint."

The high-pitched voice of the Lingguan echoed in the heavenly court.

With a confused mood, Li Jin finally stepped into the legendary Lingxiao Palace.

"Chen, Li Jin. Greetings to the Emperor of Heaven!"

Li Jin bowed down slowly, his head bowed down.

He only felt a majesty like heaven and earth above him, so that he didn't even dare to raise his head and look directly at the noble figure above him.

'I don't know if he... dares? '

"Li Jin."

The majestic and heavy voice of the Emperor of Heaven came.

"The minister is here." Li Jin's heart shook, and he slowly raised his head.

Seeing a faint figure behind the bead curtain, I immediately felt that the majesty like heaven and earth was ten times, a hundred times stronger.

"It's a reward to invite you to the Heavenly Court today. You don't need to be nervous." The Heavenly Emperor's voice suddenly softened a lot. Li Jin felt the pressure drop suddenly, and there was a sense of peace in his heart for no reason.


Li Jin replied respectfully.

"Taibai." The Heavenly Emperor turned his head slightly.

"Following the heavens, the heavenly emperor has an edict." Hearing this, the Taibai god came out, unfolded the imperial edict that had been drawn up in his hand, and read aloud: "Chen Tangguan's commander-in-chief has done his best to govern the Jiangnan water army, and he has made great achievements in coordinating the East China Sea and maintaining the relationship between the dragons. "

"Today, he is granted the title of Grand Marshal of Heavenly Court Guarding Soldiers and Horses, named Tota Heavenly King, leading 9000 heavenly soldiers, and escorting him around Lingxiao Hall. He is bestowed with a pair of seven-treasure battle armor, ten Nine-Turn Golden Pills, and three [-]-year-old flat peaches. As a reward."

In Lingxiao Palace, all the immortals were in an uproar.

They all looked at Li Jin with surprised eyes.

This Chentangguan General Soldier with a low level of cultivation, was rewarded so much by the Emperor of Heaven?

Marshal of Heavenly Court Soldiers and Horses!

With this name alone, I don't know how many immortals and gods are envied.Not to mention that he can still serve the role of Lingxiao Palace and escort the Emperor of Heaven with him in the future, which is simply a supreme honor that cannot be obtained in ten lifetimes!

Is it...

All the immortals have thoughts in their hearts.

Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven thought about Li Jin's righteousness and extermination of his relatives before, and compensated him for sacrificing his own son?

The Emperor of Heaven is truly magnanimous and benevolent, with the Three Realms in mind!
For the stability of the Three Realms, he has paid too much!

a time.

Many people have changed their minds about what the Jade Emperor did before.

When the court meeting was over, all the immortals dispersed one after another.

Li Jin walked out of Lingxiao Palace alone, still a little dazed.It seems to be top-heavy, and I feel a little at a loss.

There were sporadic discussions in my ears.

"What a Li Jin, he has such blessings! In exchange for a son, he will live forever and be rich and happy forever. It's really a big profit!"

"Master Zhang, we just want to envy him, and we need to have a grand structure like Li Tianwang to be favored by the Emperor of Heaven. Don't you think so?"

"Of course, yes! But I can't do such a thing of prostitution... Hahaha"

Listening to the deliberate ridicule.

Li Jin clenched his fists silently, his heart was as cold as ice.

Is this heaven?
Is this the Supreme Immortal Dynasty he dreamed of before?

Why... the treachery in people's hearts still exists in this heavenly court?

Such a heaven, what is the difference between the earth and the nine heavens!
So, what is the significance of the existence of heaven?
Is it true that as he said in the past, ascension to immortality cannot change this world, only reforming people's hearts...is the meaningful thing for this world?
My past allegiance to... who exactly?
Is it the Jade Emperor overlooking the Three Realms from above, or should it be a simple heart shared by all living beings in the Three Realms?

(End of this chapter)

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