I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 451 The Explosion of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire

Chapter 451 The Explosion of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire

"Li Tianwang...Li Tianwang..."

Before Li Jin could go far, a call came from behind him.

"So it's Taibai Shenjun!"

Li Jin turned around and saw the visitor, bowed respectfully, and said, "May I ask what advice does the god have for calling Li Jin?"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Taibai dodged and dodged, with a strange look on his face, "You and I serve the Heavenly Emperor together, with the same status, I dare not accept this great gift."

"It turns out...it's an honor that Mr. Li has such a high status now." Li Jin chuckled.

"Hahaha, yes yes."

Taibai laughed in agreement, and the atmosphere seemed somewhat awkward.

"If you have anything to say, you might as well speak up." Li Jin said suddenly.

"Uh, this, this..."

Taibai Shenjun hesitated for a while, then smiled embarrassingly: "It's nothing important. It's just that after retiring from the court, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven accidentally mentioned something..."

"what's up."

Li Jin's heart sank slightly, and he forced himself to smile.The Jade Emperor suddenly named him the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court, and it really had another purpose.

You must know that the name of the past belonged to Yang Gang!Even if Da Zhou has been promoted to be the name of the Heavenly Court, it should belong to Yang Gang, not himself, the unknown general soldier of Chentangguan.

"Is such that."

Taibai said: "The Tongming Palace is in charge of inspecting the Three Realms. At that time, a spiritual official came to report that there were wild gods gathering incense privately in Cuiping Mountain in the lower realm, trying to achieve the divine way..."

"Cuiping Mountain?"

Li Jin's face didn't seem to change at all, and he asked quietly.


Taibai Shenjun nodded, "You also know that we as courtiers must learn to ponder the holy will. Especially for close courtiers like me, it is what we should do to stabilize our position...Although your majesty didn't express anything at the time, just I asked, 'Why did Heavenly King Tota take office?' The old man understood that His Majesty wanted to give Heavenly King Li a chance to perform."


Li Jin paused every word, a smile that seemed to be smiling but not crying.The obvious smile gave off a very terrifying feeling.


Taibai Shenjun was taken aback, subconsciously took a few steps back and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with Li Tianwang?"


Li Jin took a deep breath.

"Please report to His Majesty Taibai Shenjun, Li Jin understands. After ten days, he must give His Majesty an answer."

"In this way, the old man will wait for the good news of Li Tianwang in the heavenly court! When the heavenly king returns to the heavenly court to officially perform his duties, he will be conferred by the emperor of heaven, and his cultivation will reach the sky in one step, and he will become an existence comparable to the gods of all ministries!"

Taibai Shenjun showed joy, and bid farewell to Li Jin.

After completing what the Emperor of Heaven secretly promised, he seemed to have a big stone in his heart.



The two bid farewell with each other, and parted in front of the Nantian Gate.

Li Jin's face sank like water, and he flew all the way to the Jiangnan Zhenhai sky area.

Three days later, he finally returned to Chentang Pass.

The so-called one day in the sky and one year in the earth refers to the long distance between the heaven and the human world. Unless there is a top fairy like the eight gods, if there is no one to guide them in the ordinary fairyland, it may take a year to find the way to the sky.

The Heavenly Court is located above the nine heavens, so close to the sun and the moon, the heavenly court only rises once a year in the human world.

This is the case in the ancient heaven.

The same is true of his heaven today.

When Li Jin returned to Chentangguan, he immediately locked himself in the study without seeing anyone.

Mrs. Li felt that he was preoccupied, and asked if there was a major event in heaven this time, and if she needed to ask Yang Gang for help.Li Jin hesitated for a long time, but finally flatly refused.

He didn't want to bother Yang Gang about the Li family's affairs.

This time Lee Jin intends to take it all on his own.

Destroy Cuiping Mountain Temple?
Of course he won't.

This time, even if he was smashed to pieces, he still wanted to save Nezha!


Some things will not change according to human will.

Back to the second day of Chentangguan.

Li Jin was planning to move his family in his study, when suddenly a gust of wind blew in from the window.


Li Jin stood up vigilantly, but felt a sudden dizziness in his head, and almost fell to the ground.Only then was he horrified to realize that there was a sweet and greasy fragrance in his breath, and he had already been drugged by some kind of drug.

'who is it? '

"What kind of drug is this, it can even be used in fairyland..." Before he finished thinking about it, he fell straight down like a bamboo pole.

Day two.

The general of Chentangguan suddenly announced that the navy under his command would hold training.

It is rumored that when the army passed by Cuiping Mountain, King Li Tian of Tota saw that the incense was flourishing here, and it was very effective. After asking curiously, he found out that there was a temple built by a wild god here.

King Tota was furious, rushed into the temple first, and drove away the pilgrims, and then saw the statue in the hall that was [-]% similar to his own child, and was immediately killed by lightning.

At that time, Li Jin seemed to be frozen in place.


Li Nezha inside the statue was also terrified.

It never occurred to him that his stern, indifferent and ruthless father would bump into him on the spot when he saw that he was about to achieve greatness.


Angry shouts resounded through the temple.

Li Jin was so angry that he pulled out his long whip on the spot, smashing Nezha's golden body with incense.Nezha was trapped in the statue, unable to move, and could only watch the whip fall.

The long whip hit his body heavily, and it also hit his broken heart.


The raging red lotus karma suddenly erupted, and it seemed to be a thousand times, ten thousand times more violent than before.The power of the two is even more incomparable, burning through Nezha's palace in an instant, and burning a big hole in the sky.

Horrific visions startled the Quartet.

Li Jin's body was blasted out of the palace heavily, and rolled to the ground, his confused mind finally came to his senses.

When he saw everything in front of him, he froze in place.

Inside Chentang Pass.

Mrs. Li raised her head subconsciously, her expression changed wildly.


She ran towards Cuiping Mountain like crazy, and roared hysterically: "Li Jin...you dare to touch my son's statue, I will fight with you!"

that day.

The entire Chentang Pass fell into extreme grief.

Li Xiaoyu back then, and Li Nezha later, have always been mischievous, but also very well-behaved and sensible.Even with supreme supernatural powers, he never bullied anyone.

All the soldiers and civilians in Chentang Pass liked him very much.

Even if he later murdered the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, causing Chentangguan to be besieged by the East China Sea tribe and almost destroyed, everyone never blamed him, and even felt a little grateful in their hearts.

Even if Li Jin forced Nezha to death, they only blamed the crime on the Dragon King of the East China Sea in their hearts.

But now... For his own future, he can't even accommodate Nezha's palace and temple!
The indignation in the hearts of countless people seemed to turn into flames gushing and roaring, dyeing the entire sky of Chentang Pass in the red of morning glow.The strands of karma in the world are like essence, converging in a certain direction in the dark.

And this time.

Nezha's Shinto golden body was completely shattered, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul floating in the sky, unable to control himself, unable to think.A gust of breeze can blow him away from north to south.

Because he is not a divine soul, he cannot even be guided by the Underworld, and even loses the qualification for reincarnation.

Like an existence that does not belong to the Three Realms and Five Elements, wandering miserably between heaven and earth, at a loss as to where to go.

(End of this chapter)

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