I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 452 Qianyuan Mountain, Golden Cave

Chapter 452 Qianyuan Mountain, Golden Cave

Talking two ends.

On the other side, Nezha had a wisp of remnant soul flying away, and on the other side, Li Jin also woke up from his confusion. When he understood what "he" had done, he suddenly became furious and vomited blood on the spot.

Nezha's Divine Dao golden body was shattered, which was more miserable than death.This time...he might not even have the chance to reincarnate!


Li Jin looked at Boundless Nine Heavens, his face was full of resentment.

He attributed the reason why he was deluded and made a big mistake to Tianting.Except for Tianting, he couldn't think of anyone who would do such a thing.

And half a day later.

The envoy from the Heavenly Court issued an imperial decree, praised Li Jin greatly in words, and ordered him to go to the Heavenly Court to perform his duties in seven days, which made him more convinced of his own ideas.


On that day, Li Jin forcibly endured his anger and accepted the reward from the Heavenly Court.He understands that he alone cannot fight against the mighty Heavenly Court, and if he wants to avenge his beloved son, there is only one person in this world who can help him.

Three hours later.

Li Jin rushed into Guanjiangkou like crazy, and went straight to Luoriping where Yang Gang was, regardless of Hongye and others' stop.

"You came."

Yang Gang was the same as before, looking at the sunset in the sky with his hands behind his back, as if he had expected Li Jin to come.


Li Jin didn't say anything, just knelt on the ground.

"Brother Li, what are you doing!"

Immediately, Yang Gang couldn't maintain his image, so he quickly helped Li Jin up.

"Yang Gang, Nezha is dead." Li Jin shouted excitedly.

"I know."

Yang Gang nodded, as if he had known about it long ago, and there was no trace of surprise on his face.

"Brother Yang, help me!" Li Jin held Yang Gang's hand tightly, unwilling to get up, and said excitedly, "You must help me! I want revenge! I want revenge against the Emperor of Heaven!"

"He killed Nezha! My wife and I were separated, and there was no peace in our family. I must take revenge!"

From holding back his resentment in front of the envoys of heaven, to rushing to Guanjiangkou in three hours, when he saw Yang Gang, his emotions finally collapsed completely.

"Brother Li, speak carefully."

Yang Gang's face darkened.

He raised his hand and sprinkled a little bit of divine light, covering the space on the sunset lawn, isolating all sounds.

"I'm also very sad that Nezha died, but the way you are now doesn't help the matter. Come on, Brother Li, get up first, and we will talk slowly..." Yang Gang continued to comfort Li Jin.

After a long while, he finally persuaded Li Jin to calm down his excitement.

After a while.

Under Yang Gang's persuasion, Li Jin told Yang Gang everything about everything.He couldn't help nodding when he heard the words, and finally said: "Don't worry, I know everything in my heart. You just need to go back and wait for the news. Heaven is so powerful, we have to take it step by step."

"Since they think you are an unscrupulous person for power and status, you might as well continue to play this role. The position of Marshal of the Heavenly Court may be a great opportunity for us to fight back in the future. You just need to remember that when things happen, you must endure."

"it is good!"

Li Jin's expression kept changing, and he finally nodded heavily.

For a moment, his demeanor seemed much calmer, but his eyes became more gloomy, not as bright as before.

Wait for Li Jin's figure to leave.

Standing on the Sunset Ping, Yang Gang couldn't help but heaved a long sigh.

There was a guilty look on his face.


Da da da

Light footsteps came from behind.

"Husband." The woman's gentle voice sounded, and a pair of jade arms hugged Yang Gang's waist from behind, "Why didn't you tell him that Nezha is still alive?"

"Miss, tell me...have I changed?" Yang Gang held Jiang Jiang's hand, turned his head and said, "Now I'm even scheming against Brother Li. Is it really right to do this?"

"You have indeed changed."

Jiang Jiang let go, held Yang Gang's cheeks, and smoothed the wrinkles between his brows with distress, "But no matter who faces the pressure of a powerful enemy like the Emperor of Heaven, they will change. I believe, if you don't tell him, he will definitely change." Have your own reasons."


Yang Gang sighed again.

"Brother Li has an impulsive temperament. Although he has been the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan for many years, he still does not change his faults. It is not a problem in the past, but now we are facing the Emperor of Heaven..."

"I think he will understand you in the future." Jiang Jiang comforted me gently.

"It's just..." She looked a little puzzled.Nezha suffered this catastrophe and died again and again, she really couldn't figure out why Yang Gang could still sit peacefully on the setting sun.


Looking at Jiang Jiang's expression, Yang Gang understood what she was thinking, and explained: "It is precisely because I sit still that they can't find any flaws in me, and they can only do some small tricks in secret."


Jiang Jiang couldn't help nodding, and suddenly asked, "By the way, how is Nezha doing now?"

"It's okay, not completely dead."

Yang Gang said: "With the fire of red lotus karma in his body, he must go through hardships before he can exert the supreme karma in it. I believe that after going through this, he will be able to break out of the cocoon and be reborn, and truly live a second life."

"What are you going to do? Isn't Nezha's Shinto golden body already broken?" Jiang Jiang asked suspiciously.

"When did I say that Nezha was going to follow the way of God?" Yang Gang laughed.

"Huh?" Jiang Jiang couldn't help being taken aback.

Yang Gang showed a mysterious smile, looking at a mountain in the distance, "Incense becomes a god, controlled by the sky. There will never be a further possibility in the future. How can a mere mud tire show my skills?"


"Master...Mother...Master...Where are you? Save Nezha...Save Nezha..."

"Where is this place? It's so dark... Nezha can't see anything... woo woo woo"

"Li Jin, you are so ruthless!"

"I swear against you!"

A wisp of Nezha's remnant soul wandered in the mountains, and was carried by the mountain wind to wander around involuntarily.The sluggish soul has lost the ability to think, and can't even perceive everything around it.

Only the instinctive resentment left in his heart made him roar like a lonely ghost.

at last.

That wisp of remnant soul drifted to a place called 'Qianyuan Mountain'.There is an immortal Taoist temple here, named "Golden Light Cave", which emits thousands of golden lights every day. It is said that it is a Taoist temple left by ancient immortals.

This blessed land and cave was born recently, so it is very mysterious.Many practitioners nearby also came to seek the secrets at that time, but they always lost their way in the mountains, and were finally sent back to the foot of the mountain by a golden light.

People immediately understood that there was already a master in their own place, and he was still a high-level immortal, so they gradually stopped disturbing him.

When Nezha's remnant soul drifted past the Golden Light Cave.

Suddenly there was a suction force in the cave, sucking his remnant soul in.

"My dear boy, you are finally here."

Inside the cave, an immortal Taoist sat cross-legged with a smile on his face.His face seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, and his face was constantly changing, making it impossible for people not to see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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