I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 454 The Devil Child Is Born, Please Invite the Tathagata Buddha

Chapter 454 The Devil Child Is Born, Please Invite the Tathagata Buddha

Time flies.

In the one year since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the dissatisfied people were conquered everywhere, and the territories of the nine heavens and ten lands were included in the middle.However, Yang Gang's name no longer appeared in the battle list.

But his control over Heavenly Court and Great Tang has not been weakened by this.

A series of new laws are constantly promulgated, which are legal, compliant, reasonable, and more conducive to the control of the Three Realms by the Heavenly Court.

For a time, the hearts of the people wanted it, and the heavenly court became more and more prosperous.

Compared with Haotian who ignored the bottom layer back then, the current Emperor of Heaven is obviously much more stable.Even if Yang Gang has been regarded as a threat, he can still adopt his opinion and prepare for the complete unification of the Three Realms in the future.

Yang Gang also understood in his heart that as long as he didn't show any objection, as long as the Eternal Demon Realm still existed, the Jade Emperor, who had ascended to the Nine Heavens, would not really attack him.

Of course... small tricks like Nezha are inevitable.

The second year of the establishment of the Heavenly Court.

The world is full of beautiful mountains and rivers in the Tang Dynasty, and everyone praises the great achievements of the Tang Emperor, which is a blessing from heaven.Later, when enshrining Zen with Wuyue Xianshan, auspicious auspiciousness descended from the sky, attracting many meritorious ministers to ascend to immortality.

The divine general who appeared that day to guide the immortals was none other than the former General Soldier of Chentangguan, and now the Generalissimo of the Heavenly Court Forces and Horses—Tuota Heavenly King Li Jin.

Also in this year.

A young general named 'Li Honglian' appeared in the South China Sea, claiming to be the Third Prince of the South China Sea.Since its appearance, it has suppressed shipping, helped the villagers, and gained the admiration of all parties.

It's just that she is not the righteous god of the heavenly court after all, and Li Honglian was rebellious and rebellious when the upper realm repeatedly called for peace, and even injured the heavenly official and general who came to ask for peace.You must know that this is the time when Tianting is in the limelight.

How could the eight righteous gods of the Heavenly Court endure Li Honglian's actions like this?Immediately dispatch elite soldiers to subdue demons from the lower realm.

Unexpectedly, Li Honglian's abilities were extraordinary, and she repelled the Heavenly Court's army time and time again with incredible martial arts supernatural powers.

Because of his handsome appearance and immature appearance, he was secretly called "Magic Boy" by the gods of heaven.

Even the God of the Ministry of Fire, the God of Fire and Virtue, shot himself, but was burnt to ashes by him, and fled back to the heaven in embarrassment.

No matter how hard they think, they can't figure out when such a person appeared in the Three Realms.With such a strong ability, how could he be unknown before?

At last.

The Heavenly Court was furious, and sent Li Jin, the King of Tota, to lead [-] elite soldiers in person, together with [-] soldiers from the Ministry of Fire, to suppress it.

The two sides opened up battles over the South China Sea, Li Honglian fought against [-] people with one person, and she did not lose the wind in the slightest.

In the middle of the battle, Li Jin was discussing with Huode Shenjun and was about to retreat, but Li Honglian suddenly left tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and came straight to Li Jin, as if she had some unshakable hatred with him.

Li Jin was shocked immediately, and the pagoda in his hand was knocked away by the demon boy, and finally retreated despondently under the protection of the god.

As a last resort, he went to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea to ask for help from the famous Daoist Cihang, and asked the devil boy's heel.

Immortal Cihang opened the mountain gate to welcome the heavenly envoy.

Hearing the words, he smiled deeply, and did not point out Li Honglian's origin, but pointed to the west.

Li Jin thought about it several times, and finally realized that he was asked to go to the west to seek help from Buddhism.

in this way.

Buddhism finally has a reason to enter the Central Plains.This move is in line with the will of the Emperor of Heaven, and it is also in the interests of Buddhism and Daoist Cihang.It is in someone's arms.

When Li Jin left.

Clouds and mist on Mount Luojia cover the fairy island again, and a figure suddenly turns out from behind the lotus pond, which is the incarnation of the real Taiyi who walks in the three realms of Yang Gang.

"Thank you for your help, sir."

Yang Gang bowed to Master Cihang.

"Don't dare."

She avoids her body, not daring to receive the gift head-on, and said: "It's just a little effort, and it can also take care of the eastward path of Buddhism. Cihang should thank the true king."


A trace of doubt flashed across her expression, "Why did Zhenjun hide it from him?"

'He', of course, refers to Li Jin.

Immortal Cihang has great powers, and has made great progress since letting go of the heart of gain and loss. At a glance, he can see that Nezha's heel comes from her Avalokitesvara lotus pond.Yang Gang didn't hide it from her, and told him part of his plan.

The two are now in a cooperative relationship, at least unbreakable until Buddhism gains power.

Yang Gang looked into the distance and shook his head, "My brother can't hide things in his heart, and he is with the Emperor of Heaven day and night. If he tells the whole story, I'm afraid something will happen."

"The real king is right."

Cihang nodded slightly, thoughtfully, and then said: "However, there are so many great powers in the Three Realms, Nezha's heels will not be kept secret for long. What will the True Monarch plan then?"

"It doesn't take long to hide it, Nezha's catastrophe... is coming to an end soon." Yang Gang said meaningfully.


Immortal Cihang's expression changed.

Somehow, she had a feeling that the calculation power of this True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao seemed to be stronger than that of an outsider like herself.

Could it be that he has seen through part of his future destiny?
half a month later.

Suddenly, the sky of the South China Sea was full of Buddha light. The Amitabha Buddha of the past and the only Supreme Tathagata Buddha of the present Buddhism actually rushed to the South China Sea in person.

Today's Buddhism is no better than the future, and their strength without believers is even ten times worse than that of Heaven.Even after Jiuyou destroyed Patriarch Ksitigarbha and the other two Buddhas, only Tathagata was left to stand on the stage.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to come to my territory to make trouble!"

Nezha suddenly emerged from the sea with a gun in his hand, raised his head to the sky and shouted angrily.

"The poor monk Western Amitabha, I have seen the benefactor." The Buddha smiled and said kindly to Nezha: "This time, I was entrusted by the heaven, and I am here to invite the benefactor to return to the heaven. He can be among the immortals and enjoy immortal blessings forever." .”

"So it's you, a bald donkey!" Nezha suddenly showed displeasure, and stabbed him with a gun, without any reason.

The two sides immediately started fighting in the South China Sea.

I also didn't see that the Tathagata Buddha led a soldier and fought with Nezha on the sea alone for ten days and nights, which caused chaos in the sea and sky, and huge waves surged into the sky.In the rear, Li Jin led a heavy army to help the Tathagata, looking down solemnly.

"When did this Tathagata Buddha become so powerful?" The Huode Shenjun beside him showed doubts.

"When I went to the West, I heard that he surrendered the evil spirit of Mo Luo Wutian, so his Taoism made great progress, and he was supported by Buddhist monks. He became the only Buddha at this time. This is not what it used to be." Li Jin explained. road.

"From this point of view, today's matter can be accomplished!" Huode Shenjun was overjoyed immediately, looking at Nezha's figure with hatred.

Li Jin didn't answer.

Staring at Nezha's figure carefully, he always felt that the figure of the devil boy was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't tell where it was familiar.

Just looking at every move and style of the martial arts, it seems that some shadows have been seen somewhere.


Right now.

Abnormal changes occurred at sea.I saw the Tathagata Buddha chanting Buddhist scriptures, golden lotuses all over his body, as if carrying the power of ten thousand Buddhas with his palm, he forcibly knocked Nezha away who was relying on his invincible physical body.

The next palm will fall on his head to suppress him.


Nezha suddenly looked up to the sky and roared angrily: "Master, I can't help it!"

(End of this chapter)

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