I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 456 The Great Prosperity of Buddhism, Fighting the South China Sea Again

Chapter 456 The Great Prosperity of Buddhism, Fighting the South China Sea Again

The entire Lingxiao Temple was silent.

The Jade Emperor's calm expression gradually turned gloomy.

It is not without existence in the Three Realms that can control Nezha.

Tianting is now even more powerful and powerful, with countless immortals and gods.But when faced with the top powers of the Three Realms, there are not many who can really make a move.After all, those people already have what they should have, so how could they give Tianting a saddle for fame and fortune.

The Heavenly Emperor's eyes swept across the group of immortals, and the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive.

Finally someone couldn't take it anymore, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's better...to invite the God of Justice."


The Heavenly Emperor let out a cold snort, which made the immortal official tremble and almost fell to the ground.

"My lord Zhao, the God of Judiciary has dedicated himself to the Heavenly Court and has made great contributions. Now that Yaner is newly married, it is not easy to deal with a little Nezha and disturb Yang Jun..." Taibai Shenjun sighed in his heart, and helplessly came out to make a rescue.

Those words immediately made the atmosphere much easier.

"Yes, the lower official made a slip of the tongue." The immortal official nodded repeatedly, not daring to say more.

"Fellow Tathagata, what do you think of this matter?"

The Heavenly Emperor turned his gaze and landed on Tathagata Buddha.


A trace of hesitation flashed across Tathagata's face, "Your Majesty, Buddhism is not flourishing now, and the poor monk's ability is really helpless against the red lotus karma. If you give me some time..."

But he never made any comments.

At this time, no matter who you choose, it is tantamount to offending others. If you can't handle Na Zha, you will lose face in front of the gods of the Three Realms.

The atmosphere froze again.

"Li Jin."

The Emperor's eyes dropped.

"The guilty minister is here." Li Jin lowered his head and knelt on one knee in front of Lingxiao Hall.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at him, but was speechless for a long time.

I don't know if I regret what I did before.

In the end, it was Li Jin who couldn't bear the pressure. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, that rebellious son of Nezha committed crimes and deserves death. Please order me to lead a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to the South China Sea to capture Nezha. Slash the Xiantai and be slaughtered."

"it is good."

The Emperor of Heaven seemed to be waiting for his words, and immediately ordered: "I will send three gods from the Ministry of Fire, the Ministry of Lei, and the Ministry of Fighting to help you, and this battle will surely win. I don't want to hear that a mere Nezha is better than Jiuyou." News that the devil is still difficult to deal with."


Hearing this, Li Jin and the three gods of the eight tribes were all shocked, and immediately took orders to prepare for the dispatch of troops.

Three days later.

Once again, thunder was rolling over the South China Sea, and the wind was surging.

"Li Jin, do you still dare to come?"

Nezha poked his head out of the sea and was furious: "Die!"

A big battle kicked off.

This time Nezha directly transformed himself into the supernatural powers of the four-headed and eight-armed body, forcibly entered the army, and started a fierce battle with Li Jin, Doumu Shenjun, Huode Shenjun, and Jiutian Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun.

The battle lasted for half a month.

Huge waves rolled over the entire South China Sea, and the lives were devastated.Countless creatures in the sea harmed the fish in the pond, causing countless killings for nothing.

No one could have imagined.

After this battle, Nezha became more and more courageous, as if the monstrous karma had blessed him instead, bursting out with endless mighty power.His abilities, supernatural powers, and martial arts were all honed in the First World War, like a piece of fine iron, the more refined it becomes purer.

Among them also a few times.

Nezha was blinded by hatred and almost cut Li Jin to the point of fire regardless of the surrounding attacks.

Fortunately, I often remember Master's teachings at every critical moment, "Nezha, you can do whatever you want after you are born, but you must remember not to hurt Li Jin's life." '

At least not for the time being until his plan is realized.

In order to live up to the cultivation of the master and not to make his mother sad, Nezha endured the violent thoughts in his heart again and again, and the power of karmic fire in his body became more and more violent.

Zhenguan four years.

The Battle of the South China Sea has been going on for a year.

The Heavenly Court army suffered heavy casualties, but they still couldn't do anything to the devil boy.

For a time, the prestige of the Heavenly Court was greatly lost, and people in the three realms gradually appeared to be floating.

The Emperor of Heaven was furious, and dispatched troops one after another, dispatching [-] heavenly soldiers from the Ministry of Fire and the Ministry of Dou, and finally suppressed Nezha's arrogance.

When manpower is exhausted.

The [-] Heavenly Soldiers of the Doubu and Huobu have experienced countless battles, but they are not comparable to Li Jin's [-] Heavenly Soldiers.

Facing the crowd tactics of Heavenly Court, Nezha finally couldn't bear it, and he began to roam around the South China Sea, making the Heavenly Court's army burnt out with the advantage of being good at water.

And during this period of time, with the acquiescence of the Heavenly Court, Buddhism also began to blossom everywhere in the Tang Dynasty, and the number of believers increased sharply.

August of the fifth year of Zhenguan.

Overnight, Buddhas were born in thousands of families all over the Tang Dynasty, and Bodhisattvas and Buddhas appeared in front of people, saving the suffering and turning believers, and even many arhats and practitioners walked in the world and recruited disciples.

In Buddhism, you don't need to practice hard, you don't need natural resources, as long as you eat fast and chant Buddha every day, you can be reborn in bliss without entering the [-]th hell, and you may even have the opportunity to cultivate the right fruit and be named a bodhisattva or arhat.

This is the privilege opened by the heavens in the underworld for the Buddhist gate, and it is also the Buddhist gate's sacrifice in the Battle of the Nine Nethers in exchange for it.

that day.

Known as the birthday of Buddha.

Three Realms, Four Directions, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, many great powers looked towards the western sky one after another.Indistinctly, on the Lingshan Mountain in the far west, a huge round of Buddha light illuminates the Lingshan Buddha Kingdom, as if the sun is rising from the west.

The Tathagata Buddha made great progress overnight, as if breaking through a certain mysterious boundary.

ten days later.

The sun rises in the east.

A huge round of Buddha's light appeared from above the South China Sea, and then a huge Buddha's palm descended from the sky, piercing through the deep sea with a bang, and went to a hidden cave on the bottom of the sea.


Nezha raised his head in amazement, and his vision was suddenly filled with giant palms like a sky curtain.

Hundreds of miles of sea area was sunken by a palm, revealing an abyss in the sea.The next moment, Nezha came out from the bottom of the sea with a fire-pointed gun in his hand. Karmic flames surged all over his body, wrapped in the huge Buddha's palm, and the fire-pointed gun continuously shot out bursts of intense golden light.

It's just that compared with the past, today's Tathagata Buddha is simply not what it used to be. The golden light of Buddhism is no longer restrained by the red lotus karma fire, and the endless power is even a bit stronger than Nezha.

For the first time since his birth, Nezha was at a disadvantage in battle.

"Yeah yah!"

He roared four times, stretched out his eight arms, and danced the magic weapons such as the fire-pointed spear, the circle of heaven and earth, and the hunting silk silk tightly, and finally escaped from the palm of the Buddha.

However, oncoming is a huge golden lotus spinning rapidly.

"red lotus!"

Nezha roared suddenly, piercing the sky with his fiery spear, and on the tip of the spear condensed an incomparably condensed black and white refining flower.The lotus whirled suddenly, and gradually turned into a red color like the red dust.

It collided with Jinlian suddenly.

The dull impact was like a muffled thunder.

Nezha's body was like a star, and he fell down suddenly, crashing into the deep sea.


The Tathagata Buddha has a majestic appearance, sitting upright in the void, holding flowers and laughing.

"Benefactor Li, why don't you just arrest him and follow me back to Lingshan to convert to Buddhism?"

(End of this chapter)

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