I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 457 Buddha dies, pagoda suppresses demons

Chapter 457 Buddha dies, pagoda suppresses demons

In just over a year, the Tathagata Buddha made a comeback, and with the help of all believers, his supernatural powers have advanced to an unimaginable level.

above the cloud.

Seeing this, Li Jin and others couldn't help but show joy.Immediately after hearing Tathagata's words, his complexion turned black.

This old thief is so poor and crazy that he is still thinking of poaching at this moment!
"Damn donkey, how dare you bully me!" Nezha transformed himself on the spot as if he had been greatly humiliated.

"The real body of the red lotus - now!"

A huge shadow appeared in the sea, Nezha's body swelled rapidly, Hula stood up from the sea.The bottomless water could only submerge up to his waist.

But he was full of muscular muscles, with red hair flying around, and a wild aura. In the blink of an eye, he transformed from a handsome boy with a height of seven feet into a muscular man with four heads and eight arms.

The Tathagata Buddha's eyes flashed with golden light, and he raised his hand and said, "The kingdom of Buddha in the palm."

The huge Buddha's palm fell.

Nezha is like the ancient Erlang God Yang Jian, holding the sky alone, forcibly supporting the Buddha's palm with his own immense strength, and smashing the golden brick artifact at the Tathagata Buddha with one hand.


When the gold brick hit Tathagata's head, a layer of golden halo suddenly appeared, like the special effect of dizziness.


A trace of anger flashed in Tathagata's eyes.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, his figure became larger in the air, and turned into the image of an ancient Buddha. He quickly stretched out his other hand to hold Nezha's figure firmly in it, and squeezed it hard.


Nezha raised his head to the sky and growled, as if in great pain.Endless red lotus karmic fire suddenly gushed out of his body, burning the Tathagata's hands through holes one by one.

"not good!"

Tathagata immediately changed color.

He wanted to let go, but Nezha's eight arms firmly held the Buddha's palm.

"Spiral-rotation-counter-strike!" Nezha's eyes widened, and he yelled every word.Then his body spun rapidly, turning the red lotus karma around him into a terrifying flame storm.

The fire borrows the wind.

"Huh~~" Tathagata snorted, and quickly took the opportunity to withdraw his hands, but treasures such as the Fire Point Spear and Huntian Ribbon followed closely and bombarded a pair of Buddha's palms one after another.

Under the shocking gazes of countless people, a pair of giant Buddhas suddenly shattered into golden light.


Many people sighed, feeling lost in their hearts.

Who can break the arms of the Buddhist Supreme Being with one blow?
In just a few years, he was able to grow into an extraordinary group and become the top group of powerful people in the world. How did he do it?The problem is... this devil boy is only a teenager!

That expert who retreated behind the scenes had really terrible methods!

On Luojia Mountain.

The Stone Monkey King scratched his head, and asked abruptly, "This old Tathagata doesn't look good either!"

"not that simple."

Yang Gang turned his head to look at the real person Cihang beside him, "Sacrifice and devotion should be the way that Buddha is best at?"

"That's the way of suppression." Master Cihang smiled.

The voice fell.

As expected, a change occurred in the South China Sea.

The Tathagata Buddha's expression suddenly became compassionate and peaceful. His broken arms prevented him from clasping his hands together, but he looked even more solemn and solemn.

But seeing words in his mouth, "Namo Amitabha...Namo Amitabha..."

"Brother, what does he mean?"

The Stone Monkey King asked ignorantly.

"I think... literally." Yang Gang frowned slightly, and his expression suddenly became a little more dignified.

"Namo Amitabha."

Tathagata's eyes suddenly opened wide, and he saw the eight-armed Nezha approaching fiercely in front of him.Bang bang~~~ His shoulders snapped together suddenly, followed by his feet and legs...

"Why did this Buddha kill himself?"

Everyone was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Tathagata's lower body disintegrated, turning into golden Buddha light all over the sky.Then came the chest, neck, and finally the entire head with a bang, and it also completely disintegrated.

There is only one sentence left in the Buddha's mouth.

"Namo Amitabha."

The majestic voice spread throughout the three realms, and all sentient beings were inexplicably sad when they heard it.Many Buddhist believers knelt down and worshiped in the direction of the South China Sea, shouting in their mouths, "The Buddha is merciful and merciful, and he feeds the devil with his body to punish evil..."



The exquisite pagoda bestowed by the Emperor of Heaven in Li Jin's hand buzzed and trembled, and the Buddha's light filled the sky, and it flew up into the sky with the pagoda and twirled over the South China Sea.


Nezha looked up, and suddenly frowned.

He only felt an inexplicable suction coming from the bottom of the pagoda. He wanted to struggle, but found that although the power of the pagoda was small, it seemed to restrain himself by nature, and the incomparable power of the red lotus karma fire suddenly couldn't exert it.

Involuntarily, Nezha flew obliquely towards the pagoda in the sky.

"What's going on here?"

"What kind of Buddhist supernatural power is this, so amazing!"

The immortals were shocked, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Ah—let go of me! Let me go!" Nezha yelled furiously in the sky, "Li Jin, you villain, dare to harm me with insidious means! Let me go!"

"I, I didn't, I didn't..." Li Jin was at a loss, and wanted to take back the Linglong Pagoda, but found that he had completely lost control of this treasure.

"not good!"

In Luojia Mountain, the Stone Monkey King was about to help Nezha, but Yang Gang grabbed him.

He shook his head slightly, and said: "At this time, we must not make a move, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

"Brother, is this also part of your plan?" The Stone Monkey King rarely looked angry at Yang Gang.

"What do you think?"

Yang Gang looked calm, he didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either.

Master Cihang watched from the side, and felt that his mind was as deep as the four seas, wider than the nine heavens and ten earths of the Three Realms. He had practiced the supernatural powers for many years, but he couldn't see through it at all.


The dispute at Luojia Mountain did not affect the battle situation in the South China Sea. Hearing Nezha's short scream, he was involuntarily sucked into the Linglong Pagoda.As soon as he entered the pagoda, suddenly the imprint of the word "卍" of Wandao Buddhism descended from the sky, leaving a deep imprint on him.

"what is this?"

"Let go, let go..."

Nezha struggled frantically, but felt that his body was completely suppressed by the Buddha seal, and he could no longer use any magical powers.

"Master...save me!" He raised his head and roared, his eyes full of unwillingness.

There was silence above the sea and sky.


This battle, which lasted nearly two years, finally came to an end.

The devil boy Nezha was suppressed by the Tathagata Buddha in the pagoda of King Tota.

And in order to suppress the devil boy... the Tathagata Buddha, the supreme Buddhist, sacrificed himself and took the initiative to step into the realm of eternal doom.

A sad atmosphere permeates the South China Sea.

Many heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals and creatures in the sea actually had tears in their eyes, and they showed their faces for the heroic act of sacrificing themselves for the Tathagata Buddha.

Namo Amitabha.

He sacrificed so much, he really complied with the phrase 'Namo Amitabha'!

From now on, Buddhist believers will chant 'Namo Amitabha Buddha' day and night to pay homage to the feat of the Buddha who sacrificed himself to feed demons for the safety of the Three Realms!

"Tathagata, is he really dead?"

The Stone Monkey King calmed down slowly, and asked Yang Gang.


Yang Gang looked at the Stone Monkey King with a meaningful expression on his face, and said something confusing, "Very deep prajna, you can see the three worlds. The fundamental principle, after all, is extinguished. Like the void, there is nothing..."

"What did you say?"

The Stone Monkey King's mind crashed on the spot.

But upon hearing this sentence, Master Cihang's heart was shocked, and he turned his head to look in surprise at the sky above the South China Sea, where the golden body of the Tathagata Buddha had originally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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