Chapter 461

"Hahaha, pay, pay! Happy!"

But said that the stone monkey king tore up the book of life and death, left Yan Luowang, laughed three times, and swung the golden cudgel all the way out of Netherworld. After a while, he returned to Huaguo Mountain on somersaulting clouds.

The soul returned to the body and continued to sleep soundly.

He didn't even have the slightest sense of causing a catastrophe.

However, King Yama felt deeply that a catastrophe was imminent, so he quickly summoned the kings of Hades of the Ten Temples to discuss countermeasures, and reported the matter to Patriarch Ksitigarbha, the Five Ghost Emperors, and let people know the supreme Emperor Youming.

Finally, he went to the heaven in person and reported everything to the Jade Emperor.

When Yang Gang, the body of Emperor Youming hidden in the Nether sky, knew the news, he was not surprised, and only said to King Qin Guang who came to report the news, "I have known about this for a long time, so go."

He neither said he would take care of it, nor did he say he didn't care.

The ambiguous attitude can not help but make people think deeply.

The nether world of this world, after Yang Gang's hands, is completely different from the original underworld and heaven's subordinate relationship.Although the Emperor of Heaven is the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, due to the previous tripartite covenant, he needs to respect the opinions of all parties if he wants to intervene in the affairs of the underworld.

Among them, the one who speaks the most weight is naturally the aloof Nether Supreme—Yang Gang's body of the Nether Emperor.

The only one who can compete with him is the hidden God Houyi.

And these two people... are all his incarnations.

As for Patriarch Ksitigarbha, the newly-promoted ghost emperors of the five directions, and Yama of the ten halls, unless the will of the emperor of heaven is strong enough, no one would dare to bypass the will of Emperor Youming when encountering major events.

But the matter of the Stone Monkey King is very involved, so we must ask his opinion first.

the next day.

The Stone Monkey King woke up and stretched.

Hearing that there were monkeys and grandchildren beside him, he asked, "How much did your majesty drink last night, why did you feel so sleepy?"


The Stone Monkey King's will was not yet fully awake, so he casually said: "Last night, I dreamed that two ghosts came to seduce me, and brought my soul into the nether world..." His voice froze suddenly, and his consciousness gradually became clear.

"Wait! It wasn't a dream last night!"

"No, someone plotted against my grandson! I tore up the book of life and death impulsively!" He finally realized that he had committed a crime, and immediately felt bad.

The surrounding monkeys and grandchildren were shocked when they heard the words.

Tear up the book of life and death?
Isn't that a great crime, Lord Justice God?


That elder and his own great king are brothers, life and death should be no problem at all.

All the monkeys breathed a sigh of relief.

But the Stone Monkey King looked solemn, looking at the sky outside the Water Curtain Cave.

"Could this be the Journey to the West that my brother said? But... I am clearly in the Huaguo Mountain in the extreme east, why do I want to go to the West?" The Stone Monkey King muttered to himself, and suddenly had an idea.

"Could it be... this matter has something to do with Buddhism?"

He doesn't understand the mystery, and he can't see through the cause and effect operation.

So he had to secretly send someone to Guanjiangkou to inquire about the noble sibling.

Three days later.

But only one reply was received, "Whether Journey to the West will start or not depends entirely on the Monkey King's thought."

"at me?"

The Stone Monkey King was even more at a loss.

Speaking of the other side.

King Yan Luo has already played in the Heavenly Court, and told the Heavenly Emperor what happened in the Lingxiao Palace.

There was a lot of discussion in the palace for a while.

Many people felt a headache and fell into embarrassment.

If the perpetrator was ordinary, they would be fine, but he happened to be the Stone Monkey King, the brother of the judicial god Yang Gang.

Don't you see that for a Nezha, Yang Gang has been thinking behind closed doors in the Temple of Justice.

If something happened to the Stone Monkey King who was clearly framed, God knows how he would react?Many people can still vividly remember the scene of Yang Gang's upside down for his mother, for the Stone Monkey King, and for Nezha.

Anyway... they dare not accept this task.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor, sitting high in the sky, already knew it in his heart.Although there is no displeasure on the face, anger is already in the heart.

Who is the Supreme Emperor of the Three Realms?

My nephew is so proud of being favored and overwhelmed by heaven, how can he take his uncle seriously.

Not to mention the ancient times...

"His Majesty."

Just when the Heavenly Emperor was riding a tiger, the Taibai God finally stepped forward to rescue him.

He respectfully saluted and said: "As the elder brother of Mr. Yang, the Monkey King on Huaguo Mountain has always obeyed the law. This disaster may be a misunderstanding. I suggest that you should not deal with it with strong measures. Moreover, he is a great power in the Three Realms. With great supernatural powers and the invincibility of ancient artifacts, no ordinary person can subdue them."

"Now that the Three Realms are tentatively settled, the overall situation is not stable. Your Majesty... we still need to learn from that Nezha!"

He first clarified the right and wrong of it, and then clarified the seriousness of the relationship. His remarks made all the immortals nod again and again.

The emperor's expression suddenly changed.

"You mean, I'm afraid of them."

"No." Taibai Shenjun hastily lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty is so powerful in the three realms that no one will be dissatisfied. But... But after all, it is not Nezha, and he has committed an unforgivable crime."

"Your Majesty, you can read the kindness of biochemistry and issue an imperial decree to recruit peace, and handle this matter like Nezha. The Stone Monkey King will remember the love of the judicial god, and there will be no more troubles."


The Emperor of Heaven's expression paused, and the words of the Taibai Shenjun seemed to be in his arms, "Does the old gentleman have a good plan? Tell me in detail."


Taibai Shenjun breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "Such a great power like the Stone Monkey King doesn't care about fame, wealth and title. Your majesty only needs to recruit him to the upper realm, give him a big or small official position, and his name is in the book of life and death. Delisting."

"As for the descendants of those monkeys, why not let them enjoy themselves in Huaguo Mountain?"

"The Stone Monkey King won the reward, and he is grateful to His Majesty. If he grants the destiny, he will be rewarded later. If he violates the destiny, he will be captured here. If he can be restrained here, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"Of course." Hearing the words, the Heavenly Emperor immediately had a pleasant expression on his face, and greatly praised the plan of the Taibai Shenjun.

Then he entrusted the matter with full authority and let him handle it.

"Sir, take orders."

Taibai Shenjun bowed and retreated, and then recruited Wenqu Xingguan to write the imperial edict, and called for safety from the lower realm.

The following things followed the trajectory of another world. The Stone Monkey King was successfully persuaded by the Taibai God. In order not to implicate his brother, he had to go to the Heavenly Court to be enshrined.

Although he felt that he had lost his freedom, he also felt that the Emperor of Heaven was so polite to him, and his face was quite dignified.

It's just that he doesn't know.

All of this is the beginning of the unprecedented catastrophe that overturned Tiangong.

that day.

The Stone Monkey King went to heaven and entered the palace to pay homage to the Jade Emperor to resolve the conflict.

Then he was led to rest in the bedroom, waiting for the formal reward.

It's just that the immortals couldn't help but feel a headache for the name he bestowed.After all, this is not the real Journey to the West, because of Yang Gang's relationship, the Stone Monkey King has a special status now.

If the reward is light, I am afraid that he will be resented by him, and the Heavenly Court will lose all face.

If the reward is heavy, then the Stone Monkey King has no merit or virtue, and will not make any contribution to the heaven, which will easily arouse the grievances of the immortals.

And this time.

The Stone Monkey King, who had just settled down, couldn't sit still, left a monkey hair clone in the fairy palace, and slipped out quietly, trying to find his brother he hadn't seen for many years.

Along the way, there are many delicacies, wines and delicacies, as well as flat peaches and fairy fruits, leading to the Judicial Deity Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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