Chapter 462
"Who is in front? Stop!"

The Stone Monkey King was walking quietly in the Heavenly Palace when he suddenly heard a loud shout.

I saw a young general jumping out in front of him, holding a pointed gun, straddling the circle of heaven and earth on his shoulders, two red silks fluttering in the wind behind him, and a pair of hot wheels spinning leisurely under his feet.


The Stone Monkey King stared.

"Uncle Monkey?" Little Nezha looked surprised, and rushed towards the Stone Monkey King, slamming headfirst into his arms.

"Hahaha little Nezha, long time no see."

"Uncle cluck cluck monkey, Nezha misses you so much!"

The two hugged each other tightly and were very happy.

After a while.

The Stone Monkey King and Nezha sat on the steps of the Heavenly Palace and talked about the past.

"Nezha, is Heaven fun? Is there anything delicious, is there someone who wants to fight with you?" The Stone Monkey King chattered endlessly.

"No, no, this broken heaven is not fun at all, Nezha is almost bored to death!" Nezha responded sullenly, since he came to Heaven, he felt as if he had entered a cage, and he was no longer at ease like Chen Tangguan. .

"No problem, no problem. From now on, with my grandson accompanying you, you won't be bored. Let's go, let's go and play with my good brother!" The Stone Monkey King said enthusiastically.

Say it.

The two held hands and walked towards the Judicial Deity Hall.

After a year of practice in Huaguo Mountain, Nezha has become very familiar with the Stone Monkey King, and regards him as his best friend after his master, mother, and Xiao Shuixin.

After a while.

Two figures sneaked up to the Temple of Judiciary.

But I saw that the place was deserted and deserted, and no figure came in or out.In front of the main hall, there were two rows of heavenly soldiers standing guard, as if they were not guarding the heavenly temple, but guarding the prisoners.

"What's the situation?" the Stone Monkey King whispered.

"You don't know, because of me, Uncle Yang is now under house arrest in the Temple of Judicial God for me. He hasn't shown up for several years. I asked to see him several times, but there is no sign of him. The old emperor of that day, it's really hateful!"

Nezha spat viciously, and said, "Uncle Monkey, why don't we go into the palace and rescue Uncle Yang!"

"You boy, don't be impulsive."

The Stone Monkey King had the calmness of an elder. He tapped Nezha on the forehead and said with a smile, "This is the Heavenly Court. Breaking into the Judicial Heavenly Temple is tantamount to violating the rules of heaven. Forget how you were surrendered in the first place?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Nezha didn't care, and said in a high-spirited manner: "You, me, and Uncle Yang, who can stop the three of us joining forces in this heaven? The Emperor was so ruthless that day, so we just kept doing nothing and overturned the Lingxiao Palace , pull him down from the throne..."

"Be careful."

The Stone Monkey King covered Nezha's mouth, turned his head and looked around, "You are really outspoken, just like in ancient times! Is it possible to say such nonsense?"

"Even if you want to say it, it's not here!"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid." Nezha snorted, "Uncle Monkey, what happened to me in ancient times?"

"How to do?"

The Stone Monkey King flicked Nezha's forehead angrily and amusedly, "If you want to know, you'll find out if you have time to read the Shan Hai Jing outside the city of Shengjing. That thing should have also turned to the section of 'Bu Zhou Shan Qing' by now." Page."

"Isn't Zhoushan tilting?"

Nezha was full of curiosity.

"At that time, you fought against a Zhuqinglong named Gonggong in the mountains and seas, and finally caused the pillars supporting the heavens to collapse. It was your Uncle Yang's previous life who wiped your ass. Because of this, he lost all his powers and almost Even my life is with me.”

The Stone Monkey King patted Nezha on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "At that time, many people didn't believe him, but I...hehe."

He smiled smugly.

Then he said: "Okay, that's all. Anyway, in this life, you must trust your Uncle Yang. His wisdom is unmatched in the three realms. If he really wants to walk out of this Heavenly Temple, who can stop him?"


Nezha nodded in understanding.

Thinking of what happened before, he felt guilty immediately, and swung his fist to promise: "Last time I didn't trust Uncle Yang, which led to going to extremes and caused him to be placed under house arrest in the Temple of Justice. No matter what happens in the future, even if Uncle Yang lets Nezha Go to hell, Nezha will never frown!"

"it is good."

The Stone Monkey King laughed loudly, "I'm relieved if you have such a heart."

"Then what should we do now? I miss Uncle Yang..." Nezha pouted, looking at the cold Judicial God Hall with attachment on his face, "I haven't seen Uncle since the last incident. I haven't had time to apologize to him yet!"

"Don't worry, Monkey Lord, I have my own solution."

Say it.

The Stone Monkey King turned around and said the word 'change', and a puff of white smoke floated around.Nezha took a closer look, and found that he had changed into the appearance of Taibai Shenjun.

"I understand!" Nezha suddenly realized, followed by using the supernatural power of transformation, and with a flash of fire, he transformed into a middle-aged man with a short beard. It was his own father, Li Jin, King of Tota.


The two looked at each other and laughed.

Immediately swaggered towards the Judicial Temple.

"See Lord Taibai."

"See King Tota."

The heavenly soldiers in front of the hall hurriedly saluted.

"No need." The Stone Monkey King who changed into the 'Taibai God' waved his hands, and said old-fashionedly: "I am here by the order of the Emperor of Heaven, and there is a secret decree to pass on to the Judicial God. Please get out of the way as soon as possible."


The heavenly soldiers did not dare to be negligent, and quickly moved out of the way.

The Stone Monkey King walked into the hall openly and aboveboard, and Nezha behind him held his head upright, holding the pagoda, and followed closely behind.

The secluded Temple of Justice appears to be deserted.

The two wandered aimlessly, and finally reached the backyard, where they saw an elegant study.


"It should be."

The Stone Monkey King and Nezha looked at each other, and the Stone Monkey King coughed twice immediately, and said loudly: "The Emperor of Heaven has an order, and the decree is delivered to the God of Judiciary."


In the huge backyard, it seemed that there was no one there.


The two couldn't help being surprised, the Stone Monkey King shouted loudly again: "Yang Gang, the god of justice, is he in there?"

for a long time.


Yang Gang's voice sounded, "Stop pretending, come in."


The two nodded subconsciously.

The Stone Monkey King reacted immediately.

What don't you pretend?Could it be...

But Nezha couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, pushed open the door of the study, and pretended to shout: "Hahaha, brother Yang, long time no see."

It was Yang Gang who greeted him with a shudder.

"Ah—it hurts!" Nezha clutched his forehead and subconsciously took two steps back.

"You kid, how dare you pretend to be your father?" Yang Gang said with a smile.

"Uncle Yang, why did you recognize me at a glance?"

Nezha said aggrievedly.


The Stone Monkey King came in, and he had changed back to his original appearance. With a monkey face, he said: "Your Uncle Yang's heavenly eyes can see through all illusions in the world. If you want to hide it from him, you need to practice for another two years." .”

"Two years."

Nezha's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Okay! It's only been two years, I will definitely work hard!"


Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.


(End of this chapter)

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